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8/17/2015 11:10:14 PM
I know you said you don't want to play it all over again but here me out. 1. You have friends already on ps4 that will carry you through and you'll be 34 again in no time. 2. You will only need to worry about collecting exotics because all your favourite legendaries will be crap in a month anyway. 3. Every single exotic you get will be useful because you don't have any. If you played solid from the start on all three characters your would enjoy yourself. Just change your train of thought and have fun. Apart from collecting exotics again you will be back to 34 on all 3 characters in way less than 120 hours. I helped my brother through on his last character when wolves dropped and it was fun. Give it a go. Plus it's a way better game on ps4 from 360.

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