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6/11/2009 12:54:28 AM

MLG Cheehwawa's ** Halo REACH script ** (+REACH 2 preview!)

[b]Halo: REACH[/b] [i]by MLG Cheehwawa[/i] [b]*** // [u]PLEASE POST YOUR THOUGHTS TO KEEP THIS THREAD ALIVE. A LOT OF WORK WENT INTO IMAGINING, RESEARCHING, WRITING, AND EDITING THIS... ALL DONE BY ME. THANKS![/u] \\ ***[/b] [b]** [i]Moderator-approved[/i] **[/b] [b][u]DISCLAIMERS[/b][/u] [i]This is entirely my creation (I have borrowed lines directly from some novels to tie this in with the existing canon); I have no affiliation with Bungie studios and do not claim to know what Halo REACH will be about. This is my idea for what REACH would be like [b]if[/b] I were the writer on the project. A lot of this has been crafted by me, and not taken directly from the Halo canon (namely characters, locations, battles, and ships), but to the best of my knowledge, it does not conflict with the canon at all. If it does, let me know so I can tweak it.[/i] [b]The numbering question:[/b] [i]Sierra-259 and Sierra-320 have call-signs above 150, the original number of Spartan-II candidates. My explanation for this is that there was a large pool of children surveyed (at least 320). Then of those, 150 of the best were selected, and of those, only 75 were conscripted due to budget limitations.[/i] The script is all complete and posted. This is definitely not the end of the story, though. I have designed this to be a trilogy of games. I'm working on the first sequal now, which will run parallel with the beginning of Halo 2 and some of Ghosts of Onyx, but it will be a new story like with my first script. Halo REACH 2 will show us numerous things which Bungie hasn't told us about, that you will find out as I post. I don't know how fast I will be able to get the sequal done, though I already have the backbone for the first and second sequals, as well as the [url=]first cinematic[/url] (Harbinger), as well as about half of the first mission, for REACH 2. I'm starting at a full time job tomorrow and another semester at college late this month. I will get this done as fast as possible. [b]IF YOU DO NOT WANT MY STORY SPOILED, I SUGGEST YOU AVOID THE BESTIARUM AND DRAMATIS PERSONAE UNTIL SOMETHING IN THE STORY CONFUSES YOU.[/b] Otherwise you may know how the story ends before you even begin. [b]I write this for three reasons:[/b] [b]1.[/b] Because I love the Halo Universe. [b]2.[/b] I am the writer for a small game developing studio. This is good practice for my current and future work. [b]3.[/b] To share my story; a lot of effort went into this, so please give it a read and leave some feedback if you have the time. [i]I hope you enjoy this piece as much as I enjoyed researching and writing it.[/i] [b][u]Halo REACH[/b][/u][quote] [b]0: [u]Introduction[/b][/u] ([i]this![/i]) [b]I: [u]Dramatis personae[/b][/u] ([url=]Part 1[/url]) [b]II: [u]Bestiarum[/b][/u] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [url=]Part 2[/url]) [b]III: [u]The Pillar of Autumn[/b][/u] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [url=]Part 2[/url]) [b]IV: [u]Reach[/b][/u] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [url=]Part 2[/url]) [b]V: [u]The Grid[/u][/b] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [url=]Part 2[/url]) [b]VI: [u]The Divine Retribution[/u][/b] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [url=]Part 2[/url] ll [url=]Part 3[/url]) [b]VII: [u]Camp Independence[/u][/b] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [url=]Part 2[/url] ll [url=]Part 3[/url]) [b]VIII: [u]Ruins[/u][/b] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [url=]Part 2[/url] ll [url=]Part 3[/url]) [b]IX: [u]Graves[/u][/b] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [url=]Part 2[/url] ll [url=]Part 3[/url] ll [url=]Part 4[/url] ll [url=]Part 5[/url]) [b]X: [u]Asterion[/u][/b] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [url=]Part 2[/url]) [b]XI: [u]Pathways[/u][/b] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [url=]Part 2[/url]) [b]XII: [u]Revalation[/u][/b] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [url=]Part 2[/url] ll [url=]Part 3[/url]) [b]XIII: [u]Ghosts of Reach[/u][/b] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [url=]Part 2[/url] ll [url=]Part 3[/url]) [b]XIV: [u]Credits[/b][/u] ([url=]Part 1[/url]) [b]XV: [u]Legendary Ending[/u][/b] ([url=]Part 1[/url]) [/quote] [b][u]Halo REACH 2[/u] (preview)[/b][quote] [b]Harbinger:[/b] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [url=]Part 2[/url]) [b]Notes[/b] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [url=]Part 2[/url]) [Edited on 08.30.2009 6:52 PM PDT]
#Halo #Reach

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  • Nice work, more plz.. haha, instead of starting with a weapon, I would of liked to have been one of the Spartans that lost his weapons during the drop, so you have to jump the first jackals by hand. Keep up the great work!

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  • Finally! Something of worth comes out of this forum!!! Also, where have you been MLG Cheehwawa? Haven't seen you on the forums in some time. Looking for to this being completed.

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  • Dude, this is freaking awesome. Hopefully [I]Reach[/I] will be as epic as this campaign-wise. Also, I must ask since I never read [I]Ghosts of Onyx[/I], is Raum a fictional character or was he truly Xytan's brother? EDIT: Thread has been saved. [Edited on 06.11.2009 5:50 AM PDT]

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  • Hey, it's MLG Cheehwawa. Long time, no see. I just skimmed through this piece of work: pretty damn fine. I may look into this even more later tonight (a bit behind on my personal Halo history) but I can tell you put tons of work and thought into this. Thread saved.

