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12/24/2015 5:05:13 AM

The Truth behind the Players of Destiny

For a year and a half now, I have been a very loyal Destiny player. I main a warlock and have hate for no other class, but I just like the warlock the most. Ever since I saw that trailer to "Become Legend" I've wanted Destiny and played it almost non stop. All of us as Destiny players have been through countless patches, hotfixes, weapon tuning, and updates. People have found ways to cheat getting exotic engrams, and found ways to make their classes more op than they already where. Its come to a time where Destiny has come to a Twilight Garrison of Super Good Advice and Bad Juju. I'm not going to be Invective with my words, but I will tell the Truth. Let's Break the Ice by saying that the perks in this game are a Thorn in my back side, much like getting Blink Striked or getting a Shoulder Charge to the spine or getting Scorched in the face. From Gjallarhorn to The Sleeper Simulant, this game has been through a lot of bs, but we have had Patience and Time with this game, most of us can say, and when we rant to Bungie about how Nova Bomb, Hammer of Sol, Golden Gun, and Void bow are op, and ask why they did that, they had No Time To Explain why there was No Land Beyond the field that classes where unbalanced in, though when we figured out the amazing Loot Cave back in 1.0, or found that simplying leaving into orbit in the Crota battle would make it easy, Bungie gathered their best to stop the cheating, this I can agree with. Simply, PvE is ok, but some of us, like my self, never seem to get The Last Word in PvP. This isn't a rant, but simply a realization into what FateBrings us. Diving into the Necrochasm is supers, with being so diverse, everyone points fingers at which class was The First Curse. Which ever got more complaints, got the Black Hammer of patches, which then Spindled into more hotfixes. Deathsings apon those classes which deem way to op. Next, the RNG that puts the "Become Legend" quote to complete crap. Becoming Legend simply isn't possible for those now and Hereafter christmas, I give props to Bungie for giving the newbies "somewhat" of a chance though. Me personally, I rather become a Lord of Wolves under a Hawkmoon and chase down my enemies as I watch that burn due to the OP DoT warlocks have. When I used to slide shotgun into matches, I felt a 1000-Yard Stare of eyes upon me, knowing I'm one of "those people" in Destiny, but if I Blink, I feel the eyes no longer. Most will be confuses by what I'm saying, but the point is as addicting as the game is, I have to see it isn't worth the time and effort anymore. Shout to those who actually took the time to read these lines of Wisdom and I raise my Queenbreaker bow and give you a Dreg's Promise to recognize you. To all those warriors still grinding to get 310 items in PvP, I say may the Ace of Spades be on your side. My name is Lord Sharkie, and it has been a pleasure "Becoming Legend" with all of you. Why I say put that in quotes? Because no truly can "Become Legend" until the Heart of Praxic Fire has become encaged in a Obsidian Mind beyond the Light Beyond Nemesis. Those who Tread Upon Stars will reach the "Light not even darkness can extinguish." To Bungie, who should of stayed making the Halo games in the first place, all I say is heed the Dubious Volley of Malice that will come your way. Listen to the Super Good Advice of your loyal Gurdians, and maybe, just maybe, you'll reach the Pocket of Infinite love you could of received in the first place. Then again, their is always Plan C, which is take your Universe Remote and give it to Our, maybe he can pop a 3 of Coins and come out with an Exotic video game and "Become Legend-ary." Its a very Dubious Task indeed, but what could go wrong by one person like myself?

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