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Edited by Sickraps, Kell of Bars: 7/21/2017 2:04:16 AM

Hunters got the wrong DPS skill

So of course by now anyone will notice that Bungie is attempting to set up the RPG Holy Trinity. Tanks, Supports, DPS. Titans got the tanks defense/durability, Warlocks got the healing/buff support, and Hunters got a mobility skill that auto reloads...woo hoo, right? Nope. [b][i]It's probably the dumbest decision Bungie has ever made[/i][/b] (and I try hard, so hard to defend them, I really do.) Ok, so the role of a DPS is solely to do what their title suggests: deal damage per second. DPS roles excel at dealing the highest amount of sustained damage over extended periods of time. They do this while Tanks draw Aggro and/or soak up enemy damage, and Supports heal and/or buff the DPS and Tanks to augment their effectiveness. In order for a DPS to efficiently do their job they are typically equipped with three unique things: [b]1) Naturally high base damage.[/b] [i]This is their bread.[/i] [b]2) Burst damage skills to increase their DPS at regular intervals.[/b] [i]This is their butter.[/i] [b]3) Mobility skills to give them a quick escape button if things get dicey.[/b] [i]And this is the ice cold drink on the side.[/i] When all three of these come together you get a solid, well rounded DPS. I'm sure a lot of gamers know these facts by now. Now here's the problem, [i]you can literally skip the whole facts part and just read the next sentence lol.[/i] [b]Every class has the same DPS.[/b] And all of it comes from, not our individual class roles, but our weapons. Which every player has equal access to. This in turn, automatically makes every other class a better choice.... These are Hunter main tears you're tasting here, not try hard sweat. Of all of the possibilities, this was the best their team of minds could come up with? A minuscule dodge that damn near every enemy unit and Guardian can keep up with and a less efficient reload than the one [i]already mapped to our square button?[/i] I mean, yeah it looks cool and it's [i]somewhat[/i] fun to use, but [b]where is the utility[/b]? I mean Titans have a barrier that auto reloads after crouching behind it for Christ sake, that's utility. Where is our utility? A more fitting DPS utility like a burst damage skill or a solo buff? Hell here's a better idea off the top of my head; Hunters Trance: Every shot becomes a precision shot for a limited amount of time. Any incoming damage decreases the cooldowns of abilities. Like honestly, it's not that hard Bungie

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  • 100% agree, not to mention the DPS tools that we have, golden gun and the arc staff, have to compete with other suppers which are better in almost all regards. Dawn blade can dish out similar damage but gets armour ,unlike golden gun, and has more roam time creating a problem in PVE and PVP alike. The Sentinel has similar ad clear capability as does the to arc staff but had more defence, range AND utility. The removal of the invisibility abilities does present a problem in the form of decreasing support value of any kind. It would make more sense if one of the trees in the arc staider class revolved around invisibility and getting bonus damage from surprise attacks. Golden gun can be remedied by giving it more damage specifically significantly more than a sniper shot level of damage. Given Bungie's ability to adjust PVE and PVP separately it seems unreasonable to hinder the class so bad in both aspects.

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  • Edited by VallhaIa: 7/24/2017 7:43:04 PM
    Dodge is a pathetic excuse for a class ability. Why does a somersault need a cooldown again?

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  • *slow claps* As a D1 Hunter main, it is clear that this class is easily the worst load out of all three in D2. Your perk idea is excellent by the way, and I couldn't have said it any better myself. "What is the Hunter's utility now exactly?" Cheers.

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    9 Replies
    • Seriously so good. I still can't figure out what Bungie could be possibly thinking with the hunters class ability. It's so useless it's not even funny. Also last night I played through as the Warlock and I was extremely surprised to find out that the warlock has the same dodge ability in the air but can do it every 5 SECONDS. Literally you press B, B in the air to preform a dodge. It's one of the extra perks on their perk tree for Dawnblade. To put that in perspective the hunters class dodge takes upwards of 30 seconds to recharge and the Warlocks get the exact same dodge in the air every 5 seconds. As an extra ability apart from their already awesome class ability rifts. ARE YOU SERIOUS BUNGIE?!! Does Bungie just hate Hunters? I seriously don't get it.

