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7/24/2004 12:40:22 AM

Bungie Weekly Update!!!

[b]July 23, 2004[/b] It's been a busy, busy week. So busy in fact, and so crunchtacular, that basically nobody is really available to chat this week. Sorry. Don't yell/flame/freak out. Sketch was out in New York being a muckety-muck all week, and I got roped into another classic Parsons travel-trap. It involves a passport, and some international shenanigans. Think sauerbraten. Anyway, lots going on in the studio, and I've been playing through a very nice-looking build of the game. I noticed the skyboxes are looking amazing. Skyboxes are basically the sky (duh) designed to look 3D with flitting clouds, translucent fog and a feeling of real space and height. One in particular made me actually gasp as I looked up. 'Gasp!" went I. The skyboxes are often fixed later in the polishing process and a bunch of the placeholders have had big holes in the center for a long time. Probably the ozone layer or something. Anyway, placeholders are becoming rarer and rarer. There's even a placeholder sound. A startling, yet melodic tinkle accompanies any footstep on an undefined texture – that is to say, a texture that hasn't yet has a footstep sound associated with it. I kinda miss the tinkle on multiplayer maps, since it loudly announced when somebody was walking in certain areas. Which you would then blast. With a Brute Shot. "Tinkle, tinkle, tinkle. Whump, whump, whump. Blam! Blam! Blam! Ow." Marty also let me hear one of the new pieces of finished music from the game. It was perfect. Totally inspiring, a soaring cavalcade of angelic ecstasy, tempered with just a hint of mournful longng, and all this to a totally danceable Euro-technobeat….I'm just kidding Marty. It was great. Last week's experimental foray to the Penny Arcade forums was a roaring success, if that is, you judge success by the number of flames, death-threats and pictures of distended sphincters you get. The Penny Arcade guys (who fear to tread there themselves and are super-nice) actually warned me, but by then it was too late. I read about 40 pages of angry flames before I realized that I had no idea what they were mad about. They were complaining about the arrival of the "noobz" yet only a couple of percent of the posts were actually by "noobz." It was a self-powered nightmare, but we all had a good laugh. I've actually been playing more and more of the single player campaign, but last night, playing multiplayer, through my own crappy connection, I noticed nothing. No slowdown, no lag and no garbled voices. It was like playing on a LAN. Wonders never cease. I hope that's typical of how it will be in the retail game. In single player, I'm being distracted by the lovely environments of course, but also by the amount of interaction there is in the levels. There's a lot more use of cover, by both good guys and bad guys, but there are other ways you interact with the environments that are both novel and old-school, simultaneously…. And on that graphics whore note, I noticed two new types of water. One shallow, one deep. Both lovely. Splish splash. I sure do love game water. My favorite all time non-Halo game water? The icy pool in Dead or Alive 3. Brrrr! [b]Adrian Perez[/b] Adrian's bug-fixing has reached something of a crescendo. "Every week we get closer to finishing, which means that every week the bugs I’m fixing are less and less critical.  This also has the unfortunate side effect of making them less and less interesting to talk about.  I added a few gravy features to the HUD so that Dave can work his magic, fixed a few lightmap problems that have been plaguing us since the beginning of time, and fixed a couple dozen miscellaneous bugs.  One cool thing I did was allow the designers script control over the damaging of specific sections in a model.  If they want some scripted event where the left tire of a warthog explodes and goes tumbling away, they will have a lot more control."  [b]Chris Carney[/b] Our multiplayer maven is tweaking, tuning, fixing and hammering on the multiplayer levels.   "Concerning updates, Steve “Land of “ Cotton and I have been spending our waking moments trying to finish up all of new content by next Friday (i.e. content complete).  Included in this last mad dash is some familiar lands, and yes, I can not be more specific.  But let’s just say that we have been spending some serious time with some old friends.  In addition, we are going through all of our maps to try and finalize any outstanding game play elements, and are also deeply involved in polishing the art in the environments to a fine glossy sheen.  One of our major goals in Halo 2 multiplayer is to have at least one or two of the new maps look as shiny as Butkus’s car."   Bam.   [b]David Candland[/b] Our User Interface maestro is getting seriously down and dirty with icons, iconography and iconification.   "This was the week of icons, icons, and more icons. First off, I updated the Xbox Live icons in the friends, clan, and players menus. We needed a special icon to represent a specific team member. Max suggested adding a large sombrero or foam cowboy hat to the friend icon. Although I laughed initially nothing better popped into my head. Fine, sombrero it is…for now. Next, another throwback to the Myth days. Our player level system is getting icons based on the Covenant caste structure. You will soon be able to see how good a player is just by looking at his rank icon.   Lastly, I’m working on refining some of the custom player emblems that don’t read well at small sizes. Sorry, but I’m afraid the shrunken head has got to go. Event horizon is borderline. Flaming Ninja has won the battle of emotional attachment over legibility. He’s in.   So, that's it until next week, when I'll recount my mysterious trip. I know it was short, and a bit limp, so I'll make it up to you next week. Until then, here's Mister Chief reacting to a skybox. It's more of a scream than a gasp… [img][/img]

