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originally posted in: Warlock Master Race(WMR)
3/2/2015 7:59:00 PM
A hunter, a titan, and a warlock are having a common problem. They seem to be spending more time in the infirmary instead of on the battlefield. So the trio sets out to seek the aid of a mighty and powerful Developer in the Destiny kingdom in the land of Bungiecadia. When the three find the developer, he tells them that he will talk to them one at a time in private. Upon speaking to them, the developer discovers they all want a similar wish. They all want a way to last longer in battle. The developer tells the trio that he will need a week to acquire a personalized solution for each of them. The group agrees and heads back home. A week later the trio once again meets with the developer. Once again they speak with him one at a time. After they all have spoken to the developer, they are sent on their way. As they are returning home, the three are ambushed by a couple of fallen. Once defeating the fallen, the trio begin to talk about walk each of them got from the mighty and powerful developer. The hunter was the first to speak. "Good thing The developer made me quick and agile. I was able to avoid most of their bullets." Next the titan speaks up. "Well I am glad he made me more resilient and gave me a higher pain tolerance so I can just shrug of enemy fire." At this point the warlock freezes in place and just stares at the others. When asked what was wrong, the warlock glares at the titan and the hunter and exclaims "That damn developer shafted me!" Puzzled by this, the hunter and titan exchange a glance before looking back at the warlock with a confused expression on their faces. The warlock continues by saying "That damn developer shafted me. He made you guys faster and stronger. And what did he do to me? He made it so that I can heal faster after getting shot. And the worst part is I still feel the f***ing pain of each bullet." The other study the warlock for a moment and see the warlocks robes torn up from getting shot repeatedly, and the quick fading wounds left by the bullets.

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