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7/30/2015 11:22:38 PM

Hi I need you to read this

Hey there bungie I know you probably won't read this no give a thought about what I'm going to say but here it is and maybe you will surprise me... Your game the game I started playing day one the game I loved for so long in my life that now I don't even know if what I'm doing is right, I'm trying to keep my clan who showed me how awesome this game can be, from breaking it with a bat, although it's hard to achieve this goal when you halo 3 servers erupt and people lag everywhere through every bullet I mean a post mortem with a melee, I don't think that's how it works, I could be wrong but to see my clan lead be this angry at a game he loves it makes me sad that you can't open your eyes or ears and help us and read our forums I'm a PS3 gamer and I want you to respond if you care!

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