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Edited by Hollywood88: 12/2/2016 1:26:31 PM

Destiny Plasma TV owners

Hey guys, thought it was my duty for people that did not know or were having these issues with their plasma that Bungie did address the static hud issue with the April 16 update. You need to go into settings, go to right side last option "accessibility". On top right you will see HUD opacity. Choose low to be super safe. I have been playing since then on my VT60 and it has solved my problems. I can't give kudos to bungie since they knew about this back in the beta and did nothing before release. Plus I had to stay away from a game I loved for almost a year and a half. But bungie did make things right and the game never leaves my tray. So thank you Bungie. Since Bungie has stayed silent on the matter of patching the HUD since NOV., I thought it Might help them to understand how Many people play on a plasma TV. So if you play Destiny on a Plasma, reply to this thread. Also note if you have stopped playing due to the image retention damage that the HUD causes on a plasma. I play on a panny vt60. I have discontinued playing in early Jan. Due to the screen burn that the HUD caused. Will not play until a transparency and brightness patch is issued for the HUD as well as the option to remove the HUD. Thanks As an update, I don't want to use this thread as a debate of the best tv's for gaming. I get it, lcds for gaming are better. That's your opinion. Let's stick to the topic which is to compile how many people play destiny on plasma tvs and which of those people have had burn issues. And if you have had your lcd burned by the HUD, please let us all know because I have read that it's a problem there in extreme circumstances. 2nd update. I appreciate all of your feedback. It's truly helped in zeroing in on a trend of the size and type of plasma sets that have been affected. Please keep this thread going as it can only help all of us affected by learning of how many people out here have the same exact predicament. I do not believe I have read one person with a 2011-2013 panasonic, Samsung, or LG plasma TV with 3d that has not had the screen burn issue. If you have one of those tvs and have not had an issue, please comment what you are doing to prevent the long term image retention of the HUD. Thanks. EDIT- just read on the bungie weekly update that update 1.1.2 would be focusing on some things to make the game play better. Deej claims that if we have mentioned it on the forums, the user experience teams have it on the white board. Here is one of the things he mentioned they are working on "Audio and Visual – Not everyone wants to see or hear a game the same way, which is why we’re looking at providing more options." Very vague but gives a glimmer of hope. Until we know we have a fix, keep the thread going with your plasma TV experience and Destiny. Edit 3/20/15- the visual updates were colorblind options which probably has nothing to do with the Plasma TV destryoing HUD. I'm shocked and a little beside myself that they are not addressing this issue. Remember, last time commented that it was being looked into was Novemeber. 4 months ago. Trust me bungie, the problem has not gotten better with time. Only more and more TV's damaged by your lazy oversight even though the players told you about this during the BETa. It's obvious now that they don't care about plasma TV owners. 7/9- it's been 8 months since Deej said they knew of the issue and are discussing it. And still no update on a Fix. At this point I demand a response. I payed a total of $94.00 for the game and dlc. If I would have known of what the game does to TV screens, I would have never purchased the game. Simple as that. So either fix the game or give my money back or don't be surprised if a class action lawsuit shows up at your door. 9/15-Taken King has arrived and along with patch 2.0, Bungie still has not fixed the HUD transparency leaving 10's of thousands of plasma TV owners with no reason to support their game. We are almost a year since the last time a Bungie rep mentioned that they were aware of the issue and discussing a fix. Somehow all this innovation happens but a simple transparency patch for the HUD cant be done. Seems nuts that this is that hard. Since Bungie refuses to acknowledge 10's of thousands of people who are having the same problem, I will use the one voice I have left and not purchase "the taken King" until they provide a fix. I encourage all of you to do the same. Maybe they'll realize by looking at their ROI that there really is enough plasma owners to warrant a little developer time to fix this issue that the game has had since BETA. My tv is worth more then their game and their are plenty of games out there that don't damage my plasma screen. 9/15- here is a description of the problem affecting plasma tvs. Hopefully haters will understand that this is not entirely a plasma problem but a gross mistake in engineering a game for the masses: Non opaque or transparent HUD is what plasma owners need. That means you can see through the HUD. Here's the problem in a nutshell. Everyone knows Destiny is a pretty dark game. The worst thing for a plasma TV is static bright Colors. White being the worse, yellow probably next. If it was a fine white or yellow line that was static, plasmas anti-image retention system would probably protect the tv because the pixels would shift from time to time, preventing overuse. But in destiny, the HUD,the images of your guns, the ammo count even though it moves, the yellow "special" charge bar are so large, non detailed, and bright on the dark screen that literally you are aging those pixels much earlier then the rest of your screen. Remember, the white and yellow areas of the HUD are not transparent, they don't move enough, and they are too large for pixel shift to make a difference. So when you watch other content, what you see is a darker areas, on your screen that happen to be in the shape of any of the bright white or yellow elements. You can't see the damage the HUD is doing playing destiny because the HUD never moves and is the brightest thing in the game. It's other content, especially off white backgrounds like the Ice when watching a hockey game where the damage really shows. This damage is not the same kind of image retention where you watch something, it leaves a ghost image of a TV logo, and it will go away when watching different content. What this is is premature aging of the pixels that make up the HUD that will only go away when the rest of the TV ages as much as the areas that support the HUD. Which means it takes a lot of time watching varied content and especially no playing of destiny for the entire screen to even out. It took my tv 3 months to even out the picture. And I did a lot of running of bluray movies overnight, Disney wow disc, and other things. The screen wipe will not fix this problem because the wipe uses white and you don't want the damaged pixels to have to show any white if you can. Hope this helps.

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  • Edited by X1acecombat: 7/28/2015 2:04:38 AM
    bump i have a Samsung plasma, but i don't notice any screen burn after prolong period of playing

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  • Bump. Don't play on a plasma but feel bad for ya

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    2 Replies
    • I want a response on a patch for your screen destroying HUD.

