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7/20/2009 2:07:44 PM

Bungie trying to push in recon?

It seems like now that many more people have recon and it is becoming less special even with halo 3 still out. Bungie seems to be pushing it with the Bungie vs The World Day and the Microsoft Challenge. It's almost like they want everyone to have it because when out comes ODST everyone with live will have it and games will be based with strictly recon wearers. I rememeber when recon was hard to get with the screenshots let alone any other way. Bassically I am saying that Bungie is pretty much just trying to hand out recon at this point and by the time ODST comes out I predict at least half the ammount of recon bearers will be doubled and when ODST comes out I would say in weeks the Recon population will double. How special is Recon if everyone has it? Discuss
#Halo #Halo3

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  • who cares, its ugly anyway

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  • Its going to be the new Hyabussa

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  • But tons more will have it!

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  • There are still only around 2000 people that have it, so it is still quite rare.

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  • I look forward to it, after odst, I will probably be the only one wearing normal armor, instead of recon, that will become the new meme ^_^

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  • 100 recon bearers 50=half 50+50=100 100+100=200! Great job!

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  • i just want it so i can read the description. i might wear the body though it is pretty BA

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RufeDude01 by the time ODST comes out I predict at least half the ammount of recon bearers will be doubled Discuss[/quote] wait... half... doubled.... is... one whole... so your saying the amount of recon is going to stay the same?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Xx ViRu5 xX [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Achilles1108 I can't wait until everybody can have it. Then I will get a lot less messages and FR from people I don't give a rats ass about.[/quote] Not to mention Maybe then I won't get Tea-bagged 10 times a game. But I don't get to mad, I realize that most people do it because they are jealous. [/quote]recon is not that easy because if u get banned once no recon i think people that got banned will tea-bag more and achilles1108 you work at bungie so you should have fire on you head that calls for more FR RECON IS JUST A BAD IDEA!! sorry bungie love u tho

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  • i dont mind, i just wish i had recon before everyone gets it

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  • Anyone else?

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  • But everyone with recon who posts automaticly disagrees!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Serious Suicide It would be nice if everyone had it, that we people who have it now can wear it without: -Constant T-bags -Hourly PMs -Annoying Friend Requests -Angry mic spammers -People who think you must be pro and when you aren't MVP will send you hate PMs.[/quote] Recon was always better off alone in this world but I agree.

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  • to be honest recon is still speacial i think

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  • It would be nice if everyone had it, that we people who have it now can wear it without: -Constant T-bags -Hourly PMs -Annoying Friend Requests -Angry mic spammers -People who think you must be pro and when you aren't MVP will send you hate PMs.

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  • i will try to earn it the hard way.

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  • Well, they're releasing recon to get the public focused on something else. Now ODST, then all the stuff with Reach. The hype with the Beta and everything else to come for it will overshadow H3 Multiplayer day-to-day action by far.

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  • Seriously, once Halo ODST is released, Recon is just going to be Security armor all over again: Cool for the first month, then it gets old. Oh and let's not forget the, "OMGZ, I DID THE ACHIEVEMENTS, WHERE'S MAH REC0NZ?!!!!???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!" threads that are gonna pop up. Recon is just Bungie's way of toying with the less... competent of their fans. It's all part of their conspiracy to take over the world. [Edited on 07.22.2009 8:42 PM PDT]

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  • I wouldn't say Bungie is trying to give recon out. Last year for Bungie day they released Cold Storage, for free. I want recon because I like how the helmet and shoulders look :P.

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  • 224!

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  • Wait, Recon [i]isn't[/i] a waste of time? Nooooooooooooooooooooooo [Edited on 07.22.2009 8:33 PM PDT]

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  • 221 people and it's still going strong. I doubt this will end! Thanks for the excitment about it though!!!

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  • i cant wait to everyone can have it soo this threads will dissapear [Edited on 07.22.2009 8:31 PM PDT]

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  • [quote] Posted by:EL1T3 PWN3D Y0U Oh my god. Dude, this is, not "PatrioticSpeeches".net. If you want to be all "do something other than playing a game", take it somewhere else. It's not like we never go outside and socialize. And, to prove you wrong, most people who have Recon ARE special, like the famous screen-shot maker, Predator. So get your facts straight before you say stuff in public.[/quote] WTF ARE YOU SMOKING????? Out of the 200+ people that posted understands what i'm talking about! They agree or dissagree! I am defending the people with recon saying that they won't be special due to the loss of it. And when did I say they wouldn't go out side or socialize?

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  • All recon is is a I want that. If bungie gave recon to everyone from the start then people would care less about it. The only reason lots of people are like "OMGICANHAZRECONZ!!!ONE1!!ELVEN!1!1!! is because it is something exclusive. People want it so they can boast that they have it and you don't. Once ODST drops and everyone can have it it loses all meaning and value. And anybody who truly deserved it will no longer stand out, or have people go wow! you have recon! They'll just be oh I have that too, it's pretty cool I guess. The sole reason it's so popular is because people want to be better than someone, by having virtual armor.

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  • It's just armor...Right? I mean, it's a bicycle helmet. Don't worry, the hype will end soon. Very, very soon... ...when Bungie conquers the world. Then they'll pull the Recon right out. [Edited on 07.22.2009 7:26 PM PDT]

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