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Edited by Kone19ps: 9/5/2016 12:51:38 AM

To bungie: what is your goal for trials access?

Edit: bungie if you do read this please look at my replies. I'll try to keep editing but a lot my replies below flesh out my idea more than my OP. [b]Tldr: is trials supposed to be this exclusive and determined by the best of the best getting worse as the population drops? Is this bungies ideal set up? My idea: Going flawless gives you a badge like the triumphs or a different reward pool passage that earns you more rewards for beating other flawless teams which also prioritizes flawless against flawless more to both encourage those rewards and give trials players as the weekends go on less of a chance of matching a nonflawless team. Increasing the number of people going flawless while maintaining the competitiveness and increasing rewards for everyone including a new tier of rewards for the best of the best to chase. Hopefully this increases the trials population from increased chance of rewards to benefit the playlist as a whole and mediate the lag that could be caused by the added influence of the flawless prioritizing with current matchmaking may have. This is prioritizing not guarantee. A tier system that divided would bottleneck the population. Essentially I think we would end up with an environment similar to early trials rather than far higher skill gap constantly from the low population now. Majority would see an increase in normal rewards. Flawless would only increase of the primary reason people aren't going flawless is the influence of flawless players playing over and over. Then is that really fair?[/b] So we here have argued over and over with each other for how accessible trials should be. However, I don't remember seeing bungie ever really comment on what their goal is. I don't want the canned answer "well if you can make a team and have the minimum light requirements you can access it." No I'm talking about access and meaningful progress. Do you actually want casuals to have to go against the best in the game that rng can provide? Are you fine with it being meaningful content to less than 20% of the population like raids? (I don't know the number but I know it's less than 20) I understand streamers are your free advertising and they deserve to be able to play over and over but not at the expense of the rest of the population. Prioritizing prior flawless with flawless should be implemented. If you think that would increase lag too much I want to hear that not assume it. Is it worth protecting the 1% at the cost of excluding so many other players? Why? I want trials to have the replay ability for the die hard players but that puts a barrier that is clearly insurmountable by the majority of the player base. So please. What do you want for trials bungie. Clear and detailed answer please. Edit: is the lag it would create unmanageable? That's an acceptable answer. Is it that passage progress is actually easier to go flawless for more people because fair matches are sweatier? Maybe that could be mediated by more exclusive cosmetics for a true flawless and just all wins with whatever losses is lighthouse. Maybe make the going flawless a badge where you get extra rewards from beating others with badges. I'm not sure but I'd really like to not see the hurtle of trials keep being after so many wins the skill gap is insurmoutable. It should be fair and challenging. Edit2. This is an example I kinda fleshed out. [quote]I like the badge idea to make "career" trials players less common for new comers but full sbmm would be nice unless the lag makes its unplayable. And you would be matched [with high skill players] if you play early in the weekend or if you earn it yourself you would be. It wouldn't be removable like a passage each weekend. If people know they won't face as many career trials players later in the weekend more would play later on and by virtue of that also make the end of the weekend a little more lower skill friendly for just one trip per week per character. The important question is what is deserving of rewards and always what's healthy for the game. Unworkable lag is unacceptable no matter the system that's why I don't like defined tiers. But don't we want more people in trials? Practicing in elimination is unrewarding and bounties alone is terrible rng. Chances at the rewards should be less dependent on the best of the best being a constant threat. It should be challenging but fair.[/quote] Make extra cosmetic rewards even, for going flawless with a badge or even just for beating a team with a badge and with a badge yourself. Since it would be priority now exclusively badge holders against badge holders. I'm actually leaning on less sbmm and keep it the same if we had the badge. It could be like the triumphs book. Earn a batch you're just prioritized against other badge players but not exclusively and if you do match up with other badge players you get a chance at more cosmetic rewards. Gun skins are fine too. I just want a more accessible route to a few more rewards instead of my usually bounty and may be the first package. I know I'd still be a lot of practice away from a flawless even with this but getting the second package without hitting a career trials player knocking me out every time without having to ask for a carry would be nice. I'm a collector I just want to get a chance to use doctrine before its gone.

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  • Nechrobump

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  • For suckers to throw more money at the screen and watch them come back to the forums asking for fixes.

