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7/29/2008 10:23:29 PM

The Official "I've been sent to Banadu" Thread

Been banned from matchmaking for modding, cheating, boosting, being a jerk? Post about it and how it was your little brother's fault here. Other threads about this subject can be locked and posters may end up as residents in the official version of Banadu. Warnings were given: [i]The Bad News First[/i] From [url=]July 3rd Weekly Update[/url] [i]Recently, we’ve seen a moderate influx of things appearing in File Shares that don’t belong there. Some this is just tweaked content from Halo 3 that has been uploaded in sundry and illegal fashions. In fewer cases, there have been a relatively small number of incidents of folks uploading inappropriate non-game content to the File Share. [b]Fair warning: Users who have modified content on their File Share - regardless of who created said content - will be subjected to the full power of the Banhammer’s thrust. This includes some never-before-unleashed technology that will effectively terminate your Halo multiplayer experience online in every imaginable facet.[/b] In fact, the ban is so thorough that simply calling it the Banhammer is a complete understatement. I just couldn’t come up with a more hyper-exaggerated term that had the same feel. Banplatform? Banpocalpyse? Banmageddnon? None of those did the trick.[/i] Punishments are metered. Justice is served. Why so harsh? Because ultimately, the potential blowback for something like Fileshare is pretty grand. The Fileshare is not to enable players to put up whatever they want and think it's hilarious, regardless of how harmful or harmless [i]you[/i] think it is. [Edited on 07.30.2008 9:00 AM PDT]
#Halo #Halo3

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  • Replying to spam was what i was banned for Ill do better next time shiska just don't hit me with the belt!

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  • I think he knew what he was doing tbh. Will i have recieved a message on my xbox if i had recieved any kind of ban? 'Cause iv been looking at and haven't recieved any kind of message saying i'm banned. I'll have to wait and see. If i have a MM ban then so be it, i'm praying i haven't, as i feel i add to the game more than make it less fun for others. I'm 20 years old, modded pics just doesn't do it for me. I don't expect any sympathy from anyone however, as it was my mistake for signing on my account. But that's life, and i'll get over it.

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  • ask him if he every changed the name if he did then no matchmaking and fileshare.if he just uploaded it realized what was then deleted it will be just a fileshare.this is one of the reason i let no one on my xbox unless i am in the room.

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  • hi lukems

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  • cool

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Church187 Did you ask your gf if she or her had been the one to remove the pic? Did you ask them to try and see if your accounts file share is still usable? Can they get into MM on it?[/quote] I haven't spoken to him about the pic, i hope he did remove it and not bungie or i'm in the s**t. I asked him to remove my gamertag i really don't want it being logged onto his xbox again, next time i go round il have to have a look.

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  • Did you ask your gf if she or her had been the one to remove the pic? Did you ask them to try and see if your accounts file share is still usable? Can they get into MM on it?

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  • Right, i'm going to type it in here i think. Basically this is what happened... About two weeks ago my xbox got a single red light, so i rang microsoft up, then it got collected blah blah, anyway, I was at my girlfriends and her brother has an xbox, so i recovered my gamertag on his machine, had a few games etc etc. Then a few days later i get a text off my girlfriend saying that theyre playing on my account on his console, i thought it was kinda cheeky but other than that i wasn't really too bothered. So i decided to check on my profile what hed been playing, turns out he'd had a few games of infection on customs. Fine by me. Anyway i looked at my screenshots and i saw a modded picture in there, couldn't believe it. I refreshed the page about 2 minutes later and it was gone. I dont know whether i'm banned or not, as my xbox is still in the hands of microsoft. I went on to and emailed him to tell him to remove my gamertag off his xbox 'cause i don't want anyone messing around on my account. I made a stupid mistake, just hope i haven't been banned for it. If anyone can clarify whether i'm banned or not will help me or anyone who has had similar experiences. Cheers

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  • Haha when the account JohnVonDeath was banned from matchmaking, it was my little brothers fault! but its his account. and he asked for recon via email... and now, he is on a list of the banhammerd who shalt never receive teh reconz epic fail

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Symmaccus I can use my fileshare, which is why I was confused. I thought it was the first thing to go, but I still have it. o.O[/quote] You downloaded a modded map, remember when those screenshot were going around and were making peoples 360s freeze up? Is it possible something like that has happened to you?

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  • Bungie has let loose an outbreak of [b]banthrax[/b]. This virus is deadly if you are exposed to it. There are several ways of contracting this dangerous ailment. It can leave residue on modded content, which then can be passed through fileshare contact. It also is spread through matchmaking when someone host boots. There is no cure for [b]banthrax[/b], so you should avoid fileshare contact when you know or think your fileshare item is getting an outbreak. "I have [b]banthrax[/b]." "And I still don't" "And now we're doing more to keep it that way."

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  • I can use my fileshare, which is why I was confused. I thought it was the first thing to go, but I still have it. o.O

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  • it is because you download a modded map so you where banned from custom games and banned form downloading anything else.check to see if you can use your fileshare also.the question you should ask is it a perm ban or a temp ban.

