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11/28/2016 10:23:31 PM
Awww, I'm sorry that he denied you a clip for your next trials sniping montage. I'm sure that the next one would have been sooooo much better than your others. Sniping montages are so unique, and you're even using TLW in all the clips as well. Thank you for breaking the mold to bring us refreshing gameplay highlights. I've never seen a sniper/TLW montage before. Never. Especially not one that takes place in trials. Also, did I see some shotgun clips in your montages as well? You clearly avoid the meta. Good for you. Screw those Titans for using something that can give them an advantage. You sir, are a true representative of balance. With your LDR, TLW, and Last Ditch. No crutches for you. Please, continue to make meta breaking montages for the enjoyment of all guardians. Seriously, a sniping montage? Unheard of, MOTW material maybe.

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