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  • I'll be honest, I've never cared about going to the Lighthouse or Trials in general. In Year, there's even less of a reason to go. If you want the emblem, earn it or get carried. The bounties make it even easier to get gear and the Gold bounty can be done all four day that Trials is active every week.

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    2 Replies
    • Reward thw player that wins with passage coins...why did i have to reck my kd for coins?

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      2 Replies
      • I'm a pve player can destroy the raid and all no problem but other than iron banner I really have no interest in crucible. Trials is the pvp players raid and should stay as such. I'd love to get to the light house to get the grimore card but that card isn't ment for me to have

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        14 Replies
        • I agree with your assessment of trials. I don't play trials mostly because I think its one of the most toxic communities out there (even moreso than the vast majority of the PVP community). Sure, there are a few standout players I've met (standout in character just as much as their player skill), but it seems lie most of them are teabagging, try hard, lag switchers/DDoS'ers [I'll preface this with a full fledged apology to those I know who do not belong to be lumped in with those -BLAM!-holes we all know I'm referring to]. With that disclosure made, in what world does it make sense to put Streamy McStreamerson, All-pro Trials, been-to-the-lighthouse-1000-times against trials virgins who have never been- and I'm not talking on their 8th win - I'm talking ANYWHERE on their scorecard? The purpose of trials is competition, and it is competition in name only when you put hardcore try-hard sweaty streamers vs people who only dabble in trials and have never been there. The only way you could have true competition in trials is if you broke competition down into brackets. The higher the bracket - the better- and more exclusive the loot. This is the only thing that makes sense from an outsider's perspective.

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        • I didn't read the whole thing, I don't mind the challenge. I do mind the account recovery teams.

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          • Looking at the setup of trials, and its place within destiny, there is only a certain amount of change you can make that doesn't take away from its place within the activities available within the game. Trials, and going flawless, is the ultimate victory within pvp. It is meant for the elite teams, either those that are incredibly skilled, incredibly cohesive as a team, or both. The pursuit of the flawless gear, as well as the general rewards at 5 and 7 wins + the bounties, ensures that there is a playerbase besides those who go flawless consistently. However, making the flawless gear relatively easily earned for every player takes away from the prestige and appeal of this gear. What needs to be created is a further challenge that will encourage players to hold onto their cards. What I am envisioning is setting up a bracket type system that matches players up who are above the 9-0 (i.e. you play against teams with the same number of wins as your own, provides tracking for how many teams are at each tier), and the team(s) with the most wins on a 0 loss card receives a special reward (unique emblem perhaps). This will encourage the best pvp players to form teams and hold onto their cards, and create risk for trying to carry less skilled players due to the chance of a loss, or the lost time while other teams push ahead. while the details would all need to be refined, I think such a system could definitely draw the top players from consistently running new cards, and hopefully open up the playing field for the lower teams.

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          • This real issue is that there is no real feeling of success in trials without going flawless. An 8-1 card with losses against god-tier teams feels like way too much like you just went 0-3 and got eliminated. The middle ground of success is supposed to be the gun and armor at a certain amount of wins but that just doesn't cut it. I will admit that this is also what motivates a decent player like me to get better and I have. I'm just simply saying that there's a wall preventing new and emerging players from diving into probably the best mode in the game. I'm not real sure how Bungie could make it feel more inviting but currently even with bounties and drops it's way too much of an all or nothing kind of thing.

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          • Bump. I love these ideas. For s while now I've been pushing the idea that once a Guardian goes flawless, that Guardian is done with ToO for the week. But, by going flawless, you become eligible for the weekly Champions Tournament, where flawless battle flawless for bragging rights (and unique emblems and shaders).

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            8 Replies
            • trials is designed for good pvp players that have team work, not pve players that only started playing pvp when it dropped decent awards.

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              3 Replies
              • Dude do not try so hard just enjoy the game man i never get past 3 wins no light house nothing you will find that items appear more often when you arnt looking for them. Rocked Shadows price for ever wasnt looking for a new gun than bam suros regime used that not looking for a new gun completed my osiris bounties and bam god roll dop. Crazy shit happens when you least expect it ...

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                9 Replies
                • They said trials was for the competitive players and only the best of the best would get to the lighthouse. It wasn't intended for casuals, just as the raids aren't intended for the casuals. This doesn't mean casual players can't enter the end game content. It simply means it's not catered towards them. I believe that is the way it should stay. They have also changed the leveling system to where raids and trials aren't the only way to get max light level. So casual players can achieve the end goal without either of them. If they want the trials rewards, bungie made the bounties easily accessible to all players. While still keeping the lighthouse special to those who can make it with adept gear and weapons.

