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6/11/2009 12:54:28 AM

MLG Cheehwawa's ** Halo REACH script ** (+REACH 2 preview!)

[b]Halo: REACH[/b] [i]by MLG Cheehwawa[/i] [b]*** // [u]PLEASE POST YOUR THOUGHTS TO KEEP THIS THREAD ALIVE. A LOT OF WORK WENT INTO IMAGINING, RESEARCHING, WRITING, AND EDITING THIS... ALL DONE BY ME. THANKS![/u] \\ ***[/b] [b]** [i]Moderator-approved[/i] **[/b] [b][u]DISCLAIMERS[/b][/u] [i]This is entirely my creation (I have borrowed lines directly from some novels to tie this in with the existing canon); I have no affiliation with Bungie studios and do not claim to know what Halo REACH will be about. This is my idea for what REACH would be like [b]if[/b] I were the writer on the project. A lot of this has been crafted by me, and not taken directly from the Halo canon (namely characters, locations, battles, and ships), but to the best of my knowledge, it does not conflict with the canon at all. If it does, let me know so I can tweak it.[/i] [b]The numbering question:[/b] [i]Sierra-259 and Sierra-320 have call-signs above 150, the original number of Spartan-II candidates. My explanation for this is that there was a large pool of children surveyed (at least 320). Then of those, 150 of the best were selected, and of those, only 75 were conscripted due to budget limitations.[/i] The script is all complete and posted. This is definitely not the end of the story, though. I have designed this to be a trilogy of games. I'm working on the first sequal now, which will run parallel with the beginning of Halo 2 and some of Ghosts of Onyx, but it will be a new story like with my first script. Halo REACH 2 will show us numerous things which Bungie hasn't told us about, that you will find out as I post. I don't know how fast I will be able to get the sequal done, though I already have the backbone for the first and second sequals, as well as the [url=]first cinematic[/url] (Harbinger), as well as about half of the first mission, for REACH 2. I'm starting at a full time job tomorrow and another semester at college late this month. I will get this done as fast as possible. [b]IF YOU DO NOT WANT MY STORY SPOILED, I SUGGEST YOU AVOID THE BESTIARUM AND DRAMATIS PERSONAE UNTIL SOMETHING IN THE STORY CONFUSES YOU.[/b] Otherwise you may know how the story ends before you even begin. [b]I write this for three reasons:[/b] [b]1.[/b] Because I love the Halo Universe. [b]2.[/b] I am the writer for a small game developing studio. This is good practice for my current and future work. [b]3.[/b] To share my story; a lot of effort went into this, so please give it a read and leave some feedback if you have the time. [i]I hope you enjoy this piece as much as I enjoyed researching and writing it.[/i] [b][u]Halo REACH[/b][/u][quote] [b]0: [u]Introduction[/b][/u] ([i]this![/i]) [b]I: [u]Dramatis personae[/b][/u] ([url=]Part 1[/url]) [b]II: [u]Bestiarum[/b][/u] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [url=]Part 2[/url]) [b]III: [u]The Pillar of Autumn[/b][/u] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [url=]Part 2[/url]) [b]IV: [u]Reach[/b][/u] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [url=]Part 2[/url]) [b]V: [u]The Grid[/u][/b] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [url=]Part 2[/url]) [b]VI: [u]The Divine Retribution[/u][/b] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [url=]Part 2[/url] ll [url=]Part 3[/url]) [b]VII: [u]Camp Independence[/u][/b] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [url=]Part 2[/url] ll [url=]Part 3[/url]) [b]VIII: [u]Ruins[/u][/b] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [url=]Part 2[/url] ll [url=]Part 3[/url]) [b]IX: [u]Graves[/u][/b] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [url=]Part 2[/url] ll [url=]Part 3[/url] ll [url=]Part 4[/url] ll [url=]Part 5[/url]) [b]X: [u]Asterion[/u][/b] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [url=]Part 2[/url]) [b]XI: [u]Pathways[/u][/b] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [url=]Part 2[/url]) [b]XII: [u]Revalation[/u][/b] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [url=]Part 2[/url] ll [url=]Part 3[/url]) [b]XIII: [u]Ghosts of Reach[/u][/b] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [url=]Part 2[/url] ll [url=]Part 3[/url]) [b]XIV: [u]Credits[/b][/u] ([url=]Part 1[/url]) [b]XV: [u]Legendary Ending[/u][/b] ([url=]Part 1[/url]) [/quote] [b][u]Halo REACH 2[/u] (preview)[/b][quote] [b]Harbinger:[/b] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [url=]Part 2[/url]) [b]Notes[/b] ([url=]Part 1[/url] ll [url=]Part 2[/url]) [Edited on 08.30.2009 6:52 PM PDT]
#Halo #Reach