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    • U dont game on a plasma TV screen it just common sense screen burn it bound to happen no matter what game you play it's not Bungies fault, their just for tv and movies not games!

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      2 Replies
      • I have a plasma tv and im wondering what screen burn is, i have a problem where my whole screen gets very dark at times and im wondering if that is screen burn

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        • Deej, I'm asking for a response regarding fixing the games plasma screen destroying HUD

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        • Most expensive video game EVAR!

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        • In asking for an update on the patch for the plasma screen destroying HUD.

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        • Considering this is an important issue, I doubt Bungie will ever get to it or give two flying -blam!-s.

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        • I don't know how we can get Bungie to respond short of just clogging the forums with tons of requests that cause the issue to trend.

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        • Use a Samsung, have the lower left burnt in most visibly. All other sections aren't as bad. I've been modifying the HUD size like everyone else.

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          • Edited by macintsh: 6/23/2015 9:10:06 PM
            I used to play on a Panasonic VT60 and it looked great. Then I noticed the image retention from the HUD (lower left) and stopped cold. I bought a cheap gaming monitor (which doesn't look nearly as nice as my VT60), disconnected my PS4 from my TV, and plugged it into the monitor in another room. I'd really appreciate some HUD transparency options in Destiny. Some size/layout options would be good too. (The bright white gun icons don't really add much information.) For the record, I've had five game consoles hooked up to my VT60 since I purchased it two years ago. I've played hundreds of hours of games on this TV, including games like Skyward Sword (multiple play-throughs) which also appear to have mostly opaque HUDs. None of those games caused image retention. Only Destiny did. The Destiny HUD super bar is the most visible, followed by the gun icons just below the bar.

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            • My household has played thousands of hours of Xbox on my 2007 Samsung plasma with no ill effects. Little image retention once in a while but it's always gone with a min or two of regular TV

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              • Edited by Rho'gath: 6/2/2015 10:27:35 PM
                You should never play any game for a prolonged time on a Plasma screen as it is almost guaranteed to burn an image onto the screen. It's not in any way Bungies fault that an image is burned into your screen. Dying Light doesn't have HUD options and if you play that for a prolonged time it will burn an image onto a Plasma screen, that's not Techlands fault, it's the consumers for using a Plasma without the appropriate knowledge of how to preserve the screen I have a 2006 Panasonic TH-50PHD8 Plasma that has still got perfect picture quality and I refuse to play video games on it because I know how bad it is for the screen. There is a reason LCD are better for gaming… not to mention that most TV companies don't produce Plasma screens anymore so why make a game benefit outdated technology?

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                3 Replies
                • Can't believe a company like Bungie is putting out this huge expansion without a HUD transparency patch. Shame on you shutting out so many people from the game they paid for with a problem that was reported to you by hundreds of people back at BETA. Can't understand why the issue can't even be acknowledged, let alone fixed.

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                • They won't fix it, they are too incompetent to do anything right, give yourself and your tv a break and quit playing destiny, also do not buy anything from BUNGIE again. They have 0 customer loyalty and truly do not understand gamers at all.

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                  • Youre playing video games on a plasma tv?? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAGAHAGAGAA LOL and youre mad it burns an image in your screen? Its your own damn fault, those tvs are horrible for video games.

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                    4 Replies
                    • Have a 2013 Samsung PN60f5500. I play a lot of destiny and have no screen burn. Not sure what issue you are having but all newer plasma TVs have a screen burn protection in the settings that you can run for about 30 min at night that is a white screen and runs a black/grey bar across the screen that I've seen get rid of some pretty bad burns. Hope this helps.

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                      3 Replies
                      • I have this problem is well I stopped playing destiny mainly due to this. BUNGIE please fix this give us HUD options

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                        • Just but a new model lg led. I noticed some screen burn or whatever on the corners of the screen where there is constant haziness. I haven't seen any part of the HUD, just the corners. Anyone else have any issue with this or a solution. I play on the game mode setting.

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                          • I have to move the screen bounds around

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                          • Do NOT play this game on plasma. When you switch to LED, dont forget game settings, especially for raids and pvp.

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                            8 Replies
                            • Major burn in on my set after about an hour of play each night. Really wish they would just an Opacity option for the UI. Give us the ability to adjust it like they do with other options in the menus. It's at the point where if they don't patch this in soon I'm going to have to play something else, which sucks! I love this game so much, and I want to keep spending money on the DLC. It's such a small ask.

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                              2 Replies
                              • I read on another one of these plasma threads someone that simply adjusted the screen size periodically to prevent the burn. I was skeptical at first cause I thought it would actually shrink the view I was playing in and make it look weird, but all it does is adjust where HUD elements are on the screen, the rest of the screen was still filled with the game background. It didn't effect gameplay at all and it helped quite a bit.

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                                5 Replies
                                • I have a 2010 Samsung 3d plasma and yea I get screen burns really bad

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                                • Edited by Blonded: 6/2/2015 5:01:50 PM
                                  I had a read down the page, and the OP is just bashing bungie at every opportunity. The HUD isn't the problem here, your TV is. What you are asking bungie to do, is to provide a fix for your TV not for their game. That requires courteous feedback toward Bungie if you hope for them to release a fix for your TV. Fact is, you are in a minuscule minority. One, you're playing on a plasma, and two you're either deciding not to use your plasma's tools to scrub or prevent image retention, or your plasma doesn't have any features like that. Most TVs these days have no problem at all, and most gamers are knowledgable enough not to play games on a TV which is at risk of image burn. I would suggest you write a formal and respectful message to Deej/Bungie to ask if they have any plans to work on HUD options. Bashing them on forums is not the way to go about things.

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