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originally posted in: does anyone not use shotguns?
3/14/2015 7:16:28 AM
I play aggressive. Only thing fun to me is trying to rack up mass amounts of kills, with that being said the games design requires I utilize a shot gun. Sniping is (in most cases not all) passive aggressive. Picking apart the opposing team and showing a bit more patience but also waiting back while the shotguns and exotic hand cannons insta-kill and rack up the score. Fusion rifles are silly guns and are annoying unrealistic guns so I don't even bother wasting my time with one and (again in most cases not all) (not pertaining to Fusion Rifles equipped in the primary slot) fusion rifle users are not top guys in crucible, as annoying as it is to get erased by a single shot laser cartoon gun, the users score lacks in comparison to the top players. Again that may not be you and you captain the -blam!- train with a fusion rifle, just speaking from experience. Looking to be the most competitive and aggressive, most solid load outs will have a solid shot gun. Seems lately that the cats pajamas load out consist of an exotic hand cannon/ exotic Pulse and the almighty Felwinter's lie. I abuse the invective and stood by this shotgun even tho it was an exotic but I failed and missed this last Iron Banner, I failed to acquire this one shot super range beast. My scores are typically high, I also have bs games because I'm dying tired and don't know when to stop or I play with my buddies from back home #nonemoreawful so I'm unhappy with the stats that are presented. #excuses now I'm just ranting. Basically I'm trying to say from the start I was obligated to use the shotgun, I did what I could to get the most from the shotgun, I lack any type of patience to wait around and crack heads with a sniper. Because of this I am not confident enough to run a solid score with anything other than a shotgun. Oh and Heavy Ammo, I live for heavy ammo.

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