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7/21/2008 2:45:22 AM

Lord Snakie's EXTREMELY Famous Flood Foum Game!

As for us from the Dev team, we’d like to announce the… “rebirth” of the Flood Forum Games. Before, we tried to narrow the spectrum with rules and ignore the success we had with the second game. Which is why 3.0 was a bust. As such, we’re coming back with shortened rules, easier ideas, and [b]NO[/b] set alliances. This game is the “Fun Game”, a game devoid of all the entrapping, ensnaring, and just downright un-fun rules we tried to encorperate into the last game. [I]We worked on this for a LONG while… please bear with the length. We suggest that you read the entire thing, then go back and copy parts that you think would be useful to have at hand so you don’t have to look through it again.[/I] --- [b][u]Credit goes to[/b][/u]: -Lord Snakie, for making games 1 and 2, and for Lead Design and compilation of 3. Also for the compilation of this “Fun-Game”, game 4.0. -ODST27 for helping with pictures for the system, and for assistance on other, more mundane items. -The rest of the previous development teams and the development teams of BGG for their massive contributions! --- [b][u]Why we play[/u][/b]: Simple; everybody wants to kill everybody else! --- [b][u]How to play[/u][/b]: * Pick a faction and declare yourself * Narrate your actions * Join an Alliance (If you want to) * Fight for you (and your allies) to control the system --- [b][u]There are a few guidelines[/u][/b]: * Keep it reasonable; No fleets of obscenely large size without building them, no instant landings or takeoffs, no quick movements. Everything takes turns * No "Instant fleets"; Reinforcements can arrive, but it must be declared that they are inbound several turns before they arrive. The only ‘instant’ fleet you get is the one your armies bring with them at the beginning, and it should be fairly small. * A "turn" consists of one post. You cannot take two consecutive turns * Don't be a prick- When you loose ships and people, admit it and keep playing * Pay attention to other people’s posts and the rules *Make sure that you don’t just constantly build. Even if you are building within the rules, you can’t build fleets and buildings all the time. Think about when your resources would run out if this was real, and stop building one or the other at that point for a few turns. The entire point of this game is [b]realism[/b], and it’s only [I]real[/I] if there’s no infinite resources. --- [b][u]Story Plots[/u][/b]: Story Plots are new things that will pop up in the course of the story. They will offer rewards of ships, technology, and many other things. But be careful- some story plots are more dangerous than others to ignore. If ignored, the enemy could gain valuable technology or ships without having to fight for them at all. Story plots will be listed in the post under the current player/faction status post. --- [b][u]The Game’s Format[/u][/b]: The game should follow one, solid format so every one of us can keep track of what the enemy has. This is how it should be done ([b][I]PLEASE NOTE: You should check your post completely before you post it! Make sure you change out old messages and comments left strewn around your posts! The smaller it is, the faster and easier it is to work![/I][/b]): [b]Your faction[/b]: [b]Ships[/b]: [b]Ground units[/b]: [b]Buildings[/b]: (What buildings you've already built. Add different sub-titles, like Buildings-Asteroid Field as you expand, so people know your full defenses at every base. Doesn't include research/upgrades. Delete buildings as they are destroyed) (You start the game with a 1-bay Space Station. Please reflect that as your first building here, and look further below as to what the differences are in Space Stations) [b]Finished Research[/b]: (Finished research goes here. Make sure to [b][I]EXPLAIN WHAT IT DOES[/b][/I]) [b]Research[/b]: (Current Research) [b]Construction[/b]: (Current Construction) [b]Ground Movement[/b]: [b]Space movement[/b]: [b]Allies[/b]: [b]Enemies[/b]: [b]Message to all[/b]: (What you would like to flash around your solar system to all who see it.) --- [b][u]Rules for fighting[/u][/b]: 1. [b]War losses[/b]: When a war is being fought, all sides must accept the defeats. The winning and losing sides lose things. They must change their posts to orient around the fight, like change the fleet numbers to it. With this comes the responsibility of deducting the amount of losses from the total fleet. 