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Edited by Twotall: 10/11/2016 11:57:10 AM

Community, brainstorm how Bungie can make the highest impact primaries viable

I've always been a significant fan of the highest impact/slowest fire archetype of weapons since I started Destiny. It just feels good to do as much damage as possible in a single shot. Right now the TTK for anything but head shots is significantly lower for Low RoF weapons just because they take so long to fire their shots but their head shots have a [u][i][b]VERY[/b][/i][/u] small increase to TTK compared to the fastest RoF weapons. So when just looking at TTK based on body/head shots you would think that the archetypes are balanced... this is where you need more information, because they aren't really balanced. What you sacrifice going with the slowest RoF weapons is flinch. I may be wrong, but it feels to me that every weapon (or rather bullet regardless of the weapon it came from) has the same amount of flinch. You can say that high caliber rounds helps but because you cannot easily research this in your day-to-day play (when you fire a high caliber weapon at someone you cant actually see the flinch they are experiencing) we have very little idea of the difference. Based on this, the shear fact that you have more bullets hitting your target in a period of time with the high RoF archetypes and similar to comparable TTK you have almost no choice to go with the highest RoF (or near highest, looking at you Hawksaw) archetype of each weapon. I get that the really skilled with these weapons can use them, get all head shots, and shave 0.13-0.14 seconds (scout rifles-pulse rifles, the only two types of weapons that it even makes any sense to go with the slow RoF) off their time to kill from the optimal archetype... but why would they give up crazy flinch (mostly pulse, some scout) or 0.2 seconds TTK body shots (only scouts, pulse is equal)... Then you bring up things like auto rifles and hand cannons where it makes NO sense based on TTK to run low RoF archetypes at all... you literally dont even get a faster TTK on head shots. The only place in competitive crucible it makes to take the lowest RoF is Iron Banner, and that's only for hand cannons and only because you can two shot lower light (5-10) guardians with head shots (I was doing 100-103 dmg per head shot this iron banner with The Lingering Song on a lot of players) ________________________________________________________________ Now comes the part where I challenge the community to brainstorm how Bungie can bring the slow RoF weapons (mostly scout, auto, hand cannon) into the meta. My idea is to make them have stronger innate "target tracking/stickyness" (but not aim assist, the bit where bullets magnetize to the target) and while the weapon is equipped the player has an innate resistance to flinch.

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