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  • [quote][b][u]Reach[/u][/b] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [b]Part 2[/b])[/quote][i]The screen remains black. All you can hear is heartbeats, and the controller vibrates to match pace with them. Your hearing gradually sharpens; you catch fragments of conversation:[/i] ...6 wounded so badly... ...barely walk... ...4 KIA... [i]Gradually fade in from black. Blinking clears your swimming vision. A Spartan stands over S259, it is S066. He helps S259 up onto his feet. S066 stands a head taller than S259.[/i] [b]"SPARTANS"[/b] The player is in control again. On the floor are four static bodies: Spartan KIA. 6 Spartans move about with a severe limp. S104 broadcasts on the team-wide COM: [b]S104 (COM):[/b] [i]Formation Beta. We need to reach those generators. Dante, stay up front, most of us lost our weapons in the drop. Try to secure the weapons cache. Radio silence from now on, Spartans.[/i] A navpoint marks the approximate location of the weapons cache, a small bundle of weapons which landed a fair distance from the Spartans. Between the landing point and the weapons are several clusters of Jackals and Grunts. The player can employ melees or even throw large stones at the Jackals (throw them as you would a grenade). The player works away from the landing zone into the thick forest. All around, Spartans dash tree to tree swift as ghosts. After securing some real weapons for yourself, continue to a second navpoint which marks the approximate location of the Orbital Defense Generators. The first enemies are a trio of Jackals. After killing them, continue into a small clearing which is host to a group of Grunts. Carbine-Jackals are mounted in some of the trees, and serve as a constant threat and nuisance. Past more clusters of Grunts and Jackals, S259 notices that the trees are on fire. Continuing to this area, a squadron of Elites stands perched behind a U-shaped rock, two of them wield Beam Rifles. They take aim down a gradually sloping cliff, at four figures milling about a scene of carnage. They are UNSC marines. The player neutralizes the Elite squadron, and then the Spartans catch up behind him. In front of them is a scene of utter carnage. [i][b]Long:[/b] down a sloping cliff is a clearing. Not a natural clearing, but one of war. The forest has been levelled by bombs, splintered trees carpet the blackened ground. The damages are not the work of plasma, but apparently human bombs. There are bodies, too. Grunts, Jackals, Elites... and humans. All dead. Four marines lazily walk through the carnage, searching their fallen comrades for dog tags, and obviously disturbed by the carnage.[/i] [i][b]Close:[/b] profile of S259 as he peers over the cliff edge at the scene. The camera slowly pans to the right to reveal S098 has silently taken position next to him.[/i] [b]S098:[/b] Looks like marines. { [i]S259 jumps slightly, unaware that she had taken position next to him.[/i] } Charlie Company. What do you think happened down there? [b]S259:[/b] I think the better question would be 'What [i]didn't[/i] happen down the--' [b]S104:[/b] { [i]cutting off S259 on the team-wide COM.[/i] } Marine patrol, this is Spartan Red team. We are approaching your position from your six o' clock. Acknowledge. [i][b]Long:[/b] in the clearing, the marines stop and turn toward the up-hill Spartans. One of them speaks over COM:[/i] [b]CHARLIE1 (COM):[/b] [i]Spartans? If you are what you say you are... we could sure use a hand.[/i] [b]S104:[/b] Sorry we missed the battle, Marine. [b]CHARLIE1 (COM):[/b] [i]'Missed'?[/i] { [i]laughs a short bitter laugh[/i] } [i]Hell, this was just round one.[/i] [i][b]Medium:[/b] interior of Covenant bridge. XYTAN towers above the Sangheili working on his bridge as turns his head from right to left, surveying his crew.[/i] [i][b]Close:[/b] XYTAN questions his bridge officers:[/i] [b]XYTAN:[/b] What is the status of their generators? [b]ELITE:[/b] They are still operational. [b]XYTAN:[/b] What is taking the cruiser so long? I assigned them only one task; this insolent fool will have his status revoked! His line will be forever shamed! [b]ELITE:[/b] The cruiser is sending a request for reinforcements. Their initial attack was repelled by a human bombardment. [i][b]Close, tracking:[/b] XYTAN leaves his post atop the floating island in his bridge, he walks away from his crew slowly, toward a door.[/i] [b]XYTAN:[/b] The ship's Luminary has already detected an Oracle on this world. Who knows how many relics they may have tarnished with their primitive weapons? Flag the [i]Divine Retribution[/i], we are moving to the surface. [b]ELITE:[/b] Yes, lord. [i]XYTAN pauses in front of the door as it opens, and he speaks quietly to himself:[/i] [b]XYTAN:[/b] I will Recover this relic... by the Prophets, we will ruin this world. [i]Fade to black.[/i] [b]NEXT CHAPTER:[/b] [url=]The Grid[/url] [Edited on 06.11.2009 4:38 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b][u]Reach[/u][/b] ([b]Part 1[/b] ll [url=]Part 2[/url])[/quote][i]Fade in from black.[/i] [i][b]Medium, tracking:[/b] exterior, Reach. Red team's pelican plummets toward the surface of Reach, slinging through volleys of plasma and MACs. Plasma, missiles and MAC rounds criss-cross the inky space. Seraphs duel with Longswords, Shortswords hunt down Spirits drop ships. The Pelican enters the upper atmosphere, signified by a soft orange glow.[/i] [b][i]0627 Hours, August 30, 2552, Epsilon Eridani System, in orbit over Reach[/i][/b] [i][b]Close:[/b] interior of Pelican. 