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originally posted in: The Taken King: Value vs Cost issue
Edited by SweetZombieJesus: 6/28/2015 12:16:10 PM
The pricing for the collectors edition and all, seems a bit odd. I believe they generally made a massive mistake and are doing a horrible job at saving face. Value is subjective, the content reported so far seems to be double that of previous DLCs and close to launch Destiny. I'm one of these strange individuals that was comlwlteky fine with Day 1 content, so I'd be hard pressed to find issue with TTK. Personally, the only thing that would throw me off from this game would a micro transaction system and the removal of a few key features for me. My opinion however, I'm an odd gamer. Not really into story, more into arcade style games, that are just fun. I play Destiny like I played Street Fighter or Galaga, a good load of fun, no sentimental attachment, or a need to achieve anything other than blowing shit up. I always thought the UK pricing was based on licencing and distribution laws, but I've noticed a few new release games not that far apart in pricing, so... Not sure what the story is there.

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