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10/27/2015 12:28:18 AM

Your opinion on the new map, "Cathedral of Dusk." Vote now!

I LOVE the new map.


I like the new map.




I don't like the new map.


I HATE the new map.


You know what's NOT fun? [b]Spending 2 minutes walking across a -blam!-ing HUGE map just to get shotgunned[/b]. Apparently "huge" and "long-range" aren't required to coexist. I'd LOVE to camp at the back of the map with a sniper but that won't get me anywhere. I thought I could take more aggressive approach with my sniper but that didn't work. All people seem to do is camp with shotguns and kill me instantly unless I have one. I love my Chaperone but give me a -blam!-ing break, I'm literally FORCED to use it because nothing else can stop the "warriors." I get lots of sprees with it but... That's kinda the problem. It seems [b]impossible to combat the shotgun onslaught without bringing my own[/b]. I've had nothing but misery on the new map. Plenty of multi-kills but NONE from my fist of havoc (for quest). Can't win a single game of Rift with randoms (for quest), all I can do is wander the whole game wondering "where is everybody?" and try to survive(also wondering why I keep getting put in the same map). If you're going to make a map better suited for 12 vs 12 then [b]you need a BTB playlist.[/b] I'm also sick of snipers not killing on headshots. I blame the masks. You know... if I'm aiming at head level on flat map (Bannerfall)... AHEAD OF TIME... and I get flinched UPWARDS... Then how the -blam!- does my 3rd and only sniper hit register as a body shot? That's messed up. So what do you think about the [b]hurtbox-hiding masks[/b] and new map?

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