27 Spartans brace themselves against the stripped troop-hold. S259 stands near the sealed cockpit door. He keys the local COM:[/i] [b]S259:[/b] Mitchell, what's our ETA? [b]MITCHELL (COM):[/b] { [i]screaming.[/i] } [i]ETA? ETA?! I don't know if we're even going to make it down![/i] [b]S259:[/b] Calm down, we-- [b]MITCHELL (COM):[/b] { [i]interrupting.[/i] } [i]Calm down? You Spartans are nuts! I'll calm down when we're on the goddamned grou--[/i] [i]S259 deactivates the COM link, halting MITCHELL mid-sentence.[/i] [i]S259 turns to the Spartans in his corner of the hold, they all wear specialized armor permutations. Among them is S066, nearly a head taller than S259.[/i] [b]S259:[/b] You ready for this? [i]S066 looks over to S259 slowly.[/i] [b]S066:[/b] Hell yes. [i]An ear-splitting shriek fills the Pelican. Light shines through the cockpit hatch; then smoke. The small pressurized-glass window into the cockpit explodes outward. MITCHELL has been killed. Plasma tears through the Pelican all around; it begins spinning erratically.[/i] [i][b]Medium, tracking:[/b] exterior of the Pelican, it spins wildly through the sky at nearly 150 meters/second. A trio of Covenant Seraphs trail behind.[/i] [i][b]Close:[/b] interior of Pelican. S259 glances to the rear of the Pelican. A Spartan pops the aft hatch, which flies back orange-hot, impacting a trailing Seraph like a missile. The others pull back, unable to take the atmospheric entry. The Spartan leans out and surveys the damage done to the Pelican.[/i] [i][b]Close:[/b] S104 looks at the Spartan hanging out of the back of the Pelican, and then turns his attention to another, leaning directly across from S259.[/i] [b]S104:[/b] Joshua, report. [b]S029:[/b] The autopilot's gone, and cockpit controls are offline, I can counter our spin with thrusters. [i][b]Medium, tracking:[/b] exterior of the Pelican. A thruster bursts to life and the dropship recovers from its deadly spin.[/i] [i][b]Close:[/b] interior of Pelican, S104 still focused on S029.[/i] [b]S104:[/b] Can we land? [b]S029:[/b] Negative. The computer has no solution for our inbound vector. I'll buy as much time as I can. [b]S104:[/b] Get ready for a fast drop. Grab your gear; pump your suits' hydrostatic gel to maximum pressure. Suck it up, Spartans... we're landing hard. [i][b]Close:[/b] S098 turns to face S259.[/i] [b]S098:[/b] Looks like we're at about 10,000 meters. [i]S099 turns away, grabs her sniper rifle, then crawls toward the aft hatch.[/i] [b]S104:[/b] { [i]to all.[/i] } Ready and aft. Jump on my mark. [i]The Spartans collectively grab their gear and move toward the rear hatch. The Pelican tilts as its engine explodes, sending it into another tailspin.[/i] [i]The first Spartan drops out of the Pelican.[/i] [b]S104:[/b] Jump! Spartans: Go, go, go! [i][b]Medium, tracking, angled up:[/b] exterior of the Pelican. The Spartans all jump out of the aft hatch, and rocket towards the camera, which moves down slower than they.[/i] [i]Cut to black as a Spartan fills the screen.[/i] [b]"FALL"[/b] [i]Fade in from black, to first person.[/i] The player takes control for the first time in the game. He is Sierra-259 (S259), hurtling towards the surface of Reach at roughly 130 meters/second. All around him his fellow Spartans guide their body through the powder blue sky. Below them a massive forest sprawls, their childhood training grounds. Home. The Spartans lack chutes, so it could also very well be their graves that they are diving to. The Spartans from S259's corner of the Pelican (S066, S098, S145, S320) form up around him in the free-fall. The player can spread his arms and legs by pressing (RT) and (LT) at the same time. This will slow your fall. You can also aim your head down at the ground by maneuvering the thumbsticks, speeding up the fall and generating massive motion blur. The player can also catch the Pelican as it careens into an icy mountain peak, exploding into a ball of shrapnel and fire. S259 exchanges random dialogue with his closest Spartans, the ones from his corner, which introduces the player to those he will spend most of his playtime with. The dialogue will also serve to reveal to topography of Reach, as the Spartans calmly recall past training incidents, marking the story-locations with navpoints. As you near the ground, S104 calls in over COM: [b]S104 (COM):[/b] [i]Spartans, tuck your limbs in. We're coming in fast.[/i] You can tuck your limbs in by holding (RB) and (LB) at the same time. You control your Spartan's trajectory as you reach the canopy of the forest, the flimsy tree-tops first shaving away millimeters of your shield, and then you start to hit branches. Branches take out large portions of your shields, and when your shields are gone, your vision cuts out. [i]Cut to black.[/i] [Edited on 06.10.2009 5:37 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MLG Cheehwawa I started working on this a few days after Reach was announced, and I have the whole story done but I am going to release one or two missions per week so that nobody is too overwhelmed by reading it through in one sitting. [/quote] Pretty good so far, I like the inclusion of written dialoug from past works tying in the continuity. It's always nice to have some Covenant face time as well.

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  • I started working on this a few days after Reach was announced, and I have the whole story done but I am going to release one or two missions per week so that nobody is too overwhelmed by reading it through in one sitting.

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  • holy crap, how long did that take?

