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11/7/2016 3:21:01 AM

Orion Initiative Question—Potential Bug

[spoiler]I know that I'm getting flamed on this thread. I don't care.[/spoiler] So, for those of you here playing Infinite Warfare, I have a question. This applies to the Orion Initiative Mission Team (as well as any team that requires objective play). Earlier today, I attempted to complete the mission of getting one kill while attacking the objective. I start a match of Domination—a standard objective mode. I attack Bravo, and kill an enemy while on the flag (note well—at this point nobody has captured it yet). However, I did not get credit. Perhaps it was because the enemy was not on the flag? I run it again, with the enemy on the flag this time. Still nothing. Okay, now this is kind of stupid at this point. I run it again, with a captured flag, with an enemy on it. I get the kill, while on the captured flag. Nothing. Now, the mission was to get 1 kill while attacking an objective—no specific mode mentioned. So, why did I not get credit for this? I want to know if anybody else has this problem.

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