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3/6/2015 7:00:37 AM

Red Death VS Bad Juju







(FIGHT!) So with the 1.1.1 update Pulse Rifles have received a much needed damage buff. The topic today isn't whether or not PR's are overpowered now, but rather which exotic PR is the best in competitive play? Let's discuss this, but be civil. This isn't the feedback section of the forums after all. Which Pulse Rifle do you think is best used in the Crucible? My opinion is Bad Juju. Now I will admit I don't have Red Death, i want it, but I'm starting to wonder if it will be as good as Bad Juju. Really the only grounding evidence is the clashes I get into with my friend. He has Red Death and an amazing K/D. Crucible is his bread and butter, typically coming out on top with almost twice as many kills than deaths and his signature weapon is, you guessed it, Red Death. I have a crap K/D you can check it for yourself, I'll admit I'm complete crap at Crucible. But every once and a while we'll do some Rumble. I tend to out gun him in every encounter with him to the point where he has to avoid me and seek out other players to boost his score. Why? Isn't Red Death stronger? Well yes it is, but it also shoots slower. Bad Juju doesn't hit hard, typically taking 3-5 bursts to take someone out, but it shoots fast and each hit causes the victims vision to jump around. it's hard to land those crucial bursts when your getting blasted. because of this I think Bad Juju is the better Pulse Rifle to use in Crucible. Not only because in most circumstances it can outgun Read Death, but because with each kill you can instantly focus on your next target without wasting time reloading. What do you guys think? Bad Juju VS Red Death.

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  • OK I'll admit that I don;'t have red death (bad juju was my first exotic weapon from xur) but something that annoys me is that you can't get red death from anything except for xur and entigrams, I vote for bad juju because the unlimited ammo is op, not to mention being able to pop a nova bomb every 15 kills.

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  • That's cause your friend needs to get head shots. Head shots are crucial for red death but it can two burst

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  • Bad juju is 1000X better in PvE

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  • I'm going to have to pick red death for pvp because it allows you to shut down people who use thorn. Thorn is everywhere in iron banner and trials, and it's nice not to have to worry about the DOT of this and incendiary grenades. Bad Juju for solo pve though, it let's you cream everything.

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  • Why the necro

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  • Red death nullifies the jitter a little with unflinching, depends always on where hits land with the right setup red death melts guardians with 2 shots. I use both currently using juju cause I love causing tears with my blade dancer, but in regular crucible melting peoples faces off is nice.

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  • I love the damage and health capabilities of the red death... That being said the bad juju has beter perks for pvp id much rather have my super after 5 kills than some health... And on the final note red death with outshoot bad juju 95% of the time in pvp

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    Depends whether or not you have a Warlock with Obsidian Mind

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  • Red Death, because the perk, "Red Death,". It heals you after each kill. Also I don't have Bad Juju yet, so I can't say anything about it.

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  • I had to pick a draw. JuJu was my first Exotic in the game and it spent a lot of time in the vault......that was until they buffed it and made it the true Exotic it is today. Now I have 3 of them one for each character it is one of the best overall weapons in game IMO. Paired with Obsidian Mind it is the best! Red Death was my 2nd Exotic and again after the buff and with the Hard Crota Raid I came to love it all over again. Never thought I would come to rely on these wonderfull weapons.

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  • I have both i never used either on PVP to be honest, might give it a try later

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  • [quote](FIGHT!) So with the 1.1.1 update Pulse Rifles have received a much needed damage buff. The topic today isn't whether or not PR's are overpowered now, but rather which exotic PR is the best in competitive play? Let's discuss this, but be civil. This isn't the feedback section of the forums after all. Which Pulse Rifle do you think is best used in the Crucible? My opinion is Bad Juju. Now I wil, M ok l admit I don't have Red Death, i want it, but I'm starting to wonder if it will be as good as Bad Juju. Really the only grounding evidence is the clashes I get into with my friend. He has Red Death and an amazing K/D. Crucible is his bread and butter, typically coming out on top with almost twice as many kills than deaths and his signature weapon is, you guessed it, Red Death. I have a crap K/D you can check it for yourself, I'll admit I'm complete crap at Crucible. But every once and a while we'll do some Rumble. I tend to out gun him in every encounter with him to the point where he has to avoid me and seek out other players to boost his score. Why? Isn't Red Death stronger? Well yes it is, but it also shoots slower. Bad Juju doesn't hit hard, typically taking 3-5 bursts to take someone out, but it shoots fast and each hit causes the victims vision to jump around. it's hard to land those crucial bursts when your getting blasted. because of this I think Bad Juju is the better Pulse Rifle to use in Crucible. Not only because in most circumstances it can outgun Read Death, but because with each kill you can instantly focus on your next target without wasting time reloading. What do you guys think? Bad Juju VS Red Death.[/quote]

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  • Love the juju. Fun for pvp. Red death is cool but I prefer faster fire rate.... But oversoul edict has my vote as best pvp pulse rifle. Stability and fire rate are killer and I just have my better games with it.

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    1 Reply
    • [quote](FIGHT!) So with the 1.1.1 update Pulse Rifles have received a much needed damage buff. The topic today isn't whether or not PR's are overpowered now, but rather which exotic PR is the best in competitive play? Let's discuss this, but be civil. This isn't the feedback section of the forums after all. Which Pulse Rifle do you think is best used in the Crucible? My opinion is Bad Juju. Now I will admit I don't have Red Death, i want it, but I'm starting to wonder if it will be as good as Bad Juju. Really the only grounding evidence is the clashes I get into with my friend. He has Red Death and an amazing K/D. Crucible is his bread and butter, typically coming out on top with almost twice as many kills than deaths and his signature weapon is, you guessed it, Red Death. I have a crap K/D you can check it for yourself, I'll admit I'm complete crap at Crucible. But every once and a while we'll do some Rumble. I tend to out gun him in every encounter with him to the point where he has to avoid me and seek out other players to boost his score. Why? Isn't Red Death stronger? Well yes it is, but it also shoots slower. Bad Juju doesn't hit hard, typically taking 3-5 bursts to take someone out, but it shoots fast and each hit causes the victims vision to jump around. it's hard to land those crucial bursts when your getting blasted. because of this I think Bad Juju is the better Pulse Rifle to use in Crucible. Not only because in most circumstances it can outgun Read Death, but because with each kill you can instantly focus on your next target without wasting time reloading. What do you guys think? Bad Juju VS Red Death.[/quote] I really couldn't choose, I have both and their equally useful in slot of situations. Bad juju, is apart of the well known warlock voidwalker build alongside obsidian mind, builds super energy like no one's business, topped of with a high stability making it a good pvp companion for me. Red death takes the cake on impact, and it's ability to regen health in sticky situations such as Crotas presence stopping health regeneration, or a bad 2v1 pvp situation. They've both asserted their presence for me in Prison of Elders for their perks to counteract buffs efficiently. Red death counters the buff "Exposure", and Bad juju when "Trickle" is in affect.

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    • Spare change.25

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    • Bad juju gives you something no other gun does in more then 1 way...the king of pulse rifles, and quite frankly, the best gun in the game

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      1 Reply
      • [quote](FIGHT!) So with the 1.1.1 update Pulse Rifles have received a much needed damage buff. The topic today isn't whether or not PR's are overpowered now, but rather which exotic PR is the best in competitive play? Let's discuss this, but be civil. This isn't the feedback section of the forums after all. Which Pulse Rifle do you think is best used in the Crucible? My opinion is Bad Juju. Now I will admit I don't have Red Death, i want it, but I'm starting to wonder if it will be as good as Bad Juju. Really the only grounding evidence is the clashes I get into with my friend. He has Red Death and an amazing K/D. Crucible is his bread and butter, typically coming out on top with almost twice as many kills than deaths and his signature weapon is, you guessed it, Red Death. I have a crap K/D you can check it for yourself, I'll admit I'm complete crap at Crucible. But every once and a while we'll do some Rumble. I tend to out gun him in every encounter with him to the point where he has to avoid me and seek out other players to boost his score. Why? Isn't Red Death stronger? Well yes it is, but it also shoots slower. Bad Juju doesn't hit hard, typically taking 3-5 bursts to take someone out, but it shoots fast and each hit causes the victims vision to jump around. it's hard to land those crucial bursts when your getting blasted. because of this I think Bad Juju is the better Pulse Rifle to use in Crucible. Not only because in most circumstances it can outgun Read Death, but because with each kill you can instantly focus on your next target without wasting time reloading. What do you guys think? Bad Juju VS Red Death.[/quote] Red Death has a 2 burst minimum. TKK is about .67 seconds. 3 burst is about 1.0 seconds. It has very easy to control recoil. Bad Juju does 27 damage per headshot, so a minimum of 3 burst kill. TTK minimum is somewhere like 1.0 seconds. Bad Juju has not the greatest recoil control because of its high fire rate, so usually a 4 burst 1.3 seconds-1.5 seconds. Red Death heals yiu after a kill. Bad Juju refills your super[i] very slightly[/i] Why use Bad Juju?

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        12 Replies
        • Coiled hiss is better. No one uses it though

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          7 Replies
          • I have both rifles and they're outstanding but it depends on the gametype and map. Also Oversoul Edict is very underrated and should be considered one of the best PR along side Bad Juju and Red Death.

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          • Have both, like both, but juju is the better gun

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          • It depends on the situation. For PvE, I'll go with Bad Juju because of String of Curses (reloads magazine for every kill) but for PvP, I'll go with Red Death for the high impact and it restores your health for every kill.

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          • Bad Juju is better because: 1) You have to [i]earn[/i] it via exotic bounty. No Xûrning. 2) String of Curses 3) It looks amazing

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          • Red death is a lot more stable if you ask me

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          • I have both and Red Death is better in PvP, Bad JuJu is way better in certain PvE situations and is a go to weapon for me when it comes to mobs of Dregs or Hive.

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          • Red Death is king for pulse rifles in the crucible. The instant health gain and trigger of health regen is amazing, as well, allowing you to string together multikills pretty easily. TTK is faster, too. You need it!

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          • Only a contest if your a voidwalker warlock.

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