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Edited by Britton: 4/12/2015 6:22:36 AM

Denying evolution is denying the scientific method. [b]It's just a theory.[/b][spoiler] Yes, just like gravity is "just a theory". Anti-evolution types tend to not understand what "theory" means in a scientific context. It means that the idea started out as an hypothesis, based on observation; that researchers made predictions based on the observations and the hypothesis; that they collected more data, tested those predictions and re-examined the original ideas, and that this process has been done over and over and over until the idea is supported by so much evidence that it is as close to fact as science can come. Further, like any theory in science, it can be falsified if some new data comes along showing it to be wrong. Contrast this with the "theory" (and I use the quotes on purpose, there) of Intelligent Design or Creationism. ID consists pretty much only of questioning evolution. It makes no predictions. It has no research testing any ideas. It cannot be falsified. The "evidence" provided of supposed irreducible complexity does not rule out evolution of the structures examined, nor does it show how such a structure may have been designed and created as is. In short, though evolution deniers claim that ID is a theory, it is not.[/spoiler] [b]There are no transitional fossils.[/b][spoiler] Every fossil, and indeed every living creature, is transitional between an older form and a newer (or yet to come) form. We have a pretty good collection of fossils that show a transition from older forms to newer forms, such as the transition of large land mammals to whales. Scientists using the Theory of Evolution have even predicted a transitional form and where to find it. This transitional fossil, tiktaalik, was found based on these predictions. [/spoiler] [b]Evolution denies god(s).[/b][spoiler] Nothing in the Theory of Evolution denies the existence of god (or any other deity). At best, it merely contradicts a literal interpretation of either of the two biblical creation stories (and any of the countless other creation stories from other religions/cultures). All that the theory of evolution does is show how everything came to be the way it is without the need for god(s). [/spoiler] [b]Evolution says that life just sprung out of nowhere.[/b][spoiler]Not true. The Theory of Evolution says nothing about the origins of life. Rather, the theory examines how life changes over time and across environments after it already exists. There is a branch of science, however, that is examining the origins of life: abiogenesis. But, that is currently separate from the ToE and is still in its infancy, scientifically speaking, but making awesome progress.[/spoiler] [b]Why not teach the controversy?[/b][spoiler]That's just the thing, there is no actual scientific controversy! The only controversy is that which has been manufactured by creationists and intelligent design proponents. Sure, there may be specific elements where one scientist may disagree with another scientist, but those are specific mechanisms and particulars of the theory, not the entire theory itself. By this same logic, one should teach the "stork" theory of human reproduction.[/spoiler]  [b]I can accept micro-evolution, but not macro-evolution.[/b][spoiler]That argument makes no sense. There is no such thing as micro or macro evolution in a scientific sense. They are both the exact same thing, one is just a matter of greater time. The terms were also manufactured in order to lend a false legitimacy to evolution deniers when it was even beyond their denialism to reject observed and proven instances of evolution happening. So instead of accepting a proven fact, the goalpost was moved.[/spoiler] [b]Evolution violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics[/b][spoiler]This statement not only highlights a poor understanding of evolution, but also of all physics. First of all, the earth itself is not a closed system. The sun provides a great deal of energy for order to be built from. Not only that, but I highly doubt that most creationists can actually state the Second Law (or even the first) of Thermodynamics. I suggest a strong course in actual science taught by an accredited school of science.[/spoiler] [b]What about the list of scientists that disagree with Evolution?[/b][spoiler] This list is probably one of the most dishonest pieces of propaganda out there. It was put together by the "Discovery Institute" (an organization with no credentials and fewer scruples). The list of "scientists" generally are not scientists, and if they are, most are not in any way qualified to talk about biological evolution. Also, the initial statement as presented to some scientists was twisted as to project a meaning different from what the actual reputable scientists contend. Just because a certainaspect may be in question, the entire theory is in no danger of suddenly falling out of favour.[/spoiler] [b]Do you honestly think that all this came about by chance?[/b][spoiler]Again, this shows a fundamental misunderstanding and denial of basic chemistry, physics, and even biology. While there are certain "random" elements involved in evolution and pretty much every natural process, keep in mind that the "room" for order in the universe is increasing. Not only that, the majority of processes are not at all left to chance, but rather follow very natural and orderly constraints of the universe. What is basically being erected by this question is a "strawman argument".[/spoiler] [b]What about the "Irreducible Complexity" of the eye, blood, flagellum, etc.?[/b][spoiler]Well, first of all, "irreducible complexity" is a non-sense term invented by creationists and intelligent design proponents. All it really says is that they can't possibly understand a particularly complex mechanism, so therefore something else did it. The basic premise behind irreducible complexity is to take a well designed item, remove a part to break it, and proclaim that it's broken... The problem is that it's entirely backwards thinking, and doesn't take into account how something was actually built up. Every single item of irreducible complexity has an answer, however creationists and intelligent design proponents will keep throwing out examples of complex systems until they hit upon one that their debate opponent may not have all the facts on. As soon as they find that one thing that someone may not know the answer to, they proclaim victory for their entire side, totally ignoring all the other instances where their argument was trounced.[/spoiler] [b]What about the woodpecker's tongue, the panda's thumb, the whatever's thingy, etc.?[/b][spoiler]Again, this is all part and parcel of the "throw enough poo at your opponent, and eventually you'll hit on something they don't know" strategy. Most of the things that creationists and intelligent design proponents will throw out are horrid misunderstandings of the basic biological mechanisms at work, so not only are you debating evolution with them, but you need to correct them on how whatever strawman they have thrown out is wrong from the sense of basic biology, not only from an evolutionary standpoint.[/spoiler] Those who deny evolution are really denying nearly ALL science that has been conducted in the past 200 years, and the sheer amount of education needed to catch them up to reality is nearly insurmountable. I'm pretty sure all the counter arguments are covered.