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  • [quote][b][u]CREDITS[/u][/b][/quote] [b]Writer[/b] MLG Cheehwawa [b]Researcher[/b] MLG Cheehwawa [b]Sources[/b] Halo: Contact Harvest Halo: Ghosts of Onyx Halo: The Fall of Reach Halo: Combat Evolved Halo: First Strike Halo 2 Halo 3 And, of course, my imagination. [b]Special Thanks[/b] Bungie studios and [i]Halo Universe copyright Bungie Studios.[/i] [Edited on 06.22.2009 6:02 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b][u]The Pillar of Autumn[/u][/b] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [b]Part 2[/b])[/quote][i][b]Medium:[/b] the exterior of THE PILLAR OF AUTUMN. It slowly begins to turn around.[/i] [b]0519 Hours, August 30, 2552, edge of the Epsilon Eridani System[/b] [i][b]Medium:[/b] interior of the Spartan troop bay aboard the AUTUMN. KEYES stands solemnly facing the thirty assembled Spartans.[/i] [b]KEYES:[/b] I don't know how they found Reach... they bypassed a dozen Inner Colony worlds to get here. It doesn't matter. They [i]are[/i] here. And we have to do something. [b]S117:[/b] Sir, 'They'? [b]KEYES:[/b] The Covenant. Cortana has picked up ship signatures on the [i]Pillar of Autumn[/i]'s sensors. She cannot be sure how many because of electrical interference, but there are more than a hundred alien ships inbound toward Reach. We have to go. We have our orders. The Section Three mission has to be scrubbed. [b]S117:[/b] Sir? Scrubbed? [b]KEYES:[/b] Reach is our strategic headquarters and our biggest ship-building facility, Master Chief. If the shipyards fall, then humanity may only have weeks to survive. { [i]he lights his antique pipe[/i] } We'll be at the rally point in twenty minutes, Master Chief. Have your team ready by then... for anything. [i][b]Close:[/b] S117 salutes KEYES.[/i] [b]S117:[/b] Sir! [i][b]Close, tracking:[/b] KEYES turns and walks off of the deck. The Spartans explode into action, prepping for their mission.[/i] [i][b]Long:[/b] exterior view of Reach; a space battle is taking place. Plasma arcs through the void of space, ultra-dense MAC rounds thunder through the vacuum, and Archer missiles segment the inky black with rich white smoke trails. The PILLAR OF AUTUMN hurtles past the camera, toward the planet.[/i] [i][b]Long:[/b] A Super MAC Cannon is overwhelmed by numerous Covenant ships, concentrating their fire on a single target. UNSC ships scramble to defend these strong-points.[/i] [i][b]Medium, tracking:[/b] The Super MAC station is slagged by Covenant plasma fire, UNSC ships scramble off-camera. The station sinks lazily into Reach's atmosphere.[/i] [i][b]Close:[/b] interior, bridge of the PILLAR OF AUTUMN. Crewmen scramble to work behind KEYES. KEYES removes the antique pipe from his mouth and gazes at the dire conflict from the main viewport. Cortana stands by his side, her feet planted firmly on a plate-sized projection pad.[/i] [b]KEYES:[/b] Break it down for me one more time, Cortana. [b]CORTANA:[/b] The Covenant are sending infantry onto Reach's surface... the groundside High Command Facility has been overrun. { [i]Keyes sighs[/i] } And if [i]that[/i] wasn't enough, an unsecured navigation database has been left on an orbital dock; Station Gamma. [b]KEYES:[/b] { [i]he turns in CORTANA's direction[/i] } Suggestions? [b]CORTANA:[/b] { [i]she pauses for a moment[/i] } Send in the Spartans. [i][b]Medium:[/b] interior, the Spartan troop bay. S117 stands in front of his 30 Spartans, all at attention.[/i] [b]S117:[/b] Spartans: if the Covenant take the ground-side generators, the defenses will fall. If they recover the nav-database, they know where Earth is. { [i]he pauses for a moment[/i] } James and Linda, you're with me on the space op. Fred, you're Red team leader. You'll have tactical command of the ground operation. [i]S104 steps forward and stands straighter.[/i] [b]S104:[/b] Sir! Yes, sir. [b]S117:[/b] Now make ready, Spartans. We don't have much time left. [i][b]Medium, pan right slowly:[/b] The Spartans all jump into activity, moving toward the pair of Pelicans in the back of the bay.[/i] [i][b]Close, tracking:[/b] The camera focuses on one Spartan, the same one who announced 'Captain on deck!' earlier (S259) as he walks in the group. Next to him is a slender Spartan, her feminine figure betrayed by her customized armour permutation; S320.[/i] [b]S259:[/b] Can you believe the Chief didn't choose us for the space op, Keira? [b]S320:[/b] He knows what he's doing. [b]S259:[/b] I know, I know... sometimes I just wished he had more faith in me. [i]S320 stops momentarily and turns to face S259, who also stops.[/i] [b]S320:[/b] John has faith in you. In all of us. We're family. [i]Hold for a moment, then Fade to black.[/i] [b]NEXT CHAPTER:[/b] [url=]Reach[/url] [Edited on 06.11.2009 4:37 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b][u]The Pillar of Autumn[/u][/b] ([b]Part 1[/b] ll [url=]Part 2[/url])[/quote] [i]Fade in from black.[/i] [i][b]Long:[/b] The pristine world of Reach, spins slowly, enveloped by an array of Super MAC cannons. A Halcyon-class cruiser flies toward the camera (away from the Planet), which pans to follow it. Across its side is engraved in white letters "THE PILLAR OF AUTUMN"[/i] [b]0400 Hours, August 30, 2552, Epsilon Eridani System, near planet Reach[/b] [i]The AUTUMN flies close to a Super MAC cannon.