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10/1/2015 11:20:56 AM

Exotic engram repeats!

quadruplicate exotic engram decodes


the system is fine


I will start off by saying Bungie has done an amazing job with the Taken King. I want to point out that we have all had issues with duplicate engrams, it has gotten so much better concerning rares. On the other side is the Exotic engram. These are awesome to see fall after a battle and the anticipation of the reward requires an immediate tower flight. You go to the Cryptarch and bam your hard won Exotic weapon engram is decoded into a weapon you have; A. seen for a year now and B. has been decoded for you on no less than four occasions! I bought Last Word, a few days later bam decoded from battle. Hawkmoon drops...4 engrams for weapons become Hawkmoon! Bungie please fix this mechanisim, all my friends have been screaming about this. Some people are engram glitchers You didn't sell one from Xur last week for that reason. Duplicates are KILLING YOUR IP!

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