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6/29/2016 1:32:32 PM

What about the old raids?

Where does Bungie stand on updating the old raids? Are the legacy players (which is what I call the 10% of us that are still ps3 players even if we are to be left behind) even going to get that much? at least 90% of the community has asked for this numerous times, so will that much be done for "everyone" to play before the ps3 and Xbox 360 get left behind? before anybody replies, I'm fully aware of the flaws of the legacy systems, I'm looking for an actual answer and not some rude remark. If you make any rude remarks or try to cause trouble, I will report you. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. nobody knows what the system can or can't handle yet either so don't use the "it can't handle it excuse" im not asking for the full update, im asking for the old raids so we have something to do while you enjoy the rise of iron dlc. that is not much to ask about.

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