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Edited by JimmyJabGames: 6/3/2016 12:18:11 PM

Ingame clan system and auction house plan

In-Game Clan Creation


Suggested PvP Content


Auction House




All of The Above


Some of the Above


None of the Above


So at risk of the community smacking me with the Trollaxe2000, I've decided to write, and post a few of my suggestions for Destiny (Ones we'd probably never see even if the community likes them) + In-Game Clan Creation/Communication System: Now, here I'm not talking about the Communities/Clans that have a strange joining/creation process on the website, nor am I talking about removing the community feature. I'm talking about replacing the current clan system with one focused on an In-Game feature that would allow players to create Clans via some sort of Clan Master NPC (much like most MMORPGs) in exchange for Glimmer or some other currency. Clans would have a maximum size and perhaps a Voice Chat Channel/Clan Voice Joining Notice (Like how you get a notice when someone joins Team Chat Channel) that would allow Guardians to speak to and be notified of all of their online members that are in the Channel. An In-Game Clan System would be beneficial in adding new content for Competitive players as well. Clans get to choose one of a few different basic emblems upon creation, or show their might by winning a special one in a Clan War! What is Clan War? A monthly, Week-long, Competitive PVP Event (much like Iron Banner) that would be held for rewards to participants and winners, I'll get more into this in the next section. + New Exciting PVP Content Alright, this is where I expect most people to attack me at, but hear me out. (From mentioned above, also kinda generic, I know) Clan Wars: A PvP Event where Clan-members must party up and Conquer the crucible to gain rewards and renown. Starts 1 Week after Iron Banner Ends. Note: This game mode should not block other players from accessing the Weekly Playlist. Clan Leaders or Admins must get a clan war ticket and form a Fireteam of exactly 5 Players to queue for this game-mode. The Game will be 5v5v5 WarSat retrieval. Now, this would be sort of a Salvage-Control Hybrid. WarSats drop from the sky (Watch your head) with barriers for cover, to give the defending team an opportunity to survive. Defending team will have a slight bonus to recovery rate, and maybe grenade and melee recharge while near the WarSat. Like Salvage, the first team to interact with the WarSat will have the opportunity to capture it, while the other teams try to stop it. Also, like salvage, you will have the opportunity to revive downed teamates. Much like WarSats in PvE, Guardians must stay near the WarSat in order for the capture to progress, and extra guardians speed up the capture process, however, unlike WarSats in PvE, if an enemy force greater than the capture force enters the zone (Example 2 Defenders and 3 attackers), it becomes contested, and progress pauses temporarily, if the capturing force is wiped out completely, the progress begins to drain a steady amount, plus an amount based on how many enemy forces are within the range. When the WarSat reaches 0%, the team around the WarSat gets a Denial Bonus. If no team is around the WarSat when the progress meter runs out, a smaller bonus is granted to both attacking teams. Rewards (Those are always fun!): Clan War Tokens, Monthly Special Emblems for the top 5 Clans, Engrams, Clan Weapons and Armor. (Clan weapons and armor feature your clan emblem) Now, before I get the "It'd be too much work to add an extra item per emblem, blah blah blah" Emblems could easily be put on weapons and armor using an alpha-setting. Winners would be Selected on a Point System. Something like 100 points per win and -25 per loss. The 5 Clans with the highest point accumulation would be the winners of that month's War. Also, about Emblems: Every Month, 7 Emblems are revealed, prior to the Clan Wars. These could be community-created emblems or just Bungie-Made (They'd just be small art-works with a transparent background) The Leader of the First Place Clan would get first-choice of Clan Emblem. Second Place chooses a #1 and #2 Emblem they'd like to have (If 1st place chose #1, 2nd place would get their second choice), up to 5th place picking their top 5 choices. If a Clan that already has an Emblem decides to take place in a Clan War again, the leader must choose whether to keep their current Emblem or to risk it for a new one when picking up a Clan War Ticket. Example 1: Clan A chooses to keep their Emblem and places 3rd Place in the Wars, they do not get a choice at the new Emblems, however keeping their mark has allowed for a clan in 6th place to choose one from the new selection Example 2: Clan B Chooses to try to win a new Emblem, but places 23rd, Their mark is revoked and placed back into the pool of Emblems for next month. Edit: "Death By Rasputin" Medal would be nice if you so happened to get killed by a falling WarSat. Factional Warfare: 5v5v5 Clash (would love to say 8v8v8 but I think Destiny Servers cap at 16) that pits members of Dead Orbit, Future War Cult, and New Monarchy against each other. Rewards include Factional Based Gear (Meaning members of FWC will only see FWC Gear in the Rewards) Maybe add new Ghosts to be obtained here as well. + Auction House Another Touchy Subject, but here goes. A level/light-biased auction house that allows players to sell gear to other players for glimmer or possibly Legendary Marks. What I mean by Light-Biased: You may only buy Gear that is Equal to, or Less than your current Light Level. Why? Because the main reason that trading is not allowed is due to the fact it would be way too easy to boost other players up to max light once you hit it yourself. To prevent the Majority of that boost, but still allow trading/selling, is to not allow someone to receive an item from another player that is above their Light Level. + Last, and probably be honest Glimmer... It used to buy almost everything... Anyway, I'd like to see an increase in maximum Glimmer holding amount + Maybe start selling some more things for glimmer? You could probably get away with selling Legendary marks for something like 5000 glimmer per 10. P.S: I'd like to see some sort of crafting System that brings back the old Hydronic Essences, Plasteel Plating, and Sapphire Wire for Class Specific Gear. However, can't really think of a good way to implement this...sooooo.... Be sure to answer the poll based on your opinions of my suggestions Also Post Comments with any feedback/questions you may have.

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