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9/28/2015 3:53:34 PM

Destiny is a ticking time bomb, a failure of a business model. Elaborated below.

Right now, Destiny is one of the most successful games of all time. There is no debating that. It's player count is currently rising and it has made millions upon millions of dollars. Which is great - for the short term. Destiny wants to continue for another 9 years with sequels, expansions, and DLCs, all sold to you for a seperate price. They want you to get invested in their game and continue playing this whole time. Unfortunately, their current business model makes this a failing tactic. Consider for a moment the latest release of The Taken King: Legendary Edition. Likely anybody who did NOT purchase Destiny at release would have bought that, since it includes triple the content for the same price. Anybody who didn't have Destiny before has it now. Which is why we're seeing strong numbers currently. If you recall, at the times of TDB and HoW, we saw DRAMATIC declines in player population. Players were getting burnt out of Destiny's gameplay and reward system. It will only follow a similar trend in the next few months. People will get burnt out on TTK and stop playing. The newer players will stick around for a while, but again, they'll likely be dropped when the next expansion is revealed and they're expected to cough up another $20 or $40. Destiny's model is going to fail. Period. They have nobody left to sell Destiny to, as TTK: Legendary Edition has already picked up any new players that didn't have it before. On top of that, each Expansion or DLC will only drive more and more players away, as their gear becomes obselete and they're expected to pay more. In short, in about 6 months, Destiny will have nobody else to sell to. Period. The only players sticking with Destiny will be the diehards for the game that are willing to spend hundreds upon hundreds of dollars to keep up.

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  • Edited by ClanKilla187: 9/30/2015 11:05:34 PM
    Main reason Destiny has done so well is NOT BECAUSE ITS A GOOD GAME, it simply because it had no compilation. I've enjoyed destiny but BUNGIE has let me down i expected more from them, there not the BUNGIE I grew up with anymore now there just cash hungry developers who signed a deal with the devil. I don't see bungie failing, but they have forever lost me as a Fan Boy. Looking forward to the real next gens games dropping this fail as for destiny STFU!

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    • No one can deny that the Taken King was good for Destiny. YouTubers, Media outlets, and the general internet agrees that TTK was good. The problem? It took a failed launch, 2 bad DLC's and months of bashing for us to get our first actual expansion. And to boot, it cost a whopping $40! This is two thirds the cost of the original game, which wouldn't be a problem if it had two thirds of the content, which is sadly does not. Infact, it removed more content than it adds. Almost everything from Year 1 was invalidated, to missions, to armor, to strikes to both raids and the dreaded Prison of Elders. This is unacceptable. Releasing overpriced DLC is one thing, but removing content in the process is another. There is no legit reason to do the Vault or Crota or the Prison. Let's not forget the $20 for emotes. Emotes mate, [i]Emotes.[/i] Most games that have emotes give them away for free. Instead, Bungie thinks that emotes are worth 1/3 of a full retail game. And our overseas brethren are almost paying full Destiny price for TTK and Bungie hasn't even acknowledged it like they aren't aware. I love Destiny, but if Bungie continues with these business practices, Destiny will be dead within a year.

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      • Stfu, u know nothing kid

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        • Just saying, 80% of a company's revenue comes from 20% of its customers. This statistic is true for every single company. They don't have to appeal to everyone to be very successful.

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        • Let's be real, they didn't make this game to last 10 years, this game was just apart of their 10 year publishing contract with activision.

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        • [i]"Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government, except all the other forms that have been tried from time to time."[/i] ----Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister. House of Commons, November 11, 1947. Destiny----like all persistent world games----has to generate the revenue it needs to maintain the game, and pay for both the frequent updates and new content that it requires. Most of these games are PC based games...and PC gamers have been willing to support a wide variety of economic models. But as these types of games move to consoles...and to a fan base that tends to be younger and have less income.....developers have had to get more creative about how to generate that revenue. Bungie chose this model for a simple reason: DLC is the ONLY model that console gamers have shown a willingness to consistently ----though grudglingly----support. Especially with anything as labor-intensive as a FPS. People who are supporting the game, are people who LIKE the game....and understand and accept that Bungie has both the right---and the need----to raise that money. I've played MMOs where I've been required to pay monthly subscription fees...and TRUST ME....what Bungie is doing is a hell of a lot fairer...and gamer-friendly...than sub fees are. But the bottom-line is that this game simply cannot carry people---indefinitetly----who are not financailly contributing to the game's ongoing expenses.

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        • People die and new people are born, new customers rise to the age of gaming. There goes your argument out the window. Not that I dont agree that Bungie bussines model suck ass. But reality is different.

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        • Opinions of the forums are completely different from the millions of other people.