2. [b]Fighting[/b]: You must declare what you attack and how. If you just say you attack something, then it could be with just infantry and it do nothing. You must say what attacks what, and you must either outnumber, outpower, or use a surprise or tactical approach to win. 3. [b]Boarding[/b]: When boarding, it takes 3 turns, with the exception of a larger-grade ship that would take longer (for conformation if one of your ships would have a longer boarding time, PM me and give me the specifications. In my reply, I will say yes or no and give you the amount of time it would take a slow-boarding (normal) faction to take it or a fast-boarding (Flood/Borg) faction to take it. If it is different than the norm, you will have to post those times next to the ship listed in your Ships bar in your post). For a normal takeover, it’s 1 to board, one to kill crew, one to learn to fly and take control, then the ship is yours. If you have a faction such as the Borg that can terraform ships and turn all of the crew into Borg at the same time, or the Flood which can attack much quicker and take the crew itself over, it would only take 2 turns. Make sure to PM me to confirm if your faction would take 3 or 2 turns to board a ship. 4. [b]WMD's[/b]: Superweapons may be used during warfare, but be careful of the losses, if anything of yours is engaging the enemy fleet that gets attacked, they get lost along with the enemy. Also, the Superweapon normally only destroys a large number, not the whole enemy fleet. Advanced WMD rules are down a bit more. 5. [b]Shields[/b]: Shields are automatically installed to ships and units based on what level of shielding you research. The shield can protect from anything except for a WMD or EMP. You must design better shields to protect against WMDs, and the only thing that would protect against EMP is a backup shield, which must also be researched. 6. [b]EMP[/b]: We all know that EMP, if used, will knock out a ship/vehicle. EMP uses a lot of power though, and you must research it. It is classified as a WMD, and the same advanced rules will apply. 7. [b]Equal turns[/b]: If you and an enemy are fighting, you cannot do a double post. You must wait at least until 1 other person has made a post, and then you can post again. You can only post twice without the enemy you are attacking responding. From that point on, you can post but not attack him. 8. [b]Base destruction[/b]: You must get through an orbital fleet and shielding before you can destroy an enemy base. If it comes this far and your enemy has you pinned without shields, beware! If your faction loses its only base, you lose the game and cannot re-enter as the same faction. This is why building 2-3 bases on separate planets would be a smart move. 9. [b]Victory[/b]: If you win a war, your opponent that lost (as long as he wasn’t destroyed) must pay whatever the two of you were fighting for (if you were). If you were not, by the terms of whatever treaty you come up with (the treaty must be posted when finished) you can get whatever was discussed there. Be careful with treaties, however. Time spent negotiating can turn into turns your enemy has to recuperate, and can make the agreement way less than perfect. 10. [b]Nemeses… become allies?[/b]: Sometimes, it will come down to ‘The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend’ logic. If one faction teams up with another under the table, the third will likely get obliterated. Be careful to not overly piss off one faction unless you have a plan. Better to keep one neutral than have one even trade with your enemy. 11. [b]Base Listing[/b]: Wherever you set up a base, space port, space station, asteroid mine, or anything that involves building and would be considered a ‘factory’ ‘space station’ or ‘base’ of any kind must be listed. Post the info under the ‘lists’ section in the suggested guide for posting. 12. [b]Bypassing Defenses[/b]: During an attack your ships can ignore the orbiting enemy fleets and go right for defensive structures or other things....but you will suffer an automatic 50% loss in ships and personnel. (If you have an odd number of something, round UP) 13. There is a limit of 8,000 units recruited per planet per turn. [Edited on 10.17.2008 9:44 AM PDT]
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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sergeant Matt [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sword and Scales If you've ever seen the first [i]Alien[/i] (the original Alien movie), then you would know that a facehugger pierced two inches of pressure sealed glass on a very modern spacesuit helmet. So, I think it would most likely crack that armor. Xenomorphs are very strong, but fragile. Think of them like ants: they can lift 50x their weight and destroy in the same fashion, but they can easily be broken. If you want to know more about my faction, just ask, but let's keep it imaginative...the point of the game is to have fun with interesting battles and roleplay![/quote] I see, interesting. I know what planet I'm not sending any ships to. Too risky. Now if I just had a Death Star... :)[/quote] Good point. Be sure your "quarantine" stays frosty. :D. [Edited on 07.21.2008 4:45 