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originally posted in: Psion Cloak (Dust Palace Strike)
8/14/2016 11:17:37 AM
The point of the post game for items which players call the grind ( as you found out why). The drops are all down to RNG with a slightly higher chance in Nightfall strikes. The selection of the Nightfall for that week is also down to the RNG so the strike you are after could be Tuesday or next year. Their is hope as of RoI release Bungie are bringing in a new system where strike specific loot will be placed in a chest which you can earn keys for. So you want a item you wait until you complete that strike you open the chest and you get something from that strikes loot list.

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    Exalted being of sunlight - old

    The Nightfall was bugged, actually, all of Twitter was complaining how they weren't getting any legendary engrams. We could've literally played heroic strikes and got way better drops than what Nightfall that week was giving, but Bungie ignored it. That's my problem here; Bungie keeps ignoring certain issues. Yes, I know, you can check my strike history to see how much I've played 'Dust Palace', and I'm well aware that the RNG gods suck, and I'm happy to wait for 'Rise of Iron' to get the chests they're adding in. I'd just like Bungie to make 'Dust Palace' the Weekly Nightfall again and actually give us players good drops.

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