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7/1/2009 6:53:32 AM

Is Bungie planning to make halo 3 on the ps3?

i was on my clan's forum and this weird ps3 fanboy came and said this. I just wanna know if this is true, highly doubt it but yeh. """This isn't unheard of since Microsoft are all doucebags always trying to scam you out of money, their system for xbox live is flawed and i have yet to see price-drops for xbox-live cards. Sony is giving free internet...... wait wait WTF is this Sony a gaming business is giving free internet on their console BEFORE Microsoft a computer / internet company. I have to hand it to bungie for making Microsoft's flawed xbox-live system work for halo 3. I hear news that bungie is going to try and get halo on the ps3 and if it sells good they will skip right over halo 2 and release halo 3. Basically Microsoft is making you pay twice as much so you can get your games 5 months earlier than the ps3 people.""" [Edited on 06.30.2009 10:53 PM PDT]
#Halo #Halo3

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  • Halo 2 for Vista?? I haz it.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] damask NO NO NO NO NO NO! bungie would never do that EVER. in fact if you try to set your players number thing to P51, P52, OR P53 it will say its banned. P = play, 5 = station, 1,2,3 well you know[/quote] Completely untrue, I should know.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Fredfredbug4 Halo on anyother gaming platform will be BS.[/quote] Besides 360, Mac, and PC right? [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] nerd PS3 blows.[/quote] Typical fanboyish statement. Facts are, every system has their own great exclusive games. (Although I only own a 360 for Halo) [Edited on 07.01.2009 1:18 PM PDT]

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  • In the future it's possible for Bungie to develop for PS3. I know fanboys and Bnet fanboys would cringe at the thought, but never say never. [Edited on 07.01.2009 1:14 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] aznEliteman i was on my clan's forum and this weird ps3 fanboy came and said this. I just wanna know if this is true, highly doubt it but yeh. """This isn't unheard of since Microsoft are all doucebags always trying to scam you out of money, their system for xbox live is flawed and i have yet to see price-drops for xbox-live cards. Sony is giving free internet...... wait wait WTF is this Sony a gaming business is giving free internet on their console BEFORE Microsoft a computer / internet company. I have to hand it to bungie for making Microsoft's flawed xbox-live system work for halo 3. I hear news that bungie is going to try and get halo on the ps3 and if it sells good they will skip right over halo 2 and release halo 3. Basically Microsoft is making you pay twice as much so you can get your games 5 months earlier than the ps3 people."""[/quote] Trash talking Microsoft? Well at least Bungie is independent now... youd probably get a banhammer.

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  • OP got pwned

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  • no. why do u think it says on the cover of the h3 case ''only on xbox 360''

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] nerd PS3 blows.[/quote] I helped my friend break his...his father had all these tools and you can guess what happened...

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  • Halo on anyother gaming platform will be BS.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ultratog1028 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DarkVader9494 I hope not, PS3 is going downhill with Activision threating to stop making their games for Playstation[/quote] activision too? first valve then epic now activision. they are gonna run out of game companies. that means they lose movie games (oh no /sarcasm) guitar hero call of duty tony hawk games like prototype and i can't think of another shooter company that has stayed with ps3. shooter genre on ps3 = dead, spawn killed, tea bagged, and incinerated.[/quote] "games like Prototype" Sandbox games where you have badass powers?

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  • that guy is just obsessed with sony.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] EnragedAUSTIN11 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] amazing butseks [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DELTA STRIKE The only reason the PS3 even sold was because of the blue-ray.[/quote] QFT, the ONLY reason. [/quote] what a great name[/quote] it used to be my gamertag too, but i had to change it for "unknown" reasons. haha

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] amazing butseks [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DELTA STRIKE The only reason the PS3 even sold was because of the blue-ray.[/quote] QFT, the ONLY reason. [/quote] what a great name

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DELTA STRIKE The only reason the PS3 even sold was because of the blue-ray.[/quote] QFT, the ONLY reason.

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  • they better not

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  • lol oh wait this isn't a joke then no

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  • Nope.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] U GOT OWNED XD no and never.[/quote] that guy was just a weird fanboy [Edited on 07.01.2009 12:33 PM PDT]

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  • microsofts system isnt flawed. if it was then why are so many people still giving their money to them?! hey microsoft might be flawed to you but to the millions who still toss them their money it isnt. and whatever makes a lot of money for this long is clearly working good. so go back to your terrible PS3 and gtfo and stfu.

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  • The only reason the PS3 even sold was because of the blue-ray.

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  • Microsoft have the Property of "Halo" , but Bungie can make other IP for them booth (PS3 ,360) , But not Halo, because Microsoft wont give a exclusive to PS3 obviously. But Halo3 in PS3 would be awsome sure Hell , Many double acounts in Halo3 on PS3 , because create account it is free hahahah [Edited on 07.01.2009 12:21 PM PDT]

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  • Halo is Microsofts game and made xbox live what it is today. Oh and the PS3 gaming on line is not that great. Answer No

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  • Halo on PS3? Not in a million years.

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  • It seems to me that only someone at Bungie could tell you wether they are porting Halo to the PS3. Even if they are, I doubt Microsoft would ever allow the Halo IP to appear on a Sony product. Just like how you can't watch movies made by Sony studios via the xbox Netflix. Sony and Microsoft have a competitive relationship, not a cooperative one.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DarkVader9494 I hope not, PS3 is going downhill with Activision threating to stop making their games for Playstation[/quote] activision too? first valve then epic now activision. they are gonna run out of game companies. that means they lose movie games (oh no /sarcasm) guitar hero call of duty tony hawk games like prototype and i can't think of another shooter company that has stayed with ps3. shooter genre on ps3 = dead, spawn killed, tea bagged, and incinerated.

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  • thats rediculous. Halo 3 and Reach will be on the wii not the ps3 idiot.

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