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      • Instead of a DPS role, Hunter's got a DPS roll....

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        • As a hunter main as well- the hunter somersault is an abject joke compared to warlock and Titan abilities. Unbelievable this is what hunters got and the skill tree looks utterly horrid

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          • After reading even just the first portion of your post guess what popped into my mind? Like that'll ever happen. I'm sure you know why. Because of PvP. Even the warlock ability seems great at first but is a little lackluster once you use it a bit. What you described in this post how things should be if going that route sounds great. There's no way Bungie is going to take even the slightest chance of having the classes be unbalanced. All the changes we've experienced in the beta have been to make balancing PvP more manageable. If that's the kind of game you're looking for I doubt Destiny will ever meet those expectations unfortunately.

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          • Theoretically, the hunter ability matches the class pretty well. The idea is to stay mobile and consistantly dish out damage. It should definitely have a lower cooldown than the others, and pretty much every ability animation needs to be sped up. [spoiler]not to stifle your creativity... but I can not agree with that ability at the end... Remove the need for skill and have it recover extra fast? Nope. Headshots are too important in D2 atm. lol. Maybe if it only marked currently visible enemies for extra damage. But no cd shortcut.[/spoiler] I don't think the Warlock ability is anything to be too upset over, from what I can tell the healing stops if you're damaged and the damage bonus version is negligible.

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            • Edited by GreenD614: 7/22/2017 10:12:43 PM
              The dodge in Desitny 2 is weak compared to the dodge roll in Destiny 1. And the recharge rate is slower. I cannot believe they even made that the Hunters "DPS" move. Very lame.

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            • Remember in the Vault of glass days when hunters brought nothing at all useful to the table? So happy to have those days return

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            • This class has been nerfed to hell. Its supposed to be a stealth class like blade dancer and Nightstalker. Arcstrider is just blade dancer with pole and crap abilities...

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            • That's actually a cool idea that you had at the end. All precision hits for a short time. Nice. You should be a dev lol

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            • I think the class ability has a good base and it fits for the hunter but it does need a little bit of tweaking. I think the cooldown should go down to 10 seconds. There is no reason that a warlock dodge should be argued as better than the class ability for hunters. There should be no argument, because it is their class ability, hunter's dodge needs to be flat out better. For pve, I think a good idea would be to increase the damage of precision shots for 3 seconds after the marksman's dodge. (In addition to the perk it already has)

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              • This 100%! I love my Hunter! I'm so disappointed with how horrible our class set up is in D2. It's depressing.

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              • Edited by VallhaIa: 7/22/2017 3:39:44 AM
                The perfect combo kind of exists: Titan wall in front of warlock rift. Imagine if hunters could add something to the mix. Like invisibility. Here's my proposal- Hunter class ability: Smoke bomb that lingers ( so if your low on health just walk back in the smoke) Just imagine the combo; a titan pops his shield, a warlock puts down his rift, and a hunter throws a smoke bomb down. = kickass

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              • Like your idea, I've only ever played hunter and I'm getting the feeling it's gunna be hard to be included in raids as a hunter in d2

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                • Your jumping the gun on this one. They cut a lot of stuff out so I'm sure there is more to see for the hunter in PvE then what this beta provided. I honestly think all three classes are roughly on the same level, but the warlock seems to be a bit overwhelming. I think you get up to six shots with golden gun now so you should be able to stack on some dps if you shoot 4 of those.

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                • What if the class ability was a nightstalker like vanish smoke bomb so the hunter could play be more stealthy role, and so the entire fireteam could benefit as well. Just put dodge in the skill tree and give hunters an ability like warlocks and titans that your teammates can benefit from too. If not no one will want hunters in raids.