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sword and Scales If you've ever seen the first [i]Alien[/i] (the original Alien movie), then you would know that a facehugger pierced two inches of pressure sealed glass on a very modern spacesuit helmet. So, I think it would most likely crack that armor. Xenomorphs are very strong, but fragile. Think of them like ants: they can lift 50x their weight and destroy in the same fashion, but they can easily be broken. If you want to know more about my faction, just ask, but let's keep it imaginative...the point of the game is to have fun with interesting battles and roleplay![/quote] I see, interesting. I know what planet I'm not sending any ships to. Too risky. Now if I just had a Death Star... :) [Edited on 07.21.2008 4:42 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sword and Scales [Quote] Nice to have your and your Xenomorphs here, Sword and Scales All I have to say is that I consider myself lucky that I am Necrons and have no need to fear your facehuggers [/quote] Oh, I see! How is this? Are Necrons already dead, I'm guessing?[/quote] Necrons were once living, but had their souls transplanted into metal bodies. They are neither living nor dead, they're not really biological, nor, are they robotical (they don't have CPUs or circuitry) they look like [url=]this[/url] in case you can't picture their appearance

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  • Your faction:Galactic Empire(Star Wars) Ships: 100 TIE Fighters 25 TIE Interceptors 50 TIE Bombers 12 Tartar Class Light Frigates (Fast, light armament, No hangars, little protection) 5 Acclamator-Class Assault Ships (Slow, heavy armament, medium hangars, medium protection) 5 Nebulon B Class Frigates (Fast, medium armament, medium hangars, little protection) 13 Victory Class Star Destroyers (Medium, medium armament, medium hangars, medium protection) 6 Imperator Class Star Destroyers (Slow, heavy armament, large hangars, massive protection) 1 Executor Class Star Dreadnaught (Medium, heavy armament, large hangars, massive protection) Ground units: 4,000 Stormtroopers 100 Marines 150 Engineers 50 Dark Troopers (Extremely tough cyborg soldiers) 10 R.A.Z.O.R.S. (heavily trained and armored marines) 1000 Sabre-Class Repulsor Tanks 1000 AT-STs Buildings: 2-bay Space Station 60-Mile Radius Base Barracks Vehicle Factory Basic Landing Zone Advanced Landing Zone Imperial Landing Zone Basic Mines Advanced Mines Maximum Mines Defensive Anti Personnel Minefields Base Shield Generators Finished Research: Shielding Technology (Allows deflector shields to be developed) Nuclear Fission (Allows research of Fission weapons) Basic settlement procedures Advanced Settlement Procedures Total settlement procedures Advanced Mining Anti Personnel Mine Blueprints (Allows productions and deployment of AP mines.) Anti Vehicle Mine Blueprints (Allows productions and deployment of AT mines.) Anti Spacecraft Blueprints (Allows productions and deployment of ASC mines.) Turbolasers (Fires a high power particle beam, doing massive damage to Armor) Ion Cannons (Fires a burst of high energy Ions, doing heavy damage to shields) Walker Gyroscopes (Allows construction of Walkers) Repulsorlifts (Allows construction of Repulsorlift Vehicles) Research: Redundant Systems- 5 turns (Provides resistance to EMP) FTL Sensors-5 turns CGT Sensors-5 turns Gravitational Field Generators-5 turns Construction: (On Standby until Base is established.) 6-bay Space Station- 4 turns Defensive Turbolaser Turrets-1 turns Orbital Turbolaser Platforms- 5 turns Defensive Anti Vehicle Minefields, 7 turns Orbital Anti Spacecraft Minefields, 11 turns Nuclear Materials Mine- 5 turns Sith Temple- 5 turns 1500 Stormtroopers per turn 500 AT-STs per turn 500 Sabre-Class Repulsor Tanks per turn 16 Victory Class Star Destroyers, 1 turn Ground Movement: Troops in concealed defensive positions around base Space movement: Fleets forms defensive position over base. Allies: Alliance of Superpowers Colonials Vasari Necrons Enemies: None Message to all: Colonials: Very well, please alert us when the research is complete. [b]URGENT MESSAGE TO ALL SUPERPOWER MEMBERS:[/b] Do not send any ships to planet 7. It has been infested by a hostile parasitic life form. As long as it remains there, it will be no threat. I suggest a military blockade and quarantine of the planet, to let nothing in or out. ATTACKABLE [Edited on 07.21.2008 4:40 PM PDT]

