So, just wanted to throw this out there briefly. I got the crux of crota from hard mode Crota's End...since then I have killed the blade of crota in the fist of crota mission a total of around 400 times spanning 5-10 hours of farming (check my Hunter, under my legend page for match history, I'm currently on a 100-200 kill run now), I've legitimately lost track of the time I've spent on this; and I can't get it to drop.
Just wanted to bring it to the attention of the powers that be, because I'm certain that the vision for this weapon was not repeating the same checkpoint 4...5...[b]600[/b] times over to get a drop. I [i]KNOW [/i]that it wasn't and I'm pretty sure someone's boss would have a few not-so-nice words to say if they knew this was happening.
I have replayed this damn checkpoint so many times now that I am min-maxing my sword swings to adjust my muscle memory to fly down the tunnel and kill myself with a tripmine in the shortest amount of time possible.[b] FIX IT, IT'S BROKEN.[/b]
(I may have had too much to drink before posting this, BECAUSE I HAVE TO DRINK TO NOT WANT TO SHOOT MYSELF WHILE FARMING THIS SHIT.)
husk is currently bugged bump this post so everyone knows.