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9/28/2015 8:48:24 AM
I honestly feel you I hated shotguns since day one, I actually play more crucible of this game than anything else, because it has potential, but since day one I thought shotguns were terrible for this game, the regular shotgun is not that bad, because it requires a shot and a melee to kill, but man Bungie keeps doing these terrible shotguns with range over the board, it seems they never learn, they already nerfed shotguns 2 or 3 times, but they keep creating Felwinter's Lie clones over and over again, first there was only Felwinters lie, Found Veredict and the occasional "Crash" shotgun, then after the DLC it came party crasher and matador 64, they had to nerf shotguns because of those, you would think they'll learn, but no, TTK came out and they added "The next big thing" (ironic I know) and conspiracy theory, I mean what the -blam!-?, they just don't get it? stop adding -blam!-ing shotguns with that -blam!-ing range.

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