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  • BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • hewy u guys im an older member tahn all of u then frankie gets special treatment man

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  • If bunigie has not already thought of it, i think that the Elite Skull, (as seen in Legendary Mode Display) should be a symbol used for ranking, or as i have heard there might be custom armor by adding symbols, just as a symbol on the armor. And does anyone know if there will there be ranking outside of online multiplayer? Or Just normal symbols?

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  • natedogg nice ive been gone fer a week nething happen?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Frankie Halo 2 comes out on Nov. 9th or Nov. 11th for the UK. It does NOT come out on Aug 24th. You know what does come out on Aug. 24th? Some OXM special which does NOT, and I repeat does NOT have a Halo 2 demo on it. No clue how that rumor gained so much momentum. But to reiterate, Halo 2 comes out Nov. 9th or Nov.11th for the UK. Sigh. [/quote] Your absolutly right Frankie!!! We all apologize for being interested in something your company (most likely) created.... I mean, just because a theatrical trailer for Halo 2 (with a URL for a site with a countdown clock to the 24th of Aug) was repeatedly shown at the begining of blockbuster movies, why should we expect anything to happen? Certainly the mention of a "medium metastatizing" (being created and spreading) shouldn't make us think that a Halo 2 disc (medium) might be manufactured and shipped. And just because there was an add for a special edition OXM that would be released on a special date (24th), we shouldn't have been so stupid to think that maybe a demo would be included.... Once again Frank we're sorry, sorry, sorry.... *continues apologizing while bowing and walking backwards through the door* Nate

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  • [color=white][url= orhalo&p=467313]Abso--blam!--ing-lutely![/url] If, however, you don't believe the 2nd paragraph's claim in that link, how about [url= 1-p=13]this[/url], from the same source? It's the 21st post on that page. O.k., so maybe that's rash. Maybe if it's from the same source, you're even less likely to believe it. [url=]Here[/url] is yet more proof that the August date has nothing to do with Halo 2, and a good reason to move immediately to New Zealand, if you're devoted, or Chris Butcher. No offense, Chris. And, if all that doesn't sway you, consider [url=]Germany[/url], where they'll be playing Halo 2 much later than either the U.S. [i]or[/i] New Zealand (as will we all), but they have that beautiful poster to slobber over for an extra 48 hours. Mmm...poster.[/color] [Edited on 8/8/2004 5:04:29 AM]

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    [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Alx777 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Frankie Halo 2 comes out on Nov. 9th or Nov. 11th for the UK. It does NOT come out on Aug 24th. You know what does come out on Aug. 24th? Some OXM special which does NOT, and I repeat does NOT have a Halo 2 demo on it. No clue how that rumor gained so much momentum. But to reiterate, Halo 2 comes out Nov. 9th or Nov.11th for the UK. Sigh. [/quote] And by november 9th you mean august 24th right? :D[/quote] No he means November 9th

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] jaytargal oh, and about the girlfriends part....just joking.....I know you don't have any girlfriends[/quote] ooooh! very nice!! i applaude that comment. you don't mind if i sig it, do you? no? good, consider it sigged.

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  • [color=white][quote]Halo 2 will come in two flavors - the regular green plastic case you all know and love, and the new extra special collector's edition. The collector's edition will cost slightly more and includes a limited edition metal box as well as a bonus DVD filled with cool stuff like the "making of Halo 2 documentary", behind the scenes footage, developer interviews and more. There are only a limited number of these being produced but anyone who pre-orders should more or less be guaranteed to get one. This offer will be subject to availability in your country, but is not limited to the US.[/quote] [url=]The Halo 2 FAQ[/url] tells all. Are you in Canada? Because it's only $5 more than the regular edition in the U.S.[/color]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Frankie Halo 2 comes out on Nov. 9th or Nov. 11th for the UK. It does NOT come out on Aug 24th. You know what does come out on Aug. 24th? Some OXM special which does NOT, and I repeat does NOT have a Halo 2 demo on it. No clue how that rumor gained so much momentum. But to reiterate, Halo 2 comes out Nov. 9th or Nov.11th for the UK. Sigh. [/quote] And by november 9th you mean august 24th right? :D

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  • This weeks update wont contain anything about bees, and I highly doubt anything about the release date. I'm glad this is over, I couldnt stand to see any more n00bs think it was coming out early. The countdown is about the ARG folks, it was from the beginning, and it will be when its done.

