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Edited by Dante Trixter: 5/14/2015 5:34:49 PM
Going to write a short one. Real quick, again this is without any prepping or bs like that. Also trigger warning I think? -------- I was lucid dreaming. That's what had to be going on. I got drunk and that's why I was in a black room with green fog. I walked for what felt like years. Do you know that feeling when you walk into an area that you shouldn't be in and shit instantly goes quiet? That went on forever. At first I heard a weird barrage of sounds. The rushing of water, the crackling of fire, sobbing and crying, a siren. Then a loud shriek and a bang. I nearly pissed myself. How much did I drink? Why had I gotten ashleydrunk? Matter a fact when did I [b]ashley[/b]get drunk? I was a straightedge kinda guy who didn't even like taking medication my doct [b]ASHLEY[/b] The name flew through my skull. I fell to the ground clutching my head. I had walked in on her and... someone... in our bed... but who? It was no use I couldn't remember. All I know was my head felt like shit. I must have been suffering the world's worst hangover because trying to recall names and faces.... it was like there was a hole where my thoughts should be. All the sudden there was a loud ringing in my ears and my head instantly screamed in pain. That's when I saw the hands. Long,boney,wrinkly, covered in spots reaching for me. I screamed as I felt my arms being pulled from their sockets. I heard my name being chanted and the hands pulle me towards the darkness. From that darkness came crying. I had heard it before. The closer I got to it the more my head began to hurt. I pulled back and fell as the hands relinquished their hold. My shirt was covered in some brown substance. I tried to take my shirt off but it was like it was glued on. "Jesus Christ..." I cried out quite shaken. I ran and ran when I walked up to a floating picture. At first it was blurry. But the harder I looked at it the more clear it became. It was me and Ashley. We were at a store of some kind. She was wearing that short black skirt I liked. She also stole my necklace that day. I had it made the day I popped the question. It was a simple black cord with a.... what.... My head started to hurt again. I saw the hands again. I ran. But it was no use. The hands started pulling me again. This time by my feet. I could feel my fingernails start to bleed as I tried in vain to not be pulled into that dark pit of pain and screaming. Blood started dripping onto my face and I screamed as I kicked one leg free. The hands let go again. I ran but was becoming tired. "What the hell is going on." I said to no one. I looked down at my hands. But that wasn't what shocked me. The brown liquid on my shirt had become a crimson red. It reeked of that copper metallic smell blood has. I'd have vomited had I been awake. What if I never wake up? Holy shit what if I never wake up? WHAT IFbullet I NEVER WAKE UP. WAKE[b]bullet[/b] UP WAKE UP WAKE UP DAMMIT WAKE THE HELL [b]BULLET[/b] My necklace. That's what was on it. I ran back to the picture and sure enough there it was. A handgun bullet with her name engraved on it. I sat down and looked at the picture. "What is going on? " Suddenly I was grabbed by the hands this time there was no escape. I was pulled against my will into the darkness. Pain raged through my head centered at the middle of my skull. "PLEASE LET ME GO. THE PAIN SHIT PLEASE LET ME GO IT HURTS TO MUCH JUST END IT PLEASE." But it was no use. The ringing was unbearable. Blood cascaded down my face. My body was cold. Then out of the fog I saw a candle. Then I could make out a few words. "He's here" "Look at the candle " "In the room." Then I was looking at a table. Ashley, my brother, and an old woman. They gasped when they saw me. I would have to. I saw myself in a mirror by the old woman. Their was a hole in my forehead.

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