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  • When I was small I believed in Santa Clause Although I knew it was my dad I would hang up my stockings on Christmas Open my gifts and I'd be glad But the last time I played Father Christmas I stood outside a department store A group of kids came over and mugged me And knocked the reindeer to the floor They said Father Christmas, give us your money Don't mess around with your silly toys Beat you up if you don't hand it over We want your bread, so don't make us annoyed Give all the toys To the little rich boys

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  • Edited by BenjyX55: 11/22/2015 11:53:35 PM
    [b] [/b]

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    1 Reply
    • If we evolved from apes then why are there still apes? Every creature that has ever been recorded by man has not evolved in any way.

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      6 Replies
      • Blacks evolved from apes. Whites evolved from God.

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        26 Replies
        • I lol'd at the stork part.

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        • Not sure if he covered carbon 14 dating being limited to 40-60k years. [spoiler]Pretty sure it was left out as it creates an argument against fossils being millions of years old.[/spoiler]

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          • There are just some things that I have never understood about evolution. If you could clear some things up that would be great. Similarities: a lot of scientists say that certain animals have a common ancestor, yet animals that look almost identical have different ancestors. The law of use and disuse: I am not sure whether or not modern evolutionist believe in this idea. But if you are unfamiliar with it Darwin believed that animals could shed body parts by not using them. For instance if you left your arm in a sling your whole life eventually a future generation wouldn't have that arm. Or if an animal used a body part a lot future generations may have a stronger version or a bigger one. For instance if a dude lifted weights and got very muscular future generations would be muscular as well. Spontaneous Generation: if evolution were to occur without a God/Deity, you would have to assume that at one point life came from non-life. This has never happened, nor have we found a way to make artificial life. So I don't understand how you can believe in evolution without a God. The complexity of the simplest life forms: now I'm not trying to argue with you I simply just want answers, but I do not remember the numbers off of the top of my head. But I believe that for the simplest protein to come by chance it would be 2.14 x 10 to the 124th power. And that is just the simplest protein. These are all things I've struggled with on this topic if you could clarify them I would love to hear it.

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            1 Reply
            • As a Christian, I have and never will deny evolution or science because I believe that that's how God brings order to what He created. In my opinion, the creation stories are meant to be metaphorical and each "day" represents millions of years of time, and God brought every animal, plant, and organism into being through evolution. I am by no means a "creationist" in the sense that I deny evolution.

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              7 Replies
              • I've never questioned evolution until I heard this argument.

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              • Gravity is a theorem, evolution is a theory

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                • A species slightly changing over thousands of years to adapt to something <---evolution People used to be monkeys!<----atheism I know this is gonna sound crazy...but you can believe in evolution while still being a Christian ;)

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                  14 Replies
                  • Here you go.

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                    3 Replies
                    • Pray to God for me! My child has the measles!

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                    • Hyperion would like to remind you that there is only one thing worse than being bumped, and that is not being bumped.

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                    • So, denying theories is bad?

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                      3 Replies
                      • Evolution was considered a belief, not a theory. It was created by Darwin, an atheist, to sum up his findings, and produce another "how we got here" theory. Also, he disproved his works on his death bed.

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                        12 Replies
                        • Scroll down to see the definition of [b]Edge[/b].

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                        • Edited by BenjyX55: 11/6/2015 2:36:50 AM
                          You see me standin here I got my back against the record machine I ain't the worst that you seen Can you what I mean? Might as well bump

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                        • Science, Bitches!

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                        • This is the work of Theodosius Dobzhansky, an Eastern Orthodox Christian that supports the theory evolution. It's also a really long article.

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                          • Tl;dr but at my school a guy fully denies dinosaurs were real

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                          • Lol gravity is a law not a theory.

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                            2 Replies
                            • I believe small evolutions happen, but absolutely nothing like this "we evolved from apes" crap.

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                              12 Replies
                              • Good read bro. I always "believed" in the theory or belief of "I forgot the topic" lol. I didn't know a lot of these facts & I'm glad you've broadened my mind. I still believe in it but I know a lot more now

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                              • Charles Darwin died Jesus Christ died and rose again Checkmate, atheists satire

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                              • Edited by captainnegative : 10/7/2015 6:38:03 PM
                                But if God isn't real why it's there churches?????? Atheist more like a-idiot [spoiler]take that non believers[/spoiler]

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