They'll just take up both time and money from you. I've never had a GF before now I'm just trying to see if dating is all that big of a deal.
To make sandwiches
tbh only a person who's never been in a relationship could ask this question no disrespect by that btw but a partner isn't just for sex when you like some one you like spending time with them and hanging out it doesn't have to take up money there are PLENTY of really really cheap and even free date ideas your partner is some one you look forward to seeing enjoy talking to and you care about them and they care about you there for your feeling whether they be happy or sad
its called love; the enjoyment of another person's company while doing things you enjoy. that's what relationships are for---> not sex
I've been single for 6 years and I have no issue with it. I like being alone and only having female friends. Plus I'm psycho and weird, I don't think I can get a girl even if I tired.
It's enjoyable to have someone generally care about you.
Not to be gehy
Well, I got lucky and my wife happens to be my best friend.
Companionship. My wife is my best friend.
You make it seem like sex is the point of dating. It's should be thought of more as a bonus. You come off as a shallow f[b][/b]uckstick. Please do not date, I wouldn't want anyone to get stuck with you.
[quote]They'll just take up both time and money from you.[/quote] This is why it's wise to date people who have aspirations in life to be something other than a leech. I mean taking up time shouldn't be that big a deal, since you should be able to enjoy time in their company, but they should have a means of income and share the expenses with you instead of constantly being an expense themselves. Romantic relationships can have plenty of potential benefits. Sexual satisfaction, long-term emotional companionship, a shared pool of income to provide a better quality of life for you both. It's just a matter of finding someone you're sufficiently compatible with so that ideal results can be achieved.
You have a lot to learn
Comment this if you were pissed off by this thread
Other sexual events.
Having someone that you can trust with your feelings so you can cry while in the loving embrace of something other than your pillow.
Get a boyfriend instead
[quote]They'll just take up both time and money from you.[/quote] So does a dog, if you're equally cynical. Perhaps there's more to it than just spending money and lounging around.
Female companionship. Be tough all you want be you ain't gone be able to live without it so suck it up lol
I mean, my girlfriend and I hardly ever have sex. She's just really -blam!-ing cool to be around since neither of us are shallow assholes and we actually get along. Sex is just a nice bonus. Kek.
I work best alone, you know trust issues.
Well for some it's just sex. But you don't really need to have a girlfriend to have a steady flow of it. For me I like to date girls because it's nice having someone that cares about you. And even if it doesn't work out it will help grow as a person. And having a couple long term ones not working out helps you learn what it takes for a relationship to work. So that when you finally are looking someone to settle down with you know what to do.
They can pay half the bills.
Sandwiches ...duh.
Having someone who actually cares about you. Having someone you're comfortable with that is easy to do anything with. (At least in my case)
Well you have someone to do stuff with, talk to whenever, they'll buy stuff for you, fun to be around, enjoying each other's company etc.
Humans crave social interaction. Having someone close you can be emotionally intimate with as well as physically has been proven to increase emotional health and longevity. Good emotional health has also been proven to increase live expectancy, longevity, and it decreases risks for certain diseases.