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Edited by Hollywood88: 12/2/2016 1:26:31 PM

Destiny Plasma TV owners

Hey guys, thought it was my duty for people that did not know or were having these issues with their plasma that Bungie did address the static hud issue with the April 16 update. You need to go into settings, go to right side last option "accessibility". On top right you will see HUD opacity. Choose low to be super safe. I have been playing since then on my VT60 and it has solved my problems. I can't give kudos to bungie since they knew about this back in the beta and did nothing before release. Plus I had to stay away from a game I loved for almost a year and a half. But bungie did make things right and the game never leaves my tray. So thank you Bungie. Since Bungie has stayed silent on the matter of patching the HUD since NOV., I thought it Might help them to understand how Many people play on a plasma TV. So if you play Destiny on a Plasma, reply to this thread. Also note if you have stopped playing due to the image retention damage that the HUD causes on a plasma. I play on a panny vt60. I have discontinued playing in early Jan. Due to the screen burn that the HUD caused. Will not play until a transparency and brightness patch is issued for the HUD as well as the option to remove the HUD. Thanks As an update, I don't want to use this thread as a debate of the best tv's for gaming. I get it, lcds for gaming are better. That's your opinion. Let's stick to the topic which is to compile how many people play destiny on plasma tvs and which of those people have had burn issues. And if you have had your lcd burned by the HUD, please let us all know because I have read that it's a problem there in extreme circumstances. 2nd update. I appreciate all of your feedback. It's truly helped in zeroing in on a trend of the size and type of plasma sets that have been affected. Please keep this thread going as it can only help all of us affected by learning of how many people out here have the same exact predicament. I do not believe I have read one person with a 2011-2013 panasonic, Samsung, or LG plasma TV with 3d that has not had the screen burn issue. If you have one of those tvs and have not had an issue, please comment what you are doing to prevent the long term image retention of the HUD. Thanks. EDIT- just read on the bungie weekly update that update 1.1.2 would be focusing on some things to make the game play better. Deej claims that if we have mentioned it on the forums, the user experience teams have it on the white board. Here is one of the things he mentioned they are working on "Audio and Visual – Not everyone wants to see or hear a game the same way, which is why we’re looking at providing more options." Very vague but gives a glimmer of hope. Until we know we have a fix, keep the thread going with your plasma TV experience and Destiny. Edit 3/20/15- the visual updates were colorblind options which probably has nothing to do with the Plasma TV destryoing HUD. I'm shocked and a little beside myself that they are not addressing this issue. Remember, last time commented that it was being looked into was Novemeber. 4 months ago. Trust me bungie, the problem has not gotten better with time. Only more and more TV's damaged by your lazy oversight even though the players told you about this during the BETa. It's obvious now that they don't care about plasma TV owners. 7/9- it's been 8 months since Deej said they knew of the issue and are discussing it. And still no update on a Fix. At this point I demand a response. I payed a total of $94.00 for the game and dlc. If I would have known of what the game does to TV screens, I would have never purchased the game. Simple as that. So either fix the game or give my money back or don't be surprised if a class action lawsuit shows up at your door. 9/15-Taken King has arrived and along with patch 2.0, Bungie still has not fixed the HUD transparency leaving 10's of thousands of plasma TV owners with no reason to support their game. We are almost a year since the last time a Bungie rep mentioned that they were aware of the issue and discussing a fix. Somehow all this innovation happens but a simple transparency patch for the HUD cant be done. Seems nuts that this is that hard. Since Bungie refuses to acknowledge 10's of thousands of people who are having the same problem, I will use the one voice I have left and not purchase "the taken King" until they provide a fix. I encourage all of you to do the same. Maybe they'll realize by looking at their ROI that there really is enough plasma owners to warrant a little developer time to fix this issue that the game has had since BETA. My tv is worth more then their game and their are plenty of games out there that don't damage my plasma screen. 9/15- here is a description of the problem affecting plasma tvs. Hopefully haters will understand that this is not entirely a plasma problem but a gross mistake in engineering a game for the masses: Non opaque or transparent HUD is what plasma owners need. That means you can see through the HUD. Here's the problem in a nutshell. Everyone knows Destiny is a pretty dark game. The worst thing for a plasma TV is static bright Colors. White being the worse, yellow probably next. If it was a fine white or yellow line that was static, plasmas anti-image retention system would probably protect the tv because the pixels would shift from time to time, preventing overuse. But in destiny, the HUD,the images of your guns, the ammo count even though it moves, the yellow "special" charge bar are so large, non detailed, and bright on the dark screen that literally you are aging those pixels much earlier then the rest of your screen. Remember, the white and yellow areas of the HUD are not transparent, they don't move enough, and they are too large for pixel shift to make a difference. So when you watch other content, what you see is a darker areas, on your screen that happen to be in the shape of any of the bright white or yellow elements. You can't see the damage the HUD is doing playing destiny because the HUD never moves and is the brightest thing in the game. It's other content, especially off white backgrounds like the Ice when watching a hockey game where the damage really shows. This damage is not the same kind of image retention where you watch something, it leaves a ghost image of a TV logo, and it will go away when watching different content. What this is is premature aging of the pixels that make up the HUD that will only go away when the rest of the TV ages as much as the areas that support the HUD. Which means it takes a lot of time watching varied content and especially no playing of destiny for the entire screen to even out. It took my tv 3 months to even out the picture. And I did a lot of running of bluray movies overnight, Disney wow disc, and other things. The screen wipe will not fix this problem because the wipe uses white and you don't want the damaged pixels to have to show any white if you can. Hope this helps.