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  • Alright, I'm confused. I'm not here to complain, I just want to know what situation I am in exactly. Alright, I downloaded a modded map, I did [b]not[/b] rename it or apply it to my fileshare. When I realized that people were getting banned, I deleted it immediately. I understand why I'm banned, but I'm confused about what exactly that would ban me from. (and someone mentioned that you get a message saying you're banned, is that true?) I can no longer play custom games, take screenshots, watch vids, or download bungie favorites. I can still play in matchmaking, which I don't understand. From what I've read, matchmaking and fileshare are the first things to go, and those are the only two things I have left. Someone suggested that my parental controls were on, I checked, that's not it. And if the whole "getting a ban message" thing is true, I never got one. Does anyone know what is up with this?

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  • Never make threads about the "forbidden" armor. It puts you on the path to a short stay at the Blacklist Terrace Hotel which is on the outskirts of Banadu. From there the screams and cries of the permabanned in Banadu keep you awake all night long. I stayed there once and the screaming of one poor soul crying out "LORD SHISHKA HAVE MERCY ON ME!!" still fills me with dread to this day.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] yetty4ever i jst want to know why i was banned from the forums for seven days?? i asked numorous people , and no answer[/quote]I saw this post you thread in your profile: [url][/url]. You started a thread about recon armor. That is forbidden. You should really read the ground rules brefore posting. Any search about this subject would have led you to a discussion about this fact. Check out this thread that is a sticky on the right side of the message board: [url][/url] [Edited on 09.09.2008 5:14 AM PDT]

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  • Not banned from XBL/MM but banned from bnet by the x FOOOOOMAN123 x. For posting "THIS IS SPARTA!!!" on someones thread!? How long? 14 days. Little harsh FOOOOMAN123. Don't mess with the FOOOMAN123 though. He will smash your ass with the banhammer, and it hurts.

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  • Its possible that continuous spam in the forum, or posting unessecary comments, or sending abusive PMs, or even putting threads in the wrong forum.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] yetty4ever i jst want to know why i was banned from the forums for seven days?? i asked numorous people , and no answer[/quote] I once got a warning from a Mod not to post in a thread that I had reported and that it could lead to a seven day blacklisting. There are other ways to get blacklisted from the forums but this one stuck out to me.

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  • i jst want to know why i was banned from the forums for seven days?? i asked numorous people , and no answer

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  • Ok, ive noticed a large influx of new members of banadu, so firstly let me say; Welcome :) Enjoy your stay, and secondly let me try and clear some of this up for you guys :) This is my list that i post around, in this thread to make it easier to understand. To be sure now, you should be safe, and delete EVERY piece of modified content off of your consoles Hard drive. In case you haven't noticed Bungie are cracking down to the core of the modding syndicate occurring. If you wish to avoid the ban bus, and not get mowed down; [B]DELETE EVERYTHING[/B] That looks modded, or unusual- this includes, Gametypes, Maps, Films, Screenshots. And also Make sure none remains on your fileshare. Please enjoy the list. [quote] [b]Glitch's List Of Stuff...[/b] [i]A Screenshot of a marine which is glitched in campaign= OK A Screenshot of your friend in Recon, despite it being illegitimately=[URL=]BAN[/URL] A Screenshot of something 'outside' the Halo Universe completely=[URL=]BAN[/URL] A Screenshot of something that cannot be achieved in the game=[URL=]BAN[/URL] A Screenshot which contains a picture with the ability to turn off a Console=[URL=]BAN[/URL] A Screenshot of a player flying from a large explosion outside the map= OK A Map Variant which has edited content within = OK A Map Variant which has edited 'hidden' content within it =[URL=]BAN[/URL] A Map Variant which has something 'unforgeable' on it =[URL=]BAN[/URL] A Map Variant of Zombies with 'Bipeds/Bots' on it=[URL=]BAN[/URL] A Map Variant with 2 Crates on and weapons spelling 'Cheese'=OK Playing a game on the Double EXP playlist with a party of 4, and playing fairly=OK Playing a game on the Double EXP playlist with a party of 8, and 'boosting' EXP=[URL=]BAN[/URL] Moaning to bungie about being banned=[URL=]An extended visit to Banadu[/URL] [/i] [b]-LET IT BE CLEAR THAT EVEN THE POSSESSION OF MODIFIED CONTENT COULD JEOPARDISE YOUR ONLINE EXPERIENCE; FOR SAFETY OF YOUR ACCOUNT DELETE IT ALL-[/B] [/quote]

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  • my other account got banned from bnet permanently cuz i was argueing with a ninja :P

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  • i was curios first of all...why i was banned ...for 7 days , i sent a message to bungie and moderators and nothing!! Also, i was trying to view a picture from my file share and it said ERROR #0007 why not view a picture of your mom , i have plenty,,,yeah its funny,,but very offensive

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  • like my drum marshal says... this has to be EPIC i've never seen anything from the banhammer happen though. i saw a guy in a picture using dual assault rifles... after the huge sweep i dont think it was removed.

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  • A few weeks ago, ( before Toronto ) I signed on in the morning and receive a message saying my account has been perm. Banned from MM and my console for a 3 month period. Ive never cheated,Standby'd, or never uploaded any stupid -blam!- in my fileshare. I've tried emailing the bungie webmaster and all Ive gotten is auto responses. Ive called 18004myxbox and they said they couldn't help me. I honestly dont know what I did, and despise of cheaters, So it kills me every time I sign on and those message pop up! I gave it a few weeks because I thought it might have been a mistake or glitch but im still banned 3 or so weeks later. Ridiculous Has this ever happened to anyone else? or so what did you do?.

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