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Hylebos Wait... where are the dragons, alternate universes, and the Terminator?[/quote] Yeah, cause all that is definitely part of the cannon. =) As for Cheehwawa: I've been reading this script for a bit and I must say it looks superb. It fits in nicely to the existing games and books. The new enemies (and allies) are very interesting and I love 'em all. Your plans for a sequel sound... very... well planed. I mean, you have a story planed out until the events of Halo 3 with a backstory and all. Seriously, apply for a writing position at Bungie. ~Hunter

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  • Well on Sept 7, Whitcomb said that there were 20 hours left on the NOVA, but it didn't end up going off between October 20 and 31... I don't think it was ever confirmed if Xytan was aboard the Sublime Transcendence when the bomb went off, and Nylund hinted that he may still be alive... I'm not sure if ODST will offer up more in terms of story, but I really hope it does... I don't plan on doing a sequal too soon, anyway, so I'll wait =)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MLG Cheehwawa Well, the Betas hae hid the NOVA in the Sublime Transcendance in this one... in the sequals, I'm going to explain how the countdown timer malfunctioned, why the Betas don't go back down to the surface of Reach (remember the Spartans' original mission before Reach was attacked?), and may tie the storyline in with Halo Wars, Ghosts of Onyx, and Halo 3. And I'm going to have some influence from First Strike and show a massive Brute replacement which occurs October 20, with the help of the Forerunner crystal shards, and Xytan's opposition towards a Sangheil alliance with the "Demons."[/quote] Hmm in the book the bomb goes off when the Engineers repair that box.. you mean that it was actually malfunctioning? Just thought that it was just some box and not actually the timer... wouldn't make sense that the bomb wouldn't go off when that box *malfunctioned* And Xytan get's pwned in Ghosts of Onyx right? when the sentinels detatch from Onyx and vaporize the fleet am I right or not? :P Anyways the other guy is right.. if you want to make another you should wait until ODST comes out maybe you can get some nice things for the story out of that :D anyways that brute part seems promising :D [Edited on 06.24.2009 9:41 AM PDT]

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  • Wait... where are the dragons, alternate universes, and the Terminator?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MLG Cheehwawa [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Crusader The halo 2 scarab fight was lame... kill some elites inside=win you could barely fail on that :D the scarab barely played a role in halo 2. So let's just pwn him with some weapons lying around :D while the scarab is trying yo kill you And Cheehwawa... What do you have in mind for the sequal (if you're ever going to make one) I have some idea's but depends on what you are going to do with the spartans :D[/quote]Well, the Betas hae hid the NOVA in the Sublime Transcendance in this one... in the sequals, I'm going to explain how the countdown timer malfunctioned, why the Betas don't go back down to the surface of Reach (remember the Spartans' original mission before Reach was attacked?), and may tie the storyline in with Halo Wars, Ghosts of Onyx, and Halo 3. And I'm going to have some influence from First Strike and show a massive Brute replacement which occurs October 20, with the help of the Forerunner crystal shards, and Xytan's opposition towards a Sangheil alliance with the "Demons."[/quote]If you write a sequel, you should probably wait until after ODST is out to make sure your story sticks with the canon. Oh yeah, and I suggest a book about the life of Johnson. It could fill in some gaps and give us more info about the Spartan1 program. [Edited on 06.24.2009 9:06 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Crusader The halo 2 scarab fight was lame... kill some elites inside=win you could barely fail on that :D the scarab barely played a role in halo 2. So let's just pwn him with some weapons lying around :D while the scarab is trying yo kill you And Cheehwawa... What do you have in mind for the sequal (if you're ever going to make one) I have some idea's but depends on what you are going to do with the spartans :D[/quote]Well, the Betas hae hid the NOVA in the Sublime Transcendance in this one... in the sequals, I'm going to explain how the countdown timer malfunctioned, why the Betas don't go back down to the surface of Reach (remember the Spartans' original mission before Reach was attacked?), and may tie the storyline in with Halo Wars, Ghosts of Onyx, and Halo 3. And I'm going to have some influence from First Strike and show a massive Brute replacement which occurs October 20, with the help of the Forerunner crystal shards, and Xytan's opposition towards a Sangheil alliance with the "Demons." [Edited on 06.24.2009 7:55 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Crusader The halo 2 scarab fight was lame... kill some elites inside=win you could barely fail on that :D the scarab barely played a role in halo 2. So let's just pwn him with some weapons lying around :D while the scarab is trying yo kill you And Cheehwawa... What do you have in mind for the sequal (if you're ever going to make one) I have some idea's but depends on what you are going to do with the spartans :D[/quote]The Halo 2 Scarab wasn't too bad, just a little scripted. I liked the Halo 3 strategy but it was too easy. If we see Scarab fights I hope we see the Halo 3 version made harder to take down and better defended. They should make the Scarabs slightly larger and have two Hunters, a Zealot and Spec ops guarding the Scarab.