[/i] [i][b]Close:[/b] interior of the Pillar of Autumn, Captain Jacob KEYES is in an elevator with his Lieutenant, HIKOWA. The elevator hums softly as it falls to a floor labelled C-Deck. The doors open, KEYES and HIKOWA step out.[/i] [i][b]Medium, slowly panning left to right:[/b] The room was filled with motion; Spartans unpacked crates, others cleaned and field-stripped their weapons, and a pair of them practiced hand-to-hand combat. [/i] [b]S259:[/b] Captain on Deck! [i][b]Medium:[/b] The 30 Spartans simultaneously snap to attention.[/i] [i][b]Close:[/b] KEYES looks at the Spartans at attention.[/i] [b]KEYES:[/b] As you were. [i][b]Medium, tracking:[/b] One Spartan approaches KEYES. The camera pulls in close behind the Spartan's shoulder.[/i] [b]S117:[/b] Master Chief SPARTAN 117 reporting as ordered, sir. I regret the unit was not able to ask your permission to come aboard. The Admiral insisted we keep our presence off the COM channels and computer networks. [b]KEYES:[/b] Quite all right, Master Chief. I just wanted to extend my regards. If you and your men need anything, let me know. [b]S117:[/b] Yes sir. [i]An awkward pause.[/i] [b]KEYES:[/b] Well, Master Chief, I'll be on the bridge. [b]S117:[/b] Sir! [i]S117 snaps a crisp salute. KEYES returns the gesture, turns, and leaves with HIKOWA. The camera drifts past S117 toward the elevator doors. KEYES and HIKOWA enter, and they close behind them.[/i] [i][b]Close, angle down:[/b] interior of the elevator, HIKOWA turns to KEYES.[/i] [b]HIKOWA:[/b] Do you think... I mean with all due respect to the Spartans, sir... don't you think they're... strange? [b]KEYES:[/b] Strange? Yes, Lieutenant. You might act a little strange if you seen and been through as much as they had. [b]HIKOWA:[/b] Some people say they're not even humans in those suits... that they're just machines. [i][b]Extreme Close:[/b] KEYES tosses a stern look to his left at HIKOWA, pauses for a moment and then speaks:[/i] [b]KEYES:[/b] They're human. [i][b]Long:[/b] the edge of the Epsilon Eridani system, a small human outpost is motionless in the inky black space, the FERMION. A blue-white smudge appears nearby, and then another, and another. The curved crowns of Covenant vessels peer through the slipspace ruptures.[/i] [i][b]Medium:[/b] interior of the FERMION.[/i] [i][b]Close:[/b] BRIGHTLING sits at his station, overlooks some statistics, and then look up with a shocked look on his face, and stammers:[/i] [b]BRIGHTLING:[/b] Contact! With... more than three hundred large objects. Sir, silhouettes match known Covenant profiles. [i][b]Close:[/b] STREETER reviews his computer terminal, and then looks up to deliver his finding:[/i] [b]STREETER:[/b] They're accelerating on an intercept course for the station. [i][b]Close:[/b] BRIGHTLING reviews his computer terminal, and then slowly turns to MCROBB, his Commanding Officer.[/i] [b]BRIGHTLING:[/b] FLEETCOM network connections are being infiltrated. Cutting our connection. [i][b]Close, angle down:[/b] the camera peers down over MCROBB's shoulder as he reviews the two officers' computer terminals.[/i] [b]MCROBB:[/b] What about the astrophysics data? And the nav coordinates? [b]BRIGHTLING:[/b] Sir, they're trying to end the diagnostic cycle, but that takes a few minutes. [b]MCROBB:[/b] Then we don't have a lot of options. { [i]he sets his hand on BRIGHTLING's shoulder to steady the young officer.[/i] } It's all right, Lieutenant. We've done the best we could. We've done our duty. There's nothing more to worry about. { [i]he sets his palm on a pad on the control station.[/i] } Just one last order to carry out. [i][b]Long:[/b] exterior of the station, 315 Covenant warships are looming dangerously close to the FERMION. The station winks into a pinprick of orange against the silver hulls of the massive Covenant cruisers. It has self-destructed.[/i] [i][b]Medium:[/b] interior of a Covenant bridge. XYTAN, an 11'5" tall Sangheili, stands aboard his ship THE SUBLIME TRANSCENDANCE. Behind him is a shorter Sangheili, who wears similar armor: RAUM.[/i] [b]XYTAN:[/b] Curse these insolent humans! Do they have no honour? [i][b]Close:[/b] RAUM offers a sympathetic tone and stance, his head bent down slightly.[/i] [b]RAUM:[/b] They do not, noble one, that is why they have no place among this reality or the Journey beyond. [i][b]Close:[/b] XYTAN speaks without turning to his subordinate.[/i] [b]XYTAN:[/b] You are correct, Raum. { [i]he slowly looks around his bridge, filled with noble Sangheili.[/i] } What say you all? Shall we lay waste to these vermin?! [i]The bridge erupts in roars of approval from the Sangheili.[/i] [b]XYTAN:[/b] { [i]quietly, to RAUM[/i] } We will have to waste precious cycles rendering this backwater world to glass. [b]RAUM:[/b] Noble Xytan, there may well be relics on this world, desecrated by these creatures' presence. [i]XYTAN speaks loudly to the bridge crew:[/i] [b]XYTAN:[/b] Activate the Luminary! Scan this world for relics! { [i]turning back to RAUM, speaking quieter[/i] } You are wise beyond your years. You will command my excavation forces on this world. It is time you tasted combat... brother. [Edited on 09.29.2009 5:54 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b][u]BESTIARUM[/u][/b] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [b]Part 2[/b])[/quote][i]What lies within.