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                • I agree about the class abilities being weak sauce. I feel like the dash should be class node like the Icarus dash, and we should get something better. People on Reddit where talking about smoke and/or invisibility. I don't really know what I'd replace it with, but I'm not a fan of what we have got so far.

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                • Yeah but they would be beyond op in pvp with a higher base damage. Now for PvE heck yes please. They are so lacking. As a warlock I feel bad about my nova bomb, but I don't feel obsolete. I can actually support allies now. I feel where you are coming from. But I would hate for them to become the PvP meta and then get nerfed into the ground. There has got to be another way aside from bonus base damage. Also warlocks are kind of damage dealers as well. Which we do have going for us in the way we use the light. Hunters need to gain like a crit ability. Which greatly increases damage for precision shots. And it should be something that's not for the entire team. This ability would be recharged by killing enemies. This would greatly increase its utility in PvE and making it at least viable in pvp.

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                • Edited by QuirkyBurpy: 7/22/2017 12:14:24 AM
                  I actually think that hunter grenades and melee abilities should be buffed using skills that Warlocks and Titans aren't using right now. Maybe apply a stackable melting point to melee abilities like the throwing knife to a single target and the smoke dampener on grenades to negate other abilities and slowdown anyone affected. The dodge ability will also be reworked to instead of reloading, to instantly recharge grenades (now dodge can recharge either grenade or melee ability). Essentially while Warlocks and Titans rally guardians, the Hunter will be the antithesis and scatter them.

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                • On Hunters, they need some adjusting. Especially for PvE. It is painful that they are the only class without a support class ability. Titans get walls and Warlocks buff/healing pools that others in the fireteam can benefit from. Hunters just get a dodge that benefits only them. (And on Xbox {can't speak to PS4}, this needs major adjusting, as the dodge did not activate about 3/4 of the time double-B was pressed, with the ability full). The Hunters need a support class ability. Maybe by holding down B? But something to buff the fireteam or debuff/disorient the enemy. For PvP, as Ms 5000 Watts stated in her youtube video, Hunter need some way to either avoid damage or heal quicker (or more safely). To paraphrase her, Titans can reduce or avoid damage with a wall, allowing their health to regenerate. Warlocks can put down a healing rift that quickly heals them and keeps healing them (basically negating damage for a short time). Hunters can only hide and wait for their health to regen. Yes, they can stand behind the Titan wall or in the Warlock rift, but why make them stay glued to another class's hip. They need some means of avoiding damage or quick heal so that they don't spend half the game hiding to regen health. Invisibility was the method in D1, but you (Bungie) seem to have ruled that out. Again, Bungie, please reconsider the class ability for Hunters. Thank you.

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                  • After playing Destiny 2 beta, I hate the "new" hunter. Why need the hunter a cool down for a backflip? I wait like 40 sek.? The warlock has the ability a backflip in the air all 10 sek.? Why? I love the dodge roll ability, but I think it should be implemented as a regular ability we can spec into, and have a totally different class ability that benefits the hunter and the team for both PVE, and PVP. This ability is so retarded. Titans have a shield to protect the team, warlocks can heal! If they do choose to keep the dodge roll as the class ability then it should either heal or buff all allies around the hunter. Maybe I was hoping for some kind of trap you could place, either for a DoT or a snare. The Dodge just feels weak and selfish. Or the hunter should throw a smoke bomb for invisibility or cofuse the enemies in the smoke with a backflip? The other two class abilities have great team utility the Hunter? Not at all. I predict Hunters will have a hard time finding a role in the raids.

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                    • I actually did a dodge roll during the strike last night as one of those Cabal Gladiators with the butcher knives jumped at me. His jump tracked me. He literally altered course in mid-air to follow me and hit me and kill me. What value is there in a dodge where enemies track you through it? Pretty much none.

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                    • the answer to why hunters will never have a different dps... PvP

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                      • Something your forgetting is that these classes only have two elements each. In D1, the three classes got their third element in an expansion. Fire for titans, Lightning for OP gods and Void for hunters. The classes in D2 have the same elements they had as in D1 pre expansion.

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