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originally posted in: Credit Resets
10/3/2010 1:45:44 PM
I agree with this. It's funny all the people posting "My dad was...." or "I'm going to be..." Those of you saying those things don't realize, to guys that have actually already earned it, those words are as empty as a Marine's wallet after he gets back from overseas and finds out his 18 year old wife cleaned him out and left him for his best friend. You don't see those of us that have been deployed posting in here saying, "I'M FREAKING AWESOME!!! I'VE BEEN TO WAR!!!" Those guys that say that are usually the ones that didn't see combat because I sure as heck don't want to discuss some of the stuff I saw over there. I hate non-rates thinking they can just get respect by throwing out comments about the armed forces. Doesn't work that way and if you ever find yourself wearing one of the uniforms you will learn quick, fast, and in a hurry that this fight we live everyday isn't what you see in movies. You either never see any form of combat or you experience things I would never wish on another person. Go brag about your "l33t halo skills" not supposed military service. We don't care, civilians don't care, and you only get play with the ladies when you are IN uniform not telling tall tales.

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