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  • The halo 2 scarab fight was lame... kill some elites inside=win you could barely fail on that :D the scarab barely played a role in halo 2. So let's just pwn him with some weapons lying around :D while the scarab is trying yo kill you And Cheehwawa... What do you have in mind for the sequal (if you're ever going to make one) I have some idea's but depends on what you are going to do with the spartans :D [Edited on 06.24.2009 7:02 AM PDT]

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  • It would be cool, but I don't think that there will be any cities in REACH since the only region left unglassed were the Highland Mountains, which were used for secretive training and housed numerous military bases and weapons caches. I feel that cities would be well away from here.

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  • ok that was a great script, i didn't like the flood idea but if you're fighting flood and covenant then it would be fine (if it were a game) another thing, it would be better if you fought the moroi in a city (im imagining the moroi is the halo 2 scarab with it's uber laser, which i like better) like in halo 2, which was my favorite part.

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  • If my REACH game was a reality, it would have 5-player coop. Before the game starts, the players choose which Spartans they want to be (the party leader would always be S259), while in SP, they are controlled by AI like the Arbiter in Halo 3.

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  • Read all of it, and it's amazing in every way. It really makes me think of [url=]Halo: Chronicles[/url] because of the level and depth of the cinematics. One thing that I'm fine with, but is different than most Halo games so far is the amount of cutscenes. I think a slight change that would make it more similar to the traditional trilogy would be to make certain cutscenes into playable sections with the characters talking while you"re moving(or standing). It won't improve the story(in fact I prefer cutscenes) but it would be more Halo-like. Something else to adress is co-op, don't know how you're figuring that one. Once again, amazing story. Thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and I think it would make for an amazing game, movie, or even book.

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  • Great story. I also noticed how you used stories from H1, H2, and H3 (the battle with Imperious, etc), like what Bungie does.

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  • Impressive. Well done.

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  • This was a great script to read. The script made me feel as if I were playing Halo: CE all over again. Flood Juggernauts would have acted as great enemies, and I'm glad you introduced them into your Reach script. Oh, and fighting Imperious would be AWESOME. Great job.

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  • uhhh it pretty good but i dont think the flood is anywhere near reach

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  • nice!!!!!!!, is a great story!!! [Edited on 06.22.2009 1:13 PM PDT]

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  • Wow this is impressive!

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  • Okay, thanks. And again, realy nice =D

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Robbert014 Realy nice done, I've one question however : Why did RAWLY left the pelican to keep fighting . I didn't read ( or I just can't remember) when RAWLY got wounded? And wouldn't the EMP blast killed them all?(maybe I didn't understand what stood there because my Englisch isn't that good( I'm dutch so...) I'm currently reading First strike and I realy liked how you made this story. Keep it up!!! [/quote]In the mission "Graves," the Elite Raum rushed the player, but one of the other Spartans tackled the Elite into a back room (after their collars are taken off). When Raum is tackled, he drops his energy sword which falls on Rawley, who was the one who took off the player's collar.Graves was the mission before "Asterion," with the insurrectionists.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Zero SPARTAN 993 Holy crap Fred is second in command of the SPARTANS Holy crap this GAME IS GOING TO BE AWSOME I don't even want to read the script in fear of spoiling the story of the game. Either way your still cool MLG Cheehwawa's[/quote]This is just my own take on it, it's nothing official and I doubt I'm even close to the main story. But if I'm not my story could still be added in because it fits with the canon.

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  • Realy nice done, I've one question however : Why did RAWLY left the pelican to keep fighting . I didn't read ( or I just can't remember) when RAWLY got wounded? And wouldn't the EMP blast killed them all?(maybe I didn't understand what stood there because my Englisch isn't that good( I'm dutch so...) I'm currently reading First strike and I realy liked how you made this story. Keep it up!!!

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  • Holy crap Fred is second in command of the SPARTANS Holy crap this GAME IS GOING TO BE AWSOME I don't even want to read the script in fear of spoiling the story of the game. Either way your still cool MLG Cheehwawa's

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  • Glad you liked it, Crusader! They took that line from Halo 1, it was in the last level as well. Just keepin' the tradition alive =D I think that this would work out to be a nice trilogy, ending around the time the NOVA explodes during Halo 2. XYTAN was very mad in the Legendary ending, so he obviously didn't get his vengeance... yet.

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  • [quote]You know... us ODSTs { he gestures toward his men. } were trained to drop into hell. { he pauses for a moment, and then grins. } You Spartans were trained to climb back out.[/quote] Awesome line :D And the: We'll make it is also awesome(MC says it in Halo 3 ending) Anyways this is really good but do you realise that the Spartans unless you make a second story are doomed because if they still remain on the ship they are going to be killed aswell when the Nova goes off near Joyous. And in the books there's nothing mentioned of the spartans so that means: either they got PWNED on the ship after they placed the bomb or they made it out alive. But I think you already thought this out.. read something about a sequel or something Anyways big cheer for you on this masterpiece. [Edited on 06.22.2009 7:47 AM PDT]

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  • Well that was a great story. The best part is it brings up the point we could possibly see Flood, Sentinels and Brutes in the actual game. [Edited on 06.21.2009 10:21 PM PDT]

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