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11/5/2015 11:31:19 AM
People who say bladedancer hasn't been nerfed either haven't used the class enough before or after 2.0 Slashing and R2 ability takes away a lot more of your super energy Dmg reduction definetly got reduced, 3 headshot bursts from a red death or 3 hawkmoon headshots (with some lucky bullets) will already kill you. 1 shotgun shot can kill you while it used to take a shotgun shot + melee The auto aim when slashing has definetly been nerfed and there seems to be some built in stop, if you melee while an enemy is 3 feet in front of you or 2 feet above you you would easily hit them before 2.0, you'll miss now when you try it. This will make you end up in their face while they're holding a shotty.

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