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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by NewEraDamnation: 2/18/2015 10:29:20 PM

The Community is a buttface! *PROOF*

So basically the community of Destiny gives people who are "noobs? or also known as new players, absolutely no chance. If your level 25, and would like to expierence the raid first hand, you can't. People wont let you join. If your level 28 or 29 and want to get that helmet to boost your light level to 30, you can't players wont even give you the time and date to even train you on what to do in VoG. That's not including the new raid, i had a mate who was new to the dlc raid, and he got KICKED! for what? for not knowing what to do, it was his first time, and he tried for 3 hours to get a good team. So in essence what you butthurt people learned is the following "code of ethics" Destiny players follow: *If your new to VoG you'll get kicked and not shown how to do it *if your under the required level by 1 or 2, or for the love of Christ 3 light points, you'll get kicked *If your just one item away from getting max, or you just really want to raid or even learn how... Goodluck People give no chance in this game and it's disgusting, Thank you to the players who showed me how to do raid, and complete Crota's end. I'm now level 30, nearly 31 and a half with proper gear equipped and maxed, *No edit needed to say the following* My body is ready for all the hate/racist/immature comments/random sayings. I'm prepared for the 16 year old's ready to jump on this thread and rip me a new one saying how "their not the cause" Everyone in the Destiny community has at least once kicked or didn't invite or didn't want at least 1 person in their fire team because they are new and don't have the proper training and experience we do. This worries me on how Destiny will grow. but lemme guess what the first few comments are going to be... "What's Youtube for?" "Google how to do it" "what an idiot" "shut up meg" "just read the Bungie forums and learn how to after a few hours you'll remember" If this gets outta hand, i'll just delete this forum and go on with my day EDIT: STOP SAYING "YOU" IM WELL SET FOR RAIDS FOR 3 OF MY CHARACTERS ARE 32. JIST STANDING UP FOR OTHER NOOBS THATS ALL IM DOING

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