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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by JEDI-TRICKSTER: 12/12/2015 9:52:28 AM


Do bungie know what there doing with there own game or is it basic incompetence or lying. There is so many glitches that have been in the game and supposedly appear after a patch and gliches in general, isn't that what play testers are for. Why is this happening all the time when they should have play testers as they arent exactly running out these patches every week or are we just paid play testers for them The 1st Iron Banner drop rates people were getting the same none existence drop rates, yet Deej said the Iron Bannar was working as they said , yet after the the iron banner we were told it was a glitch, do they actually have play testers or are we the testers The RNG loot system were were told would give u loot that you required so why do players recieve multiple weapons they've already recieved and not what they needed/haven't got The latest patch where certain guns were geting nerfed and others buffed, yet once again nothing happened and to say it was a typo is insulting people intelligence and how come these damage buffs/nerfs weren't picked up in play testing before dropping the patch is beyond me. Time and time again Bungie has lied and never takes responsibility for its errors/incompetence and trys to blame glitches/typo's rather than they own incompetence or do they actually have play testers or are we them just glorified play testers for them. Deej said there wouldnt be any more paid dlc in year 2 and instead to favour events like SRL/Iron banner /Trials of Osiris and Festival of the lost and YET again they come out just DAYS after and change there story, is this a way to manipulate people into buying microtransaction/emotes and other real world paid vanity items. DESTINY is said to have a player base of 25 million and yet the game still suffers horrendous lag/disconnects and why hasn't it got dedicated servers for a game of this size ,could you imagine WoW (World of warcraft) without dedicated servers and With all these factors its basically ruining the destiny experience as your at the mercy of lag, glitches , disconects while play which creates a disheartening/frustrating experience in a game that could be so much more and better, which is what every gamer wants Should there be more communication between gamers/Youtubers rather than taking NOT to comment at all , after all isn't that why they hired a guy from the Destiny reddit.

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