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9/29/2009 7:25:49 AM

Little did you know, you all just played through an epic poem, hah!

First off, I'd like to say thank you to Bungie for making an incredible game yet again! And I'd also like to say that Dante's Divine Comedy is one of my favorite pieces of classic literature. More of this in time. [b]As a note, I am neither for or against any religion mentioned in this post, it is purely from the standpoint of literature. I am discussing a novel, not religion.[/b] ----SPOILER WARNING----- If you haven't beaten the game yet, what are you doing cruising the forums? Go play! So there was this little novel written a while ago, by this one guy named Dante. It was a political satire, meant to make examples of current members of society and the Church at the time, but it's main influence is that of the views of Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. And what does all this have to do with ODST, I can hear you all asking. Well, more than you think. I haven't analyzed the entire game for references, this is mostly just dealing with the Rookie's story. ---- The Rookie has crash landed into a building, has been knocked unconscious, and has awoken later to find himself alone in the city. The city is now quite literally Hell on Earth. But the Rookie is not truly alone. He has a guide through this hell, the SuperIntendent. Through the audio logs in the campaign, we come to find that the name of the SI is actually VERGIL. And you may have noticed that audio logs are all labeled "# Circle," all the way up to 9. Interesting. [quote]In the Divine Comedy, specifically the Inferno, Dante is guided through Hell by the Roman poet, Virgil. Hell consists of nine circles, each more horrible and punishing than the last. The circles of Hell spiral down into the Earth, to it's very core.[/quote] After you find out the fate of your squad, the Rookie heads underground to locate DARE. You find yourself on the 8th level of VERGIL's data center. You need to locate Dare, who is on the 9th level. Fancy that. After much fighting, you find yourself on the 9th level, which happens to be almost completely frozen... [quote]The 9th circle of Hell, in the Inferno, is actually cold. Ice cold. The punishment here is for that of Treason. The higher the crime, the more encased in ice you shall be. The very center of the 9th circle is where Satan himself resides, encased in ice up to his waist, beating his wings, whose gusts of air cause the 9th circle to be encased in ice. Satan himself has three faces, and each is chewing on the three (at the time) greatest betrayers. Their punishment for betraying their lords and benefactors is to be eternally gnawed on by Satan himself.[/quote] The Rookie and DARE finally reach VERGIL's core, and there they find the source of this whole fiasco. The rogue Engineer. He has chosen to betray his benefactors, his lords, the entire whole of the Covenant itself. And they are literally coming to chew him to pieces. ---- There you have it folks. My analysis, and hypothesis, and all other sorts of -sis. I've only played through campaign once, but there may be even further references to the Divine Comedy. There are 9 levels of purgatory before one reaches Paradise(Heaven). If someone could confirm how many sections of freeway there are in the final level, we may have our answer. The escape at the end of the game could very well be the escape from Purgatory. If anyone else has more references to levels of Hell, or to any of the other campaign character's stories, please let me know, I'd be interested to see how far they have taken this. For further reference, hit up Wikipedia, it's pretty extensive. [url][/url] Thanks so much to whoever stuck around and dealt with my massive post. Happy Haloing to you all. tl;dr: Go read a book =P -----ADDITIONAL FINDINGS----- [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Overlord Jebus Maybe each of the 9 circles of audio logs each represent their circle? I can already think of gluttony and lust off the top of my head.[/quote] Thanks for bringing this up, we need to just double check to make sure that each "Circle" of audio logs corresponds to the sin of that particular circle of Hell, which I already know it does. --- [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Brent G [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Danves [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Brent G OP, you mentioned that Satan has 3 heads that chew on the 3 greatest betrayers? And that the brutes were coming to "chew" on Vergil? How appropriate that there were 3 of them knocking on his door.[/quote] Kickass! How sure are you? I've only played the campaign through once.[/quote] I'm pretty much 100% sure. There's two at the doorway trying taunting Vergil, and a Chieftain behind them.[/quote] Yet another connection, possibly. If anyone can confirm this for sure, that would be amazing. The pieces seem to be falling into place =) [Edited on 09.29.2009 1:26 AM PDT]
#Halo #Halo3 #ODST

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  • Thats bad-ass. It sort of reminds me of Leauge of Extraordinary Gentlemen, what with making classic literature awesome again. Also, anybody notice a Ghostbusters refrence first time to play as Dutch? I pulled my splazer and he shouted "Don't cross my stream!" Just sayin'.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] soccerjedi2007 Ahh, but it is the the Devil in that pick, the ones in Halo 3 are pics of the Prophets!!! You see the similarities? [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] Now look at the in game photo I took!! [url][/url] [url][/url] You notice his body structure? His pointed face with a beard, his curled horns, the massive wing spand, and his musclular body structure with hands of claws? It's him alright, the devil himself!![/quote] Nice find, but if you will remember, in [i]The Divine Comedy[/i] Satan has three faces and is chewing on three people (probably what the three Brutes represent). I think this is just a coincidence in the texture, since it is just a mirrored image, although I've been known to be wrong.

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  • Where exactly did you find this texture, and does it appear anywhere else in ODST?

