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7/21/2017 2:59:17 PM
"Haven't posted on here for a while", but decides to let everyone know he's cancelling two pre-orders (???) for the same console. That's so cool. Wow. Thanks for sharing.

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  • he was talking to Bungie. this forum is the ONLY WAY to communicate with bungie,

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  • But doesn't get specific with anything they actually find they don't like. THIS is petulant whining. Plain and simple.

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  • Edited by b0bb1_z3r0: 7/21/2017 3:52:15 PM
    true but it's Bungie... you could post like that all day... they just ignore. during beta with all this feedback where is bungie community manager? half of TWAB was corporate doublespeak that means nothing.... "we're we're we're".... bungie ain't doing shit. it took an extra year and three studios to get this crap. not an exaggeration. are ppl seriously going to buy this reset garbage? enjoy your game and Bungie's love 😶👎

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  • I get if you don't want to buy it. That's not my problem at all. This isn't feedback. This isn't even criticism. This a child. Whining.

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  • why do you care? what do you get from complaining​ about people complaining to bungie? defending your girl's honor...? I get it

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  • HOPEFULLY it lessens the complaining to the point where this forum can actually function the way it was intended. What do you get out of defending the OP? "defending your girl's honor? I get it"

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  • you called him whiny. that's toxic. you could make your point that his criticism was not clearly defined without name calling. at that point it's no longer discussion just people being not nice to each other online this is the only way to communicate with bungie that's a problem too these guys got close to a billion dollars... and this is the best they can do with it

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  • Edited by badbrain1: 7/22/2017 7:47:08 PM
    Well whiny is toxic and unhelpful in the forums. You see bungie cant do anything with whiny. Bungie made a lot of changes in d1 based off the community but it seems to me the community doesnt know what they want. Weapon balance is one example. Sure bungie looks at statistics before tuning but they also look at the community. All we saw is ppl whiny about how they got killed by a weapon and called it op. Doesn't help when the game community is toxic. Your right though it doesnt help when players are attacking each other. If youve disagree about something give a reasonable reason why you disagree.

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  • I agree! They need an NPS system (Net Promotor Score) which relies on surveys that are not through a forum channel. 0-10 grading scale. 9-10 are promoters (they're, Bungie, doing great), 6-8 are neutrals (Bungie is doing mediocre work), and lastly (where I currently grade them) is 0-5, which are detractors. This means Bungie is absolutely poor in different areas of customer relations. Will they ever go to this system? Of course not! Luke & gang just want you all to "throw money at them!" It's much easier for Bungie to just ignore us. 3 days and I still can't even get past Homecoming mission without freezing. Where is Bungie's response? Oh that's right it was change language away from Russian!! Seriously!! Are they U.S. politicians? Oh, it's not working for you? It's Russia's fault! I'm about to call Sony and tell them cancel my pre-order too! This is completely unacceptable customer relations that Bungie has!

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  • I didn't call him a name. I said his post is whining, which it is. The only way to communicate with Bungie is through whining over a problem that you can't even put in the post? Yeah, I somehow doubt that....

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  • the only way is this forum. they never listen anyway. when people start posting it's probably more informative... as time goes on and Bungie refuses to acknowledge by words or actions... it devolved into what it is now. I made a post about where the -blam!- is the Community Manager during this important time? probably eating a sandwich. read TWAB... very low on specifics... we learned this -blam!-ed up communication style from bungie. promise ignore lie ignore promise ignore lie ignore until we rant.... and it all goes around again.

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  • And even when people rant, nothing happens. Why? Because Bungie knows as well as I do that responding to anything like that is pointless. It's a no-win scenario. You didn't learn that communication style from Bungie. Stop it. Bungie doesn't post a TWAB that says "GOD REALLY WISH GOD WOULD FIX THIS BROKEN COMMUNITY LWEGF LKBF " That's childish. Just as childish as posts like this one. I don't care if this place is the only place to "communicate with Bungie" although you just got done saying how posting on here is pointless because they don't listen anyways, but that's beside the point. You still have to know HOW to communicate, not just where. Post like these don't, and NEVER should, get a response from anyone at Bungie. Ever. Once the community gets back to constructive criticism and actual thought instead of petulant whining, and crying, MAYBE Bungie will be more receptive to an ACTUAL conversation with it's community. As of right now, this community is a bunch of children drowning out any source of actual intelligence. I don't blame Bungie one bit for not engaging us, especially on here.

