Skipping a game mechanic intentionally is a cheese. The end.
[quote]Skipping a game mechanic intentionally is a cheese. The end.[/quote] show me where bungie said we are supposed to down the ogres before staggering oryx
Did you read the part where he coated it to the Great Gjally burn first week of skolas? Was that a cheese? Is shooting rockets a cheese?
Not skipping. Dealing with in a different manner. You're stupid though so I don't expect you to understand the difference.
Not killing them or letting them spawn before oryx staggers is skipping. I'm sorry the school system is failing you.
It's funny that you can project your own failure to properly learn anything on me, but that doesn't make your idiotic opinion less idiotic. You have to deal with the knights. There's no rulebook that says you have to deal with the knights at a certain time. The mechanics are simply presenting you with a choice: deal with the ogres asap but then have to deal with the knights who can steal the light bombs, or let the ogres live longer (and therefore become an actual threat) but not have to deal with the knights till after they can no longer steal the light bombs. Both approaches have advantages. Both have disadvantages. OP is correct in saying that this is akin to the one gaze holder vs two gaze holder strategy on Golgoroth.
There's no specific order. When you kill the ogres the knights still spawn and you still have to avoid them just like in the "correct way"
Edited by Skepto: 10/27/2015 7:10:47 AMI don't take anything anyone with a drug reference in their name says as a relevant opinion sorry Post rating 1/10 :(
Evading is far from skipping
You aren't evading the knights, sorry.
you do them how you think needs to be done, ill do the same I just think mine takes way less stress to do.( to be fair though some people are struggling to do the "skipping" way which is just plain pathetic)
Funny how not killing the boomers on crota hard to prevent the wizards spawn wasn't a cheese..
Yes, it was ha-ha. Skipping a game mechanic.
You're so dense Lmao
So is using snipers on bosses then. Both achieve the same result, making life easier.
How is using a sniper skipping a game mechanic may I ask...
Your skipping the pain of wiping that you would receive if you used shotguns like you are supposed to!
Haha. Wow. Cheesers are dumber then I thought..
Ya okay. So next time a draft occurs and you're told to use a tank against an enemy and attack only after the majority of the enemy has been killed by bombs, you're going to tell them "heck no! That'd be cheese, I'd rather take on their full force because that's what they want me to do!"
Comparing a game to real life war is stupid. Cheesing a game that is meant to test your skill communication and teamwork for garbage ass rewards. Keep cheesing since you can't bear it right. I'll have fun doing it correctly.
Mmmmmmm nooooo you're just stupid
No. I play this game for the fun and challenge not the shitty rewards. I am not a reward whore like you are.
Muted for being retarded
It's called a strategy buddy.
No sir, only people that can't beat it right defend it like you. It's skipping what they added to hard. Essentially making it normal, so gj. You can beat normal with no cheese, hard with cheese, congrats. :)