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  • Happy Easter, Bungie still had not given us a response since around Thanksgiving regarding when a patch for the plasma TV destroying HUD will or won't be deployed. I'm thinking the silence is our answer. Never complain about a lack of interest in your game. If people stop playing its your fault for shutting out a large segment of players due to your laziness and pompous attitude.

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    2 Replies
    • I have a burnt in super bar in my tv now. Another reason to ditch this marketing experiment.

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    • What I do is change the screen bounds about twice a day when I play, keeping the bud in different places lets the burn in go away. Also I've done all the research I could do, I like plasmas best and won't change because of games like destiny.

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      4 Replies
      • I have a 60"lg. Haven't had a huge issue with burn in. A little, but i just go to YouTube and do a screen wash. But i also think i have a pretty resilient tv when it comes to burn in. Yeah, lcd may be better for gabbing. But i can't stand watching shows on them. Plasmas are just smoother in my opinion

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      • Shouldnt game on a plasma tv. No game would be a good idea to play on a plasma. Even the manufactures never recommended it. It's part of the reason most manufacturers just dont make plasma any more. I used to work in the industry.

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      • Basically, at this point, you already have burn in. I know mine does a little bit. there are other games that are going to do the same thing. if you have multiple tvs, or multiple plasma TVs I should say, try to keep gaming on just one of them. Or at least long term gaming

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        4 Replies
        • Playing as striker makes it happen 100% faster. I've already lost one tv...

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          4 Replies
          • People still play on plasmas? Really?

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            3 Replies
            • Lol. Buy and LED tv. STFU and get out with your gay ass plasma shit.

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              6 Replies
              • You know they're not likely going to address this right? Your choice of TV display type is probably not high on their to-do list. And in a purely objective sense, not their problem. On the other hand, I admit I'd like an option to have elements of the HUD disappear when unneeded. Such as having the shield/health bar disappear when I'm not taking hits.

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                9 Replies
                • Ew plasma lol. Seems like the cheap way out. Plasma tvs are scummy.

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                  15 Replies
                  • Lot of foolish folks in here. The VT60 the OP has was the best tv made in 2013 and cost a few thousand bucks. In terms of picture quality there isn't anything available today that's much if any better, aside from crazy expensive OLEDs. It's not like he's complaining that he can't see colors on his 1947 RCA vis-o-lux. I also have burn in on a 2013 panasonic plasma. I quit playing Destiny because of it. I've been gaming on plasmas for at least 6 years now and I've never had a problem. I put around 100 hours into Destiny over the course of a few months and rarely played more than 2 hours at a time. Destiny is definitely unique, as I can STILL faintly see the HUD and I haven't so much as turned the game on in two months. How hard would it be to have a simple HUD transparency slider? And to hide the HUD when you're not in combat?

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                    7 Replies
                    • I have fried the -blam!- out of mine. It's cool. It's like I'm playing Destiny even when watching a movie.

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                    • I've replied on so many of these I can't even remember, there's a lot of ignorance out there and some of us care about picture quality. I have a ZT-60 and I was seriously hoping this issue would be addressed in the next update but I guess we are not that lucky. I aggressively run anti burn videos to combat it and it helps but I would love to not have to go to those measures

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                      2 Replies
                      • If your plasma TV is getting burned when gaming, then it's not an opinion that LCD TV's are better but it is a fact.. I just got a new LCD 32" Emerson for $200 and I am loving it.

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                        4 Replies
                        • I have a panasonic st-50 plasma and quit playing destiny on it. I ended up buying a 27" led monitor and run it in tandem with my pc. It amazes me that they still haven't fixed this.

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                        • Burn-in of my Panasonic TX-P55VT30E. Last time I played Destiny was 3 days ago. Photo is from now.

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                          1 Reply
                          • Turn down you backlight and contrast 900 hours on my Samsung 60 and no problems

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                            10 Replies
                            • Just saw that the sound and visual tease that Bungie mentioned last week seems to have nothing to do with the HUD transparency or Removal. It has to do with colorblind players. I really don't know what to say. I don't want to say something to disparage colorblind players.

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                            • Edited by lynthan86 : 3/10/2015 3:14:45 PM
                              Turn brightness down to around 35% , contrast 65% and colour down until it starts looking washed out then adjust up until you're happy. Had no problems with my panny plasma whilst using these settings, the picture is a little dark but it's a small sacrifice to make. Hope this helps someone ☺ Edit. I use a Panasonic St 50 3d tv.

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                              2 Replies
                              • I got q Panasonic plasma had burn in Dorcas while but after the burn in period I haven't had issues since be it gaming or pausing a movie. My TVs doesn't hold it anymore. Either that or I just don't see it

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                                1 Reply
                                • We also have a VT60, but I limit its connection with the PS4 to special couch co-op nights. I perform a screen wipe for a good 30 minutes afterward. So, I have no retention or burn in issues. The bulk of Destiny play time is on a $500 Samsung 5300 plasma that I picked up over the holidays as a "sacrificial" plasma. It shows some mild burn-in, but again, it's meant to be a couple year "disposable" TV. At that price, I don't lose any sleep over burn-in. Even with this luxury, I'd greatly appreciate an adjustment to the HUD to avoid the burn-in.

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                                  • "42 insignia plasma

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                                  • I play on a plasma. I'm not sure what problem you're speaking of though. I'm not having any issues.

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                                    1 Reply
                                    • Panasonic VT50. Preoredered the game, stopped playing in November!!! After just 2 Months of playing max 2 hours daily i had severe IR. Dissapeared in a couple of weeks after not playing it anymore. I am so happy i didn't buy the Season Pass. I will buy the DLC-s, IF they fix this opacity issue.

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                                      • 2011 panasonic Viera, screen burns removed via scrolling bar feature.

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