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  • you missed my point. people used to post with more effort. bungie's replies have so far lead to a beta that has forums full of what you call whiny childish posts complaining. if the game was good these people would all be playing instead. enjoy your game

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  • Back to my point though, and it's the point that half of this brain dead community just refuses to accept. It is NOT Bungie's job to make a game that everyone will enjoy. That is impossible. It can not be done. So back to what I said earlier. If you don't like the game, Do. Not. Play. It. Take The Division for example. That game came out with a fair amount of hype and proceeded to fall directly on it's face. I actually got it on launch, played through the campaign and got to max level which was AWESOME, and then....nothing. Game was dead after that. EVERYONE knew it. Wanna know what happened? Salty forum posts? Sure. Some. Petulant whining from children? Probably, although I'm not a member of their forum so I don't know for sure. But you know what ALSO happened? People. Stopped. Playing. When they did this, it had this absolutely amazing effect where the company realized nobody wanted their crap and they were forced to make improvements to the game that their community had asked for in order to keep their player base alive and ultimately revive their game. Destiny players don't do this. They're all full of crap. They come on here, whine endlessly with no ideas or specifics like this pile of dog crap we call a post, and then go right back to playing. I laugh at people like that. That's like telling a restaurant that your food came out wrong and you don't like it, and then proceeding to eat it anyways....and then ask for something else...except you won't tell the restaurant what you didn't like about the first meal, and you're being extremely vague about what you'd like instead.

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  • I see your point but I think that's a failure on Bungie's part. destiny can be fun. fact is I don't really care anymore. I'm not buying it. you are. I come here to get info talk about Destiny.. but I really don't care anymore. I'm home now... I'll play some cause it cost $5. I'm not supporting it at launch. if there is a deal around Xmas maybe... maybe just check out again in year 5... get a spark/boost to catch up... all dlc for $40 an emblem? not even a weapon... an emblem. that's so -blam!-ing lame. but bungie are greedy and lazy and slow. 3 teams, a year late, and a forum full of hate. (that rhymes 😁) support it all you want defend it...idc enjoy your game

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  • I'm not even defending the game if you notice. I just want people to not be children or to maybe use a small level of intelligence when posting. This game is NEVER going to get any good feedback when we're having to deal with people like OP who just want to whine for attention and not actually help the game. This is the [i]community's[/i] fault. Quit acting like children and maybe Bungie will have reason to have an adult conversation with us. That or hit them where it hurts in their wallet and with the player totals. This community has shown it lacks the testicular fortitude (balls) to do either. Just come on here, whine, and keep playing to make sure you have new stuff to whine about.

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  • I apologize if I was being a jerk. it's not all stupid here... but I get your point

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  • No apology necessary. I don't get offended by people on the internet and you weren't even offensive so no worries. I just get real tired of seeing things like this. It's frustrating to have people continually crucify a company and their game and then when the company gives you an opportunity to test and make recommendations towards the sequel, people just spend the majority of it whining and complaining and not actually trying to improve the product they continually tear down, yet still play.

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  • You think a game is supposed to please everyone? lol No. If the game was more suited for those people*** they'd all be playing instead. The thing that this community can not grasp is that if they don't like the game, don't play it! Or at the very least offer ACTUAL criticism and ideas for how to improve it. The problem is with those people, not the game. Blaming behavior of the "offender" (forum posters) on the "victim" (Bungie) is just fundamentally incorrect. The game "being bad" should result in posts. It doesn't mean those posts should be filled with the same thing that's in a 3 year old's diaper.

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  • I don't think you're​ a bad guy at all. you're not a jerk or anything. you just like the game and I don't as much and I can relate to some of the complaints.. more than you. I also see your point. definitely.. there a are many post here that amount to just plain stupid hate. I try to ignore those unless they're mine though. 😁

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  • But see, it's not even about me liking the game. Check my posts. I'm not defending the game at all. I just want people to give actual criticism. Complain, sure. It's a beta. There's bound to problems. Just do it in a way that Bungie know...identify the An intelligent person would go a step further and offer a solution or two. I'm not directing any of this at you so much as at people in general. There are intelligent and smart people on this forum. Sadly they get drowned out by the posts like these.

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  • bungie a victim? srsly? they got paid. they got more time. you know this game D2 is a year late, has 3 studios working on it, and still is getting this many complaints. who exactly is victimizing bungie? the Guardians who bought and played the game? the very people who are supporting bungie efforts.... poor Bungie... were all just so mean. maybe if we meaner they will go cry somewhere forever and we can be fine with discussions about this game with people like you... people who have such love for (it seems) Bungie that you cannot countenance any criticism

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  • I was giving you some credit and hoping you'd get the actual point and not run with the "victim" word, which is why I put it in quotations, but you missed it. Oh well. The game is 2 years late even though it started with only 2 years to make it which was stupid to being with. No good AAA game is made in two years. Expecting them to do it was stupid. 3 studios? Please tell me you're going to list both Activision and Bungie. Please tell me that. lol It was nothing to do with being mean to Bungie. It has everything to do with this community acting like an entitled five yr old. Whiny posts deserved to be told to F off. Not ever responded to by anyone at Bungie.

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  • my mistake. I apologize either way... are you saying you have no complaints? everything is all good for you?

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