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  • Ahh, but it is the the Devil in that pick, the ones in Halo 3 are pics of the Prophets!!! You see the similarities? [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] Now look at the in game photo I took!! [url][/url] [url][/url] You notice his body structure? His pointed face with a beard, his curled horns, the massive wing spand, and his musclular body structure with hands of claws? It's him alright, the devil himself!! [Edited on 10.24.2009 12:11 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Vengeful Donkey I played a book? GET IT OFF ME!!![/quote] OMG that is great hahaha

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  • haha

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DarthLurtz1 Well, we know the name's cross over, what with Vergil being the guide. I do remember a thread taken during the pre-game information leaks that the Rookie's initials were J.D. [url][/url] Might the "D" stand for Dante?[/quote] I read somehwere (Halopedia I think), and don't hold me to this, that Buck calls the Rookie "James" once in a while on Coastal Highway. I've never heard it myself, but if it's true, then that leaves the "D" of J.D. open.

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  • Well, we know the name's cross over, what with Vergil being the guide. I do remember a thread taken during the pre-game information leaks that the Rookie's initials were J.D. [url][/url] Might the "D" stand for Dante?

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  • I DON'T KNOW IF THIS WAS POSTED ALREADY, BUT I FOUND SOMETHING COOL ABOUT THIS! Dante's guide's name was, you guessed it... VIRGIL! wierd eh? no joke!

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  • And yet some people think games are pointless and stupid and that you can't learn anything from them. I learned more in this forum than some high school courses.

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  • Bravo to the Op, just Bravo.

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  • We just finished the Divine Comedy in my English class. I must say, this is quite a find! And rather unexpected..

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  • Though Circle 1 does include the giant sound of entering into Hell (in Inferno there is an explosion and an earthquake which knocks out Dante, but that's probably directed more towards the Rookie, although there is a very loud noise when the Covenant ship comes into New Mombasa in the audio logs), there is no seven walled castle with seven gates, filled with virtuous pagans. Circle 2 has the lustful Kinsler, Circle 3 has the gluttonous Kebab Guy, Circle 4, I haven't gotten that far in the Divine Comedy. Circle 5 or 6 (I think 6) I know is where the city part of Hell starts, so that could connect with New Mombasa. Sublevel 8 is where Mike normally gets shot by Drones after Virgil says "Crime doesn't pay," and in part of Circle 8 criminals are shot with arrows. And then the mystery structure (I'm pretty sure it's not connected to the Portal) is behind the Superintendent's main structure, which could represent the beginning of Mount Purgatory which Dante and Virgil accessed by sliding down Satan's back and coming out the other end of the Earth. That's all I can remember. [Edited on 10.22.2009 1:14 PM PDT]

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  • Wow, that's really clever.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] fiyz Ok... cool... but wasn't the whole premise of Dante's Inferno about dante travelling through hell to get to his true love, Beatrice? Last I checked, Buck and Dare were the ones with that were romantically involved... nice try, but I think they are simple references done out of respect to a great poet and nothing else.[/quote] Nah, that's the premise of the new game that's coming out, based loosely (and I mean very loosely) on the poem. Dante's Divine Comedy is about Dante traveling through Hell, Purgatory, and eventually Heaven, to meet God/find himself/all that good stuff. All along the way, making examples of the current problems in society, though that happens mostly in the Inferno. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] PhillysFinest The Engineers sacrificed themselves to make sure Vergil gets away He never betrayed anyone since Engineers were forced to be part of the Covies[/quote] He betrayed the Covenant as a whole, turning against them, and eventually siding with the humans. Turning against your side of the war (whether or not you actually WANTED to be a part of it) and going to the other side is pretty much one of the biggest acts of betrayal possible. I don't think that any of the characters in the game allude to one specific character in the Inferno, save for the Rookie (and Sadie) being Dante, going through hell. The Superintendent/Vergil plays the part of Virgil, but then when he is downloaded/absorbed/whatever by the engineer, he now plays the part of the greatest betrayer.

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  • Im really pround of joseph staten now.

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  • Whoa there. That's unexpected...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Vengeful Donkey I played a book? GET IT OFF ME!!![/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Vengeful Donkey I played a book? GET IT OFF ME!!![/quote] Lol And I believe the engineer is called Virgil still.

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  • Ok... cool... but wasn't the whole premise of Dante's Inferno about dante travelling through hell to get to his true love, Beatrice? Last I checked, Buck and Dare were the ones with that were romantically involved... nice try, but I think they are simple references done out of respect to a great poet and nothing else.

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  • The Engineers sacrificed themselves to make sure Vergil gets away He never betrayed anyone since Engineers were forced to be part of the Covies

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  • Sooooo Bungie has no imagination.

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  • also each circle of the audio logs details another deadly sin, theres one about gluttony, with the 800 pound guy, Greed, with kinsler, lust, (i forget, does kinsler make a move on sadie?)...and so forth

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  • That's really cool. I remember reading The Inferno in 10th grade and it's pretty funny how much ODST lines up with it.

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  • Well found! Also, aren't there 5 members of the squad that drop down at the time of apocalypse? Remind you of another 5 people who ride horses that drop down at the time of Apocalypse? And could the stone circles have anything to do with it?

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  • This is awesome.

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