[/i] [b]*SPOILER WARNING* [i]IF YOU DO NOT WANT MY STORY SPOILED, I SUGGEST YOU AVOID THE BESTIARUM AND DRAMATIS PERSONAE UNTIL SOMETHING IN THE STORY CONFUSES YOU.[/b][/i] Otherwise you may know how the story ends before you even begin. [u][b]THE FLOOD[/b][/u] [b]Infection form:[/b] The [url=]Infection form[/url] is roughly the size of a soccer ball. It has a squid-like appearance, and if it latches on to an unshielded target, it will rapidly [url=]convert[/url] them into a Combat form. They can be dispatched by a single shot or a melee. [b]Spitter:[/b] Roughly 3' tall, the Spitter is a Pure Form which skitters around on the ground. They are a medium point between Infection forms and Runner/Combat forms. They have one offensive capability: spitting a corrosive acid-like substance that brings down shielding quickly, but has little effect on health. If four or more Spitters are near each other, they may fuse together, forming into a larger Pure form like a Tank or Stalker. This process is slow, however, and leaves them very vulnerable. [b]Runner:[/b] Runners are roughly 6' tall, slim, and extremely fast. They are similar to Combat forms, but they cannot jump. but They possess a pair of barbed hands, ideal for melee combat, but also disallowing them to wield weapons. [b]Combat form:[/b] A Flood [url=]Combat form[/url] is a vertebrate suitable for combat that has been infected by the Flood parasite via an Infection Form. The victim is mutated into a combat unit that fights for Flood goals and objectives. [b]Carrier form:[/b] The [url=]Carrier Form[/url] is a Flood form primarily used to both create and transport Infection Forms thus effectively spreading the Flood infection. Carrier forms are formed from older, deteriorated Combat Forms or from bodies that are unsuitable for combat, such as an Unggoy or Kig-yar. [b]Stalker:[/b] The [url=]Stalker[/url] is a crustacean-like Flood [url=]Pure Form[/url] that specializes in stealth and agility. It is apparently made from the re-assembled bones and flesh of deceased beings. It will frequently mutate into either a Ranged Form or a Tank Form when the need arises. [b]Ranged:[/b] The [url=]Ranged form[/url] is a type of Flood Pure Form that specializes in ranged attacks. It is formed when a Flood Stalker Form is damaged or chooses to mount itself in a stationary position either on the walls, ceiling, or, with less frequency, on the ground. It has a mouth-like protrusion that opens up to reveal a living missile platform of regenerating spikes. [b]Infector:[/b] The [url=]Infector[/url] is a Flood Pure Form is a three-limbed form that features the ability to regenerate destroyed limbs within ten seconds, making it a formidable foe. Their body is very similar in appearances to the Carrier Form, except that the Infector form is designed to shoot out [url=]Flood Spores[/url], which attach themselves to an unshielded victim, slowly immobilizing and then transforming them into a Combat form. [b]Tank:[/b] The [url=]Tank form[/url] is slow-moving Flood Pure Form, specializing in close-ranged melee attacks; their arms are shaped into hardened spikes. However normally slow, they can run on all fours for a short period, allowing a burst of speed to overtake a target. [b]Matron:[/b] The Matron has an appearance similar to an overgrown and lopsided Infector form, but it has six legs instead of three. Instead of releasing Flood Spores, it incubates Infection forms, and births them at regular intervals, without the hassle of exploding like the Carrier form. [b]Juggernaut:[/b] The [url=]Flood Juggernaut[/url] is a 15' tall Flood Pure Form, constructed of the bones and tissue of deceased beings. It possesses huge tentacles which it can use to impale or crush enemies, and it can jump over twice as far as a Combat form. [b]Sweeper:[/b] The [url=]Sweeper[/url] Flood Pure Form. Unlike the Carrier Form, which carries and incubates infection forms, the transport carries up to six Combat or Runner Forms to any particular destination. It has four triple-jointed walking arms to move its load of troops around, and featured numerous tentacles to consume/recycle bio-mass, dead or alive. It can also convert the biomass into Runner forms at will. [Edited on 06.20.2009 9:56 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b][u]BESTIARUM[/u][/b] ([b]Part 1[/b] ll [url=]Part 2[/url])[/quote][i]What lies within.[/i] [b]*SPOILER WARNING* [i]IF YOU DO NOT WANT MY STORY SPOILED, I SUGGEST YOU AVOID THE BESTIARUM AND DRAMATIS PERSONAE UNTIL SOMETHING IN THE STORY CONFUSES YOU.