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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update: 09/24/10
9/29/2010 4:24:22 AM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ClassicDanLies Clearly, many people on here love the tank on Hemorrhage, myself included. One of the best parts of the game is grabbing the tank, racing to destroy the opposing tank, and taking control of the middle. Even if you lose this opening power struggle, it's fun using various loadouts to approach the enemy tank and destroy it. There's nothing like boarding a Scorpion, planting a grenade in its rear and opening a path for your teammates to storm through. Who wants to give up such shades of fun? That said, Wraiths launching plasma projectiles across the map would be visually interesting, and add a 'hope I don't get randomly asploded' battleground feel to the game. Could be cool, but does it have to be at the Scorpion's expense? How about keeping the tank but adding 'Covies' as a voting option? Leave it up to the players to decide if they want Supreme Metallic Death Machines or Sexy Blue Fire Rain.[/quote]I agree with this. Also to all the whining, if you have a problem with the game, you don't have to play. [Edited on 09.28.2010 9:44 PM PDT]

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