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  • [Quote] Nice to have your and your Xenomorphs here, Sword and Scales All I have to say is that I consider myself lucky that I am Necrons and have no need to fear your facehuggers [/quote] Oh, I see! How is this? Are Necrons already dead, I'm guessing? [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sergeant Matt Swords, how would your Facehuggers deal with my Stormtroopers, as they wear sealed armor? Also, how strong are Xenomorphs, since it would take a lot of force to crack the armor, and acid would have little effect.[/quote] If you've ever seen the first [i]Alien[/i] (the original Alien movie), then you would know that a facehugger pierced two inches of pressure sealed glass on a very modern spacesuit helmet. So, I think it would most likely crack that armor. Xenomorphs are very strong, but fragile. Think of them like ants: they can lift 50x their weight and destroy in the same fashion, but they can easily be broken. If you want to know more about my faction, just ask, but let's keep it imaginative...the point of the game is to have fun with interesting battles and roleplay! [Edited on 07.21.2008 4:38 PM PDT]

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  • Swords, how would your Facehuggers deal with my Stormtroopers, as they wear sealed armor? Also, how strong are Xenomorphs, since it would take a lot of force to crack the armor, and acid would have little effect. Would they even be able to hurt armored vehicles? [Edited on 07.21.2008 4:36 PM PDT]

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  • [b] Faction: [/b] Necrons (of Warhammer 40K) [b] Ships: [/b] 1 Necron Star Dreadnought 10 Cairn-class Tombships (Battleships) 30 Scythe-class Harvest Ships (Heavy Cruisers) 45 Shroud-Class Cruisers (Anti-Fighter Cruiser) 100 Jackal-Class Raiders (Aggressive Heavy Fighter) 250 Dirge-Class Raiders (really fast Interceptor/Fighter) [b] Ground Units: [/b] 1 Necron Lord carrying Staff of Light, Chronometron, Lightning Field, and Phase Shifter 1500 Warriors 750 Immortals 200 Pariahs 200 Flayed Ones 100 Wraiths 100 Tomb Spyders 100 Destroyers 50 Heavy Destroyers 24000 Scarabs in swarm 50 Obelisks 25 Pylons 25 Monoliths 5 Abattoirs [b] Buildings: [/b] Underground Catacomb Labyrinth Base under Planet 6 Crust Tomb Factory (basic Infantry production) Necron Shipyard Necron Scarab Hive (2000 Scarabs per turn) Mortuary Heavy Factory (vehicle production) Repair Sepulchre (building for mass-repairs) Necron Tomb of the Titans Basic Gauss Defenses Necron Anti-Ground Mines Necron Planetary Shielding Necron Planet-side Anti-Ship Cannons Necron Orbital Defense Platforms Necron Orbital Naval Mines [b] Technology: [/b] Advanced Necrodermis Metallurgy (Armor) Advanced Gauss Weaponry Advanced Necron Shielding Advanced Necron Inertia-less Drive Engines Naval Sepulchre (psychological warfare and precision targetting) Naval Scarab Complement Anti-Matter Naval Torpedoes Naval Scarab Special Ordinance Necron Lord Special Wargear Equipment All-Unit EMP Shielding Nuclear Fission [b] Research: [/b] Necron Enhanced Regeneration (7 turns) Nuclear Fusion (7 turns) [b] Construction: [/b] 500 Warriors (4 turns) 250 Immortals (4 turns) 100 Pariahs (4 turns) 100 Flayed Ones (4 turns) 50 Wraiths (4 turns) 50 Tomb Spyders (4 turns) 50 Destroyers (4 turns) 25 Heavy Destroyers (4 turns) 50 Obelisks (3 turns) 25 Pylons (3 turns) 25 Monoliths Obelisks (3 turns) 5 Abattoirs (3 turns) 1 Necron Star Dreadnought (1 turns) 10 Cairn-Class Tombships (1 turns) 25 Scythe-Class Harvest ships (1 turns) 40 Shroud-Class Cruisers (1 turns) 100 Jackal-Class Raiders (1 turns) 250 Dirge-Class Raiders (1 turns) Scarab Swarm of 5 million for Defense (2 turns) [b] Ground Movement: [/b] Construction of Catacomb Base under surface of Planet 6 [b] Space Movement: [/b] None [b] Allies: [/b] Alliance of Superpowers (Colonials, Visari, Empire) [b] Enemies: [/b] None [b] Message to All: [/b] The Necron Faction is extremely powerful and can only be defeated with overwhelming numbers or WMDs. As a result, the Necrons have decided to not directly attack anybody until later into the game, so that people will have had the time to develop numbers enough to combat the Necrons. We will only play a supporting role in our alliance until people have sufficiently developed [Quote] Nice to have your and your Xenomorphs here, Sword and Scale All I have to say is that I consider myself lucky that I am Necrons and have no need to fear your facehuggers [/quote] [Edited on 07.21.2008 4:32 PM PDT]

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  • Xenomorph Horde The Xenomorph Horde is a unique faction. It holds no alliances, but all are nemeses (in a way). It simply feeds. Similar to the Flood, but much more deadly, the Xenomorphs have colonized after a Queen who was floating in space (probably that same one from the first movie) landed and began laying eggs to infest the local fauna on an unknown planet in your solar system. Colonization is still occuring, and when human life arrives, it is very likely this infestation will spread further. [b]Ships:[/b] The Xenomorph faction may only utilize ships which it takes over via infestation. For example, a humanoid faction may arrive on the planet, and become aware of the alien presence. If the Xenomorph