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10/14/2015 4:08:47 PM

No taken king dlc you may as well stop playing destiny!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lets face it players if you have played destiny from the beginning you have spent a small fortune on the game, then you brought the dlc or season pass so you got the wolves and dark below and it didn't seem too bad. I have a few ps3's so me and my kids and partner can play together but only two can have dlc, so we came across a slight problem but Destiny was still playable without the first two dlc's you could play crucible and get daily strikes ect just not everyday which was fine. Now the taken king arrives and is brilliant but cost way too much but I got it even though my brain was telling me "No its too much!" anyway the one system I chose not to have taken king on even though it has the first two dlc's on is a waste of time playing destiny on at all . Without Taken King dlc you cannot play daily strikes, nightfall or even choose what crucible mode you can play in you just get random 6v6 or 3v3 playlists now and now my favourite of destiny "THE IRON BANNER" is not playable to anyone who hasn't bought the taken king , This is disgusting bungie you don't deserve the following you have gotten for destiny, not everyone would be able to fork out another £40 to £50 just for dlc and if they didn't they get left behind with only a fraction of the game they purchased in the beginning. I recommend that you fix this by making the banner accessible to all next time and making playable strikes daily and weekly nightfall every other week at least I mean its only looking after all your players and not just the ones who bought the dlc.. Oh and while I am at it here in the UK we paid £40 and the US paid $40 that doesn't make sense $40 is equal to £25.90 so once again in the gaming world the UK is screwed over!!!!!!!!!! Okay rant over ....for now at least !

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