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  • hes lieing

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  • umm british people are annoying????? and why would anybody think it was coming out on the 24th and if there was a demo...which concludes my point british people will all die of lung cancer.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mareko Does anyone know what features there are on the [i] Halo 2 : Limited Edition [/i]? It's $10.00 more....[/quote] I don't know everything but there is an extra DVD with videos on the making of the game, some fan-created videos and art, I think they said extra cutscenes that didn't make it into the game, and other nifty stuff. Oh, and the shiny metal case. Ooooh, shiny... -- Steve is once again distracted by a shiny object.

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  • I am the Anti-Bungie. Prepare for assimilation.

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  • Does anyone know what features there are on the [i] Halo 2 : Limited Edition [/i]? It's $10.00 more....

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  • WHERE IS THAT WEEKLY UPDATE ALREADY!!!!! [Edited on 8/6/2004 9:36:15 AM]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Newboy If you saw that Halo 2 trailer at the movies at the end when the X comes up above the xbox thing on the bottom where it says and it has a little effect slow the movie down an it will say it happens too fast for eyes that you need to slow it down.[/quote] dude... your a little slow on the whole thing.

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  • give me a new update damnit... one that says something about bees!!!

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  • Where can i find this weeks update???

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] jaytargal Pzycho, gotta give you some props for that. Apparently their is a large sect that want to act like they've known everything all along. [/quote] Strange. The "sect" that's acted like they've known the reason for ILB is the one that claimed it was for an August 24th early release. Everybody else that I've noticed has been saying "we don't know"... and that's an odd way to show off as a "know-it-all". [quote]By the way, I'm not claiming to know either way...there is evidence to support both sides[/quote] Both sides of [b]what?[/b] There isn't enough evidence to support [b]any[/b] conclusion as to what the date means... I'm guessing that we'll have to wait until August 10th in order to get enough to make an educated guess. I'm not happy that there won't be Halo 2 in August. Who would be? I want to get my hands on it as soon as possible; that's why I preordered the limited edition back in May. I [b]am[/b] happy that an unfounded rumour, started by sloppy research and supported to absurd lengths by unthinking fanboism, has been put to rest. (And it is. If Frankie isn't in on an early release date, that's because there isn't one... THAT'S HIS JOB! He and Sketch do community liason, dammit!) I'm happy that unreasonable expectations have been shot down before bad publicity hurt Bungie. All the false rumours about an April release, again due to sloppy research and poor journalism, came back as accusations that Halo 2 had been delayed. How do you think that helps when November rolls around and stores are looking to make their bulk purchases for the Holiday season? I'm happy that folks are going to pay attention to the FRIGGIN' HUGE LETTERS spelling out "NOVEMBER 9" on the very trailer they cite as a source for their early release speculation. C'mon, folks, cinematic trailers are expensive; you don't use them to lay down a smokescreen. I'm happy that Halo 2 speculation will become about more than whether or not Pete's tattoo is fake. I'm happy that the forums will be able to discuss more that just this one rumour. And I hope that some folks have seen the hazards of letting other people do their thinking for them, and will carry this lesson with them as they go on in life. The next time you get an email offering you your fondest wish, I hope you look carefully at the fine print for the cost instead of stampeding off towards it and, possibly, over a cliff. -- Steve's not keeping his hopes to high on that, though... he's Seen Too Much.

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  • If you saw that Halo 2 trailer at the movies at the end when the X comes up above the xbox thing on the bottom where it says and it has a little effect slow the movie down an it will say it happens too fast for eyes that you need to slow it down.

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  • I have a question... If in the US the release date is nov 9th what about us canadians eh? when do we get the game...?

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  • Pzycho, gotta give you some props for that. Apparently their is a large sect that want to act like they've known everything all along. This sect also wants to make anyone who even mildly wondered about the significance of the ILB site feel insane. Whatever, you posers, keep acting...keep acting like you knew whats up. The funniest part about your arrogance is that when asked "what is happening on the 24th?" none of them have ANY answers...nothing, so keep frontin morkboys, the stage is allllll yours. To fake it, or not to fake it...thats what your girl friends wonder By the way, I'm not claiming to know either way...there is evidence to support both sides oh, and about the girlfriends part....just joking.....I know you don't have any girlfriends [Edited on 8/6/2004 12:22:40 AM]

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  • Yea except when a million people kill themselves over halo 2 not being released in aug 24 and being so upset that they cant controll the rage thats deep inside them since the first pushback date of halo2. [Edited on 8/5/2004 8:12:23 PM]

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  • Frankie is lying

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