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6/16/2015 10:55:21 PM

New PS4 Exclusive Revealed at e3!

Now you too can get locked out on reset day! Been waiting to get those gauntlets from PoE? Trying to farm light in the nightfall? Well now Bungie has made the possible impossible! Introducing Oryx's most nefarious plot: locking you out of the game. So glad I bought the collector's edition preorder! Now i get to experience the thrill of REDOWNLOADING a 25 Gb game! Oh joy! Loading screens! Concept art! A white bar slowly filling because the only "fix" to Bungie blowing their TTK wad all over the playstation store is to REINSTALL THE WHOLE FARKING GAME. I totally understand since this is the first time... Wait, i'm sorry. hold on. I'm getting reports that this EXACT SAME THING HAPPENED WITH DARK BELOW. LITERALLY THE SAME EXACT PROBLEM. Maybe instead of high-fiving over your reskinned mobs, chopped-from-the-original-game levels, and Activision overlords, you should fix the problem that you had SIX MONTHS AGO. Thanks for the fix.

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