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Edited by Spawn: 12/18/2015 4:14:16 AM

Sony is looking really desperate now.

I can't believe that they are STILL rolling out cash for more PS exclusives. Do they honestly think that a single set of armor will convince me or anyone else to buy an entire console just so they can have it? First it's exotics, then strikes, then crucible maps, then a rare set of armor, then a legendary set of armor, and now this. All you have managed to accomplish with these exclusives, Sony, is piss me and a lot of xbox players off and turn us completely off from buying your products. F*ck exclusives and f*ck anyone who switched consoles just because of them. Full title exclusives are one thing, but restricting content for half of a community who plays the same exact game is bullsh*t and everyone knows it. EDIT: This has nothing to do with the "console war" that everyone seems to be so obsessed over. I never cared about that stupid rivalry, and frankly there never needed to be one. I bought an xbox because I had a 360 before and really liked it, my friends got a xbox one, and I wanted to keep my account anyway. I never enjoyed the apparent "CoD exclusives" that xbox had (probably because I've hardly ever played CoD), and even if xbox did start it, did they continue hording exclusives for over a year like sony has done with this game? The original exclusives made sense because Destiny was a huge factor in which console to buy for many people, but at this point they are doing it just to rub it in xbox players' faces. I'm mad because I feel like I'm being denied access to content because I "took sides", when in reality I just wanted to play a game I was really excited for.

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