So. I did this thing recently where i did 3 strikes on vanguard dragon flawless. Got good rewards both 2nd and 3rd time. Thing is, i an convinced that doing vanguard strikes without dying increases your chances for good loot. I am going to try to test this. If you agree, say something. If you have input, say something as well
I think the other way around. I was doing strikes with 2 randoms, and one of them a level 34 was getting in front of yellow enemies and bosses and letting himself get killed on purpose , and got 2 exotics and a few legendary weapons and engrams doing that trick. I reported him for "unhelpfull" because it was getting out of hand and was obviously doing it on purpose. Guess what? A few games later i backed out and jumped in dragon strikes with my 2 brothers and i was getting in front of Phogoth and letting him kill me and i got a legendary weapon/engram in 1 drop.