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2/6/2009 11:22:32 PM

Bungie Weekly Update: 02/06/09

Killballs, the grid, and Forging on a budget. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=17195] click for full story [/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] WB Wolves After doing a little research, it looks like those who don't get Halo Wars LCE will be waiting around a month and a half (got from the Gettysburg and Prophet of Truth attack Earth comparison). Thanks for the info. Good update![/quote] You got to be kidding me. A month and a half? That better not be the case or ill be part of the little kids getting pissed on the forums. I refuse to play microsofts "little games"

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  • KIllball...LAWL! OLN...WTF BUNGIE?!?!?! Sounds really really dumb. I was hoping that the section was them getting rid of budget. XD Well wait to try it out...but it sounds like it'll make me mad. >_<

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  • The update was awesome, very informative stuff in there :) Oh and Lukems ... stop cheating on getting the first post every time. You jerk. ;)

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  • I reached the OLN limit in foundry, I had to spawn around 350 items

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  • Cool update, I am really excited to get my hands on the Killball, looks awesome. The blue grid is kind of cool, it'll help when I am trying to make a wall or something straight. Just curious and I know you guys don't know a whole lot after the mythic preview thing, but to the people who didn't pre-order LCE Halo Wars will we still be able to play the content required playlists until the maps come out on Marketplace? Edit: Reworded a couple things. [Edited on 02.06.2009 5:01 PM PST]

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  • Glad to see some of the questions I had answered, a lot has been cleared up for me. 'Twas a nice read.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] PipWinsAgain I reached the OLN limit in foundry, I had to spawn around 350 items[/quote] If this is the theoretical limit on sandbox then half of it would be saved. Just have to remember to put all the crappy weapons and spawn locations into a pile. But as for the Killball, if we cannot change the shape of it, IT IS 100% USELESS. [Edited on 02.06.2009 5:07 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SatansReverence There is no such thing as a glitch that cannot be fixed.[/quote]Yes, there is. Usually happens because its connected to some intrinsic of the file/program. When it happens, you have to start over from scratch. I don't think Bungie would be happy having to start anew.[quote]Ask yourself, how many glitches are in the Halo 3 campaign?[/quote]Several, but since they do not hamper gameplay, they need not fixing.[quote]Not only is the campaign thousands of times bigger[/quote]A level is a level. It is likely a glitch in the game engine.[quote]complicated then sandbox[/quote]You cannot claim that (do you work at Bungie)? Even so, a level is just a level. Just a collection of scenery and objects. As I said, its probably an engine glitch, or a glitch that arises from the map and engine interacting.[quote]but there are no glitches[/quote]Yes, there are. Just google for halo 3 glitches.[quote](Or any that are noticeble.)[/quote]It is true that you have to look for the campaign glitches, but that's because you interact with campaign as a player, not an editor.[quote]Bungie cant be bothered to fix it.[/quote]You are stupid. It is sad that you think Bungie doesn't want to fix something. You obviously do not know what it means to be a creator. Anybody who creates something (whether they're an artist, programmer, sculptor, engineer, or what have you) is their own harshest critic and can easily see, and hates, any imperfections.

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  • I dont know why anybody is saying good update. All the info they put in the update is a let down. People thought the grid would allow you snap objects in place and now we know you cant. People were also hoping you can place kill balls all over especially useful for creating sky maps and you cant. Really why only 2 kill balls that sux. Thats the most dissapointing thing for me. Also whats the deal with the second budget thing. Is that really that hard to fix.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] VP360 I dont know why anybody is saying good update. All the info they put in the update is a let down. People thought the grid would allow you snap objects in place and now we know you cant. People were also hoping you can place kill balls all over especially useful for creating sky maps and you cant. Really why only 2 kill balls that sux. Thats the most dissapointing thing for me. Also whats the deal with the second budget thing. Is that really that hard to fix.[/quote] Please read the responses before responding yourself, as it just shows your ignorance. Anyone who thought they could add a snap-to function was deluding themselves, and the second 'budget' as you call it is an object limit that has always existed.

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  • likin the blue grid help me with my newbiness in forging. Not so much the killballs cuz my little brother is the type that stays as an orbital and just swings the caged box around trying to kill me (and if i turn into an orbital or stop playing he gets mad). So now with these killballs expect my custom games to have triple the kill per death ratio. I can hear that constant spawning timer now... Lovin how sandbox looks, i liked standoffs sun scenery and this looks similar. Can the next map be based on my homeland The Bahamas?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Predator5791 So why on earth would a second budget be installed? Forgers are already limited to what they can create. On top of having a second budget, you inform us that if we try and make a canvas, we will end up hurting ourselves in the long run. Being forced to move the original objects out of the way in order to forge is an extreme inconvenience.[/quote] They didn't install a second budget, it is an object limit that has always been there, nothing new. My theory on the canvas glitch is that the objects on the map don't count towards the OLN at all, and therefore are in ADDITION to the normal limit. If you would delete them, than that addition would be gone, since making a new one would lower the OLN.

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  • Wow, cool. I can't wait for the Mythic Map Pack and Sandbox.