is able to infest the ship, than they will continue to move to the planet where the ship is headed. Upon reaching the planet, the infesting Xenomorphs will either kill off the remaining crew, or infect them. [b]Ground Units[/b] 1 Alien Empress (Super-powerful version of the Queen) in gestation 2 Alien Queens 2 Alien Hierarchs (Become Queens if one of the three already alive dies) 15 Stalkers (Very large aliens who are much more powerful, but considerably slower to move. They are also unable to infest ships) 85 Warriors (The average Xenomorph, the height of a Spartan) 170 Runners (Weaker, but much faster aliens) 115 Drones (Xenomorphs that are still dangerous, but are more essential to tending to the Hive, and ensuring the Queens and their Facehuggers are safe) 200 Facehuggers (Produced constantly by the Queens, with a current maximum of 100 per Queen. The Facehugger remains in its egg until there is opportunity for attack, otherwise they die in 5 turns.) [b]Buildings[/b] The Hive (set within a network of caves, and one large chamber) and the surrounding area. The Xenomorphs recognized this area as a good hunting ground, and began breeding and growing in this location. The terrain gives them the upper hand due to their swiftness and stealth amongst the shadows and crevices of [b]Planet 7.[/b] [b]Research/Construction[/b] 1 Alien Empress is currently in her gestation period. In (2) turns she will be born, and vulnerable. In 3 turns (after her birth) she will be fully grown. The Alien Empress is immensely powerful, and is literally a walking WMD. However, she is slow to move, and has no real "super-long range" ability, which sort of removes the need for the long WMD research period. Random colonization outside the caves have become a small breeding ground for more Xenomorphs. In 1 turns, these facehuggers will be the following: 10 Warriors 15 Drones 20 Runners (Let me know if I should adjust my times ^^) [b]Ground Movement[/b] The Xenomorph Horde has no desire to leave the area currently infested at this time. If an encroaching force arrives, they will overrun them and just simply have more food :). Space movement Not available until the arrival of a foreign ship. Base/Facility Locations The Hive is located deep within the depths of the asteroid. Encroaching this area is not a one turn operation due to the terrain in which the Hive is hidden. One must first traverse the asteroid, and then enter the caves in which the Hive has its if they wish to reach its core. The terrain within the cave is inaccessible by larger vehicles (tanks for example). Allies: None Nemeses: All Message to all: "In Space, No One Can Hear You Scream" [b]Important Traits:[/b] Due to the nature of the Xenomorph, and it's lack of allegiance, they are a naturally formidable force to anyone. However, they gain a couple of abilities to counterattack the lack of help from anyone. [i]Increased Forces[/i] Xenomorphs are ravenous hunters, and breeders. They continue to grow exponentially even in harsh conditions. The Xenomorph horde is very difficult to defeat completely due to the nature of their kind. They must be completely obliterated, in order to be gone from the game. Not one facehugger can remain, or the Xenomorph horde will regain their ground. [i]"Acid for Blood"[/i] Aliens have more death to deal once they are killed. A player attacking a large group of aliens, or the Hive itself, will suffer more casualties than if they were facing a normal opponent. Due to their acidic nature, facehuggers are also unremovable. This attribute also makes the Xenomorphs invincible to Flood infection, as the organic material could not enter the body of the Xenomorph. [/i] [i]The Life Cycle[/i] Xenomorphs are a parasite at birth, being implanted in the chest of any organic being they will gestate and emerge quite violently. A chestburster will emerge from the victim of a facehugger attack in 1 turn. However, the size of the creature can dictate the number of turns as well. Exceptionally powerful enemies will take longer to gestate, but will create much more powerful Xenomorphs. There are more dangerous creatures than the Stalker, and those who choose to attack the Hive will reap the consequences of allowing their powerful units to be infected. [Edited on 07.21.2008 5:07 PM PDT]

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  • Your faction:Galactic Empire(Star Wars) Ships: 100 TIE Fighters 25 TIE Interceptors 50 TIE Bombers 12 Tartar Class Light Frigates (Fast, light armament, No hangars, little protection) 5 Acclamator-Class Assault Ships (Slow, heavy armament, medium hangars, medium protection) 5 Nebulon B Class Frigates (Fast, medium armament, medium hangars, little protection) 5 Victory Class Star Destroyers (Medium, medium armament, medium hangars, medium protection) 6 Imperator Class Star Destroyers (Slow, heavy armament, large hangