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2/20/2015 3:26:45 PM

"Ready Up" Matchmaking for Nightfalls and Raids

I'm wondering how anyone else would feel about a "ready up" style of matchmaking for raids and nightfall strikes. I was a huge fan of Mass Effect 3 and the cooperative multiplayer mode that it had. The way it was set up, one person created a game, set the difficulty, and could invite his friends to join the game or leave open the slots that anyone could join. Once a team was assembled, the team could vote to kick someone that had joined (had to be the majority of the team voting to kick a single person) if they didn't feel like that person was going to be able to help them complete the activity, whether because they didn't have the firepower, didn't have a mic, or had a mic and just couldn't shut up long enough to listen to his teammates. If the team was ready, each player could "ready up" to indicate that they were prepared to begin. Once the majority of the players did "ready up" the timer would start to begin the match, and someone could delay the timer if they needed to make some last minute adjustments before jumping in. I felt like this was a great way to get a group together easily while still giving the group a chance to ensure it was a quality team going in and not just a colossal waste of time. Seems to me, that something like this would be a significant step up from LFG and would take a lot of stress off of a single person to make sure they are inviting quality people. I get the feeling that there are a lot of quality individual players out there and this would be a good way to help them get a sense of community without making them do all of the work. I also feel like this meets the intent of Bungie to build this community while still making sure we are adequately prepared to take on the challenges they have laid before us. I'd love to hear everyones thought on this and improvements upon this idea.

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