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                  10 Replies
                  • all the dudes that do not want it changed have been flawless and do not want to play against other players that have been flawless too. they want new people so they can get easy wins. so to make all the people that do not want it changed for new players let's make it to where you can not enter trials without a 2.5 or better k/d. see how they like their trials then.

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                    3 Replies
                    • why do you casual pvp players want the lighthouse so bad? You can get all the armour/weapon drops in a slightly different colour just be getting 5-7 wins even with loses.

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                      6 Replies
                      • Edited by Der Sheff: 8/29/2016 3:24:25 AM
                        I think you're conflating accessibility with success. First off, unlike PvE, Trials does NOT require success to be rewarded. You can complete you bounties and without winning 5 matches. That Doctrine of Passing you want, you can get, regardless of your opponent's skill. Essentially, your argument is fallacious. All you're really asking for is Bungie to make it less competitive so you have a chance. As someone who is probably in the bottom 1% and never has gone flawless, I disagree with making changes. Let regular crucible be where I cut my teeth and get better. Leave Trials as the pinnacle of PvP, even if that means I will never complete my grimoire (which drives me nuts, by the way). Pride prevents me from begging a carry and lack of skill keeps me from achieving my goal. I will not beg for change because I lack the means to achieve and I encourage everyone else to maintain some self respect and do the same. Rise to the challenge.

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                        2 Replies
                        • Edited by bilbo t baginzz: 8/28/2016 6:19:08 AM
                          If they made it so EVERYONE could complete the raid easily it would be pointless doing it. If they made the lighthouse easy for everyone to get to then whats the point in playing ToO and how is it any different from Elimination. [b]Well done in keeping the 100% rate of players who post these thread at having negative K/Ds.[/b] Also if you wanted to get to the lighthouse more often you would put in the effort by playing Elimination during the week... you only played 44 games. Help yourself rather then trying to get Bungie to go through the effort in helping scrubs feel more accepted by handing them things they cant achieve on a silver platter.

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                          7 Replies
                          • I think we got the whole trials concept wrong. Bungie doesn't want the average player to play trials at all. Not a problem though, there are other ways to level up.

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                            2 Replies
                            • If Trials is in fact not meant to be accessible to Everyone then it sure would be nice if they would quit Nerfing stuff for Everyone based on what the Minority in Trials are doing.

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                              • Edited by Burnt-Lead: 8/28/2016 3:34:31 PM
                                I've been watching a twitch streamer get his ass handed to him all weekend. Getting to the lighthouse is damn hard. It's a place I'll never see.

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                                • Yeah the only players against changes to trials are the ones that don't want to lose their easy mode. If they were truly competitive they would want to play at their own level. I don't want to call it sbmm but that's what it is. I would prefer it in trials. Say I made it back to 8 wins. I would rather have matchmaking tell me it couldn't find a game for me than put me up against a team on a 14+ winning streak. I'd come back later. Of course to if there was a poor connection between players just don't match us with anybody. SBMM didn't work because of poor connections and slower matchmaking. Also everybody didn't want sweats all the time.

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                                • ....... Dude, trials is the only game mode that feels like it matters. Please let it stay that way. They give away exotics, they give away 335 light stuff for doing the most trivial of activities. Lighthouse rewards suck comparatively. I enjoy both beating the horrible PvE riff raff that shows up from time to time, as much as I enjoy getting curb stomped by obvious account recoveries, because it feels like the people I am playing actually give a dam. Please quit asking for it to be easy mode. Yes that is what you are asking for.

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                                  15 Replies
                                  • Trials is for the best pvp teams. Not scrubs

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                                    7 Replies
                                    • Without reading all of your massively long post - are you the sort of person who thinks just turning up deserves a reward? If so, you have misunderstood why trials is popular.

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                                      11 Replies
                                      • Trials is where good PvP players can actually get loot worth a shit, just as Raids are where good PvE players can actually get loot worth shit. You are most certainly not the targeted audience, which's why you're continually upset about it.

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                                        60 Replies
                                        • Anyone can play trials but not everyone can go flawless and visit the lithouse

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