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        • Oh nice, when did you get your Masters in economics/business? Stfu

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          • Edited by Bungolickstaints: 9/29/2015 4:14:10 PM
            I hope it fails. I hope it fails miserably lol. Coming from somebody who has never had any major issue with a game the nearly two decades I've played video games. (Konami not punishing glitchers in tournaments or not fixing glitches in general pissed me off) I'll never buy Bungie products again.

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            • I look forward to see Luke Smith on the unemployment line.

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              • I see people are saying based on the model they are using (which is to screw over older players... new ones will get package deals like TTK legendary edition) they will purchase down the line and get all content for cheaper. Why would you people even do that. F them don't give them a penny at anytime. Before you know it when the old players continue to leave (the ones who are sick of this beta) and the new ones stop buying this game we will all be left to rot. I wouldn't doubt them pulling the plug on everything real fast if profits don't warrant running the server/or if they are not good enough for them. (This isnt rockstar..where u can play gta 4 or red dead online still)They say they can discontinue content anytime they want and apparently they are going to do just that.

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                • The Destiny Matrix is a system. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the gamers we are trying to save. But until we do, these gamers are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these gamers are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

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                  6 Replies
                  • Bungie is slowly, slowly listening to the demands of players. However this paywall scam is a brainchild of Bobbing Cock-Dick and his partner in crime Hirshberg. Bungie needs to grow some balls and tell Activision to take their business model and piss off. However, what IS Bungie's fault is when they listen to the wrong people: Namely, the vocal minority of nerf-herders that constantly flood these forums. Their incessant crying over everything they die to needs to be squelched, in the harshest of manners.

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                    2 Replies
                    • The gear likely won't become obsolete until year three. The current infusion system should allow you to keep all your legendaries and exotics until then. As for people whining that without TTK you have limited access to stuff? Welcome to the world of MMOs. Unless you have the latest expansion you're going to be limited in what you can do and what gear you can get.

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                      22 Replies
                      • umm destiny is not even vaguely close to being the most successful game , it does not even matter what metric you use. Destiny simply has not sold enough copies. Oh and currently player number are much lower than they were 6 months ago.

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                        5 Replies
                        • Good. Hope they bankrupt.

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                        • Destiny is trying to cross a FPS and an MMO together and make alot of money at it. A truly great idea. For that I give them applause. But I found the game really boring and dropped it long ago. It simply does not interest me to grind the same thing over and over again in the vain hope for a Golden Cookie or whatever new gear decides to drop. Does anybody want to see a level 100 Dreg? And that fact that you will need a Fat Boy Nuke to dust him? Yawn!

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                          • Now that I know I could just wait for the next "Legendary" edition to get a proper $60 worth of content, I would never consider buying a DLC or expansion. I likely won't be buying again until the start of Year 4 when the "Legendary" edition of Destiny 2 comes out. So yeah, their pricing is shit.

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                            3 Replies
                            • Edited by Lizard King: 9/29/2015 7:15:43 AM
                              `LOL Destiny is no where close to be succesful as you claim . Activision loves bragging about statistics. Did you hear any sales information about Bungie ? No There is only one reliable statistics we can use which is Trophies : Trophy completed percentage also clearly highlights also show that Destiny is only adapted and continue to played with l15-20% of player base. Destiny is NOT succesful , it is just Addictive...

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                            • I'll believe Destiny will fail when I see it. People have been moaning abut how terrible it is, how they're going to sue Bungle and about how Destiny is going to die soon since release and they're still playing it and talking about it. If the people who seemingly don't like the game, or Bungle's business practices, still play and frequent the forums, the likelihood of the people who actually like it stopping playing is slim to none.

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                            • Yes "failure". At this moment in seattle Bungie has filled the moneypool for the daily swim on evening

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                              4 Replies
                              • Destiny is handled more or less the same way EVERY other mmo is, the expansions come out and people get them because they want more. World of Warcraft has the same business model except the monthly fee, and that bad habit has been around since before you learnt to walk, most likely. If Destiny goes however, I for one will be sad to see the day, though I don't think that it's nearly as soon as you believe.

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                                14 Replies
                                • Perhaps they put their bet on old players that took a break and did not buy 2 or 3 DLCs. Bungie will offer a nice season pass of 40$ that will include 2 or 3 DLCs which will play the role of a bait for these players. They missed destiny all this time and the package is offered in a sweat price. Saying this, many players will not bite the bait though. I believe that Bungie lost many customers permanently because of its aggressive marketing strategy. Time will show the numbers and the impact on the company policy.

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                                  2 Replies
                                  • I spend 40 bucks for my wife to get her nails done, which lasts days. I'll gladly spend 40 bucks on a video game I can play repetitively.

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                                    • And? Assume the casuals leave. Why should anyone cares?

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