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  • Mac cannons? Is Halo ODST going to relate better with Halo Wars? I mean, I was kinda pissed how the demo doesn't really relate to Halo too much. I thought you guys at least worked with them and kept the storyline in... line. Yeah. Killball is a rather spiffy idea. I don't think it will be more fun then dropping a tank, however. But I can't wait to chase the bastard who just forced me outa my banshee with one. Oohhh, it gives me the jitters. I hope ODST has more info on the forerunners. Those guys drive me up the wall with all the lack of information.

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  • Shishka, the King of Jerks. lol. The OLN isn't that bad. My first reaction was all "OMGWTFBBQ!", but then I read further and realized something: you just have to move the default objects out of the map and you'll get your canvas. Voila! It isn't as bad as people are making it out to be. We get [b]all[/b] of the forgeable pieces on Sandbox [b]plus[/b] $510. And from the looks of it, the default layout on SAndbox looks like it cost more than $200 to create (could someone from Bungie confirm how much it cost to create the default layout?). I'm sad about only being able to have 2 Kill Balls, but I can deal with it. All in all, great update and thanks for the insightful info on Sandbox.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Shisizle Mac cannons? Is Halo ODST going to relate better with Halo Wars? I mean, I was kinda pissed how the demo doesn't really relate to Halo too much. I thought you guys at least worked with them and kept the storyline in... line. Yeah. [/quote] You realize Halo Wars is a prequel, right? 20 years before Halo CE, the beginning of the Human-Covenant War?

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  • Informative update... good stuff. I like the "shoteh" reference... although you did spell it wrong. Anyway... I'm just not excited enough for HW to buy it. Gonna wait for the marketplace. Plus the fact that our economy is bankrupt and there is no way I'm forking over $80 to test drive 3 maps. I'm excited about the maps. They look better and better the more I learn... but Halo Wars looks like a snore to me. I like FPS Halo, not so into RTS Halo. I'm gonna download the demo tonight though... but still napes on the $80. Napes.

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  • Good Update. One Question: Can you change the size/shape of the death ball thing?

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  • I'm totally going to post a thread about my theory

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  • My Xbox360 hungrily awaits the Mythic Map Pack. Besides how swoll sandbox will be, I'm looking forward to Assembly (finally another covenant themed map besides the_____that is snowbound) and Orbital. I'm excited for Sandbox with the fresh pallete of objects, larger area to forge, and the general awesome surrounding it. That said, however, this secondary budget leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I'm left here contemplating why? Was it faulty code that just couldn't be fixed? Or was it bungie's intentions to fight the budget glitch, which wasn't a huge deal anyways. Or is it something that happened? Was it intentionally designed that way? If it wasn't why isn't it fixed? There's still time, although I'm probably just wishfully thinking. I don't want to sound harsh, but from a forgers perspective (one who enjoys forging and takes it more as a hobby rather than an afternoon of fun) this is to me the dumbest limit ever placed on creativity. Maybe it isn't such a big deal, but it is limiting. Now players must keep track of default objects so they can make the most out of the budget but not the most out of their maps.Foundry and all other maps have object limit, but none like what's been implemented in Sandbox. Even budget glitches can't prevent a map from having more than the object limit. Like seriously Bungie? Unless I'm missing something, I see no sound reasoning for this. That's a dissapointment, but I'll live with it. *sort of happy face*

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  • I did read the responses and dont understand how I am being ignorant. I dont care that much about the blue- grid thing although a snap to function would have been cool and I think it would be possible to create something like that so I really dont see why you say people are deluding themselves. I never did that much forging so I wasnt aware that that the second budget thing always existed but either way I still dont understand why they cant fix that. Anyway the limit of the 2 kill balls is what really dissapoints me. [Edited on 02.06.2009 5:55 PM PST]

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  • ^^read the replys before posting please, it was mentioned several times that the limit has always been there and was NOT added ^They can't 'fix' it, because nothing is broken. Every object has it's position, orientation, properties, and object type listed in your usermaps, and they have a set number of slots that you can create. They could have made it bigger before the game was released, but now it is built in the game and there is nothing anyone could do about it. [Edited on 02.06.2009 5:52 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] VP360 I never did that much forging so I wasnt aware that that the second budget thing always existed but either way I still dont understand why they cant fix that.[/quote] There's nothing to fix. There's a limit on total objects for a reason.

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  • w00tsauce!, very nice update Bungie. It was one of those beautiful things that get you more excited and obsessed about the final product rather than helping us contain our joy.

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  • [quote][i]All station at the ready.[/i][/quote]Missing an 's' there? Oh yeah: full of great info as always. : )

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  • If I'm reading the update correctly, which if I'm not then my english teachers have seriously failed me , this is a different version of the OLN. It's almost like their is a third budget for us to deal with. Most forgers have a hard time mananging their resources when building maps, but this looks to be some insidious beast of burden. What happens if we accidently delete an original object? "Well Jonny, tough beans, don't mess up next time." That's just so limiting. Anyways, I'm done complaining as it's really no use. As I've said, I'm looking forward to Sandbox, but it seems to be bittersweet for those of us that put more effort and time into our creations.

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