[/b][/i] Otherwise you may know how the story ends before you even begin. [u][b]UNSC[/b][/u] [b]Marine:[/b] The [url=]standard UNSC soldier[/url]; they are equipped with a wide array of weaponry and posess lion-like hearts, but their physical limitations as a mere human ultimately hinder their effectiveness in combat. [b]ODST:[/b] The cream of the UNSC crop; the [url=]Orbital Drop Shock Troopers[/url] are no different than the marines in terms of physicality, but they have undergone strenuous training which has placed them far above the standard marine in terms of effectiveness. Their motto is [i]Feet First Into Hell[/i]. [b]SPARTAN-II:[/b] Soldiers of the top-secret SPARTAN program. Trained from the age of seven (administered a [url=]series of biochemical augmentations[/url]), they blossomed into the only force standing between humanity's welfare and the destruction at the hands of the Covenant. They all stand upwards of 6'5'', some even reaching 8'0'', and they wear the (standard and permutations) [url=]MJOLNIR Mark V[/url] battle armor. [u][b]INSURRECTIONIST[/b][/u] [b]Soldier:[/b] A standard [url=]insurrectionist[/url] soldier; many of them do not possess the training gone through by a marine, and thus fight more like mercenaries, with little dedication to their cause in face of death. [b]Extremist:[/b] Though they lack the training of UNSC personnel, they are willing to make up for their lack of training with disregard for their own lives. They will fight to the death for their cause; they are your standard terrorist. [b]Mark II:[/b] The most effective warriors of the Insurrectionists are former marines in the UNSC; they became insurrectionists to try and "liberate" colony-civilizations, wanting to be independent societies. Their name is ironic; the [i]Innies[/i] want out. The Mark IIs wear [url=]MJOLNIR Mark II[/url]. [b]Cyclops:[/b] Similar to the Mark IIs, only instead of the MJOLNIR Mk II armor, they wear the colossal (and stolen) [url=]Cyclops[/url] battle armor. [u][b]THE COVENANT[/b][/u] [b]Grunt:[/b] The [url=]Unggoy[/url] are a small species of servant warriors in the unified races of the Covenant. They are the lowest caste and are usually just used as cannon fodder or hard-labor workers. [b]Jackal:[/b] The [url=]Kig-yar[/url] are an avian species which serve the Covenant as snipers or scouts due to their excellent sense of sight, smell, and hearing. Many bands of Kig-yar also exist outside the Covenant as mercenaries or pirates. [b]Elite:[/b] The [url=]Sangheili[/url] are a species of fierce, proud, strong, intelligent warriors, and skilled combat tacticians. The Sangheili formed the military backbone of the Covenant for almost the entirety of its existence. They harbor a deep hatred for the Brutes. They stand roughly 8'5'' tall. [b]Brute:[/b] The [url=]Jiralhanae[/url] are a large ape-like species of the Covenant. The Brutes have a profound hatred of the Elites, unmatched by any other feud within the Covenant. They stand roughly 9' tall, and employ aggressive physical melee attacks, as well as explosive weaponry, as their primary means of attack. The Brutes in this game are cunning foes whose sole purpose is to try and lift every human they see limb-from-limb. These are the Brutes from Halo: First Strike, not Halo 2 and Halo 3. [b]Hunter:[/b] The [url=]Mgalekgolo[/url] are a unique gestalt of smaller creatures known as Lekgolo, which are tiny, orange, worm-like creatures that group together to geometrically increase their intelligence, strength, and manoeuvrability. They have a massive shield integrated into one arm, and an [url=]Assault Cannon[/url] attached to the other. [b]Behemoth:[/b] They are of the same origin as the Hunters, only the Behemoths stand nearly 20' tall. They have no shields, but they have a pair of massive repeating [url=]Fuel Rod Cannons[/url] in place of hands. [b]Scarab:[/b] The [url=]Scarabs[/url] are mobile fortresses deployed from high atmosphere or low to medium orbit onto the field. The Scarab was developed for excavation activities, but also often doubles a combat platform, used to assault heavily defended structures and barriers and to give quick unstoppable support for Covenant troops on the ground. They are essentially gigantic Hunters, as they are made of [url=]Lekgolo[/url] worms. [b]Moroi:[/b] Like the Scarabs, the Moroi was developed as a mining vehicle. It is essentially an even larger, seemingly indestructible, Scarab. It is the personal transport of Raum 'Jar Wattinree, the field commander under Xytan 'Jar Wattinree. [u][b]FORERUNNER[/b][/u] [b]Engineer:[/b] The [url=]Huragok[/url] are an artificial race that was created by the [url=]Forerunners[/url], left behind in some of their facilities to keep them running smoothly. [b]Constructor:[/b] The [url=]Constructors[/url] are small devices that repair damage to all Forerunner structures they find that are damaged. The Sentinels will come to their aid if they are attacked, as they have no weapon systems of their own to defend themselves. [b]Sentinel:[/b] The [url=]Sentinel[/url] is an ancient Forerunner-constructed automated electronic construct. It has limited Artificial Intelligence that is made specifically to combat the Flood when an outbreak occurs. It is armed with a standard [url=]Sentinel Beam[/url]. [b]Shielded Sentinel:[/b] Identical to a Sentinel, except they possess an energy shield similar in terms of resilience to a Spartan's. [b]Sentinel Major:[/b] The [url=]Majors[/url] are identical to the Shielded Sentinel, save for a gold tint and a more powerful blue beam. [b]Super Sentinel:[/b] The [url=]Super Sentinel[/url] is a variant of the basic Sentinel design, but roughly three times larger. It is colored gold and possessed energy shields and a heavy Sentinel Beam. They are only used in times of large Flood infections, or other considerable threats. [b]Mount:[/b] Roughly the same size as a Super Sentinel, the mounts possess very limited A.I. and no weapon. They are very fast for Sentinels, and have a shield in the front portion, and a place for one occupant to sit in the back. It looks similar to a hovering Forerunner motorbike. [b]Enforcer:[/b] The [url=]Enforcer[/url]. Enforcers are large robotic automatons designed by the Forerunners to prevent flood outbreaks. They have two forward Energy Shields split in half with a hole in the middle to allow weapons discharge. They are armed with [url=]Pulse Beams[/url] and [url=]Missiles[/url]. They are also equipped with large claw like arms which are able to pick up and rip apart most vehicles. [b]Onyx Sentinel:[/b]The "[url=]Onyx Sentinel[/url]" shares a similar appearance to the Monitors: with a round sphere in the center, and with a central "eye" that glows golden. The eye is the weaponry and offensive capability of the sentinel as it charges and unleashes a destructive, explosive laser beam. It also has three metal booms extending from equidistant points on the surface of the central sphere. [b]Guardian Sentinel:[/b] The [url=]Guardian Sentinel[/url] is one of a kind within the Reach facility. It guards The Core, and is the sole physical representation of the A.I. Imperious Guardian. It is roughly four meters tall, cylindrical in shape, with an oblong "head." It has a crimson eye in its center which fires a more powerful version of the Onyx Sentinel's beam. [Edited on 06.20.2009 9:53 AM PDT]

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  • [b][u]DRAMATIS PERSONAE:[/b][/u][quote][i]Faces of the conflict.[/i] [b]*SPOILER WARNING* [i]IF YOU DO NOT WANT MY STORY SPOILED, I SUGGEST YOU AVOID THE BESTIARUM AND DRAMATIS PERSONAE UNTIL SOMETHING IN THE STORY CONFUSES YOU.[/b][/i] Otherwise you may know how the story ends before you even begin. [b]BRIGHTLING:[/b] Lieutenant Junior Grade aboard the Remote Scanning Outpost [i]Fermion[/i]. [b]CHARLIE1:[/b] A marine of Charlie Company, one of the four survivors of the initial Covenant assault on the Orbital Defence Generator facility. [b]CORTANA:[/b] A UNSC-developed "smart A.I." who is in command of the [i]Pillar of Autumn[/i], a UNSC ship. [b]GRAVES:[/b] Gerald Graves, the leader of the Eridanian Rebel Front, son of Howard Graves, late leader of the United Rebel Front who was killed by Spartans in 2531. [b]HIKOWA:[/b] Lieutenant aboard the [i]Pillar of Autumn[/i]'s bridge. [b]IMPERIOUS GUARDIAN:[/b] Imperious Guardian, a highly advanced Forerunner A.I. He seems to have a dark side. [b]KEYES:[/b] Captain of the [i]Pillar of Autumn[/i], a UNSC vessel. [b]MCROBB:[/b] Chief Petty Officer, the ranking officer aboard the Remote Scanning Outpost [i]Fermion[/i]. [b]RAUM:[/b] The younger brother of Admiral Xytan 'Jar Wattinree. He serves as Xytan's field officer and the leader of his excavation procedures. [b]RAWLEY:[/b] Lieutenant Benjamin Rawley, a UNSC Pelican pilot. He is a smart-ass and is instantly received by the Spartans of Beta team after they rescue him. His sister is also in the UNSC: Lieutenant Carol Rawley, also known as Foehammer, a Pelican pilot aboard the [i]Pillar of Autumn[/i]. [b]S029:[/b] Spartan-029, Joshua, a member of Red Team, and later Team Alpha. [b]S066:[/b] Spartan-066, Sirus, a member of Red Team, and later [url=]Team Beta[/url]. He is a heavy weapons specialist and stands nearly a head taller than S259. He is a wise-aleck. [b]S098:[/b] Spartan-098, Scarlett, a member of Red Team, and later [url=]Team Beta[/url]'s Sniper. She is often silent and withdrawn from the group, a trait brought on by her combat role. [b]S104:[/b] Spartan-104, Fred, second in command of the Spartans, after Spartan-117. He is the leader of the Red Team, and later Team Alpha. [b]S117:[/b] Spartan-117, John, the leader of the Spartans, and Blue Team. He is commonly known as the Master Chief. [b]S145:[/b] Spartan-145, Edgar, member of Red Team, and later [url=]Team Beta[/url]'s close range specialist. He is a very intellectual person but doesn't normally speak. [b]S259:[/b] Spartan-259, Dante, leader of [url=]Team Beta[/url]. The protagonist. [b]S267:[/b] Spartan-267, Dorian, a member of Red Team, and later a member of the 11-Spartan strong Beta team left to guard the generators. [b]S320:[/b] Spartan-320, Keira, a member of Red Team, and later [url=]Team Beta[/url]'s scout and technician. She is very skilled with technologies of all sorts. [b]SILVA:[/b] Sergeant Major Randall Silva, the younger brother and fellow ODST of Major Antonio Silva, who leads the ODSTs aboard the [i]Pillar of Autumn[/i]. Silva has a festering distaste for the Spartans, which was cultivated by his older brother. [b]STREETER:[/b] Lieutenant Junior Grade aboard the Remote Scanning Outpost [i]Fermion[/i]. [b]TANAKA:[/b] Reina Tanaka, a lieutenant involved with ONI. She has information on Covenant activities in the area. [b]WHITCOMB:[/b] Vice Admiral Danforth Whitcomb. He is the de facto ranking officer on Reach since the HIGHCOMMAND facility was destroyed, killing all upper echelons of officers. He claims to be descended from Russians despite his distinct southern drawl. [b]XYTAN:[/b] An 11'5" Sangheili warrior. One of two Admirals present at the Battle of Reach, commanding roughly half of the 315 Covenant warships present. The other commander, Thel 'Vadamee, will later become the Arbiter after taking his ships to follow the PILLAR OF AUTUMN to Installation 04. [/quote] [Edited on 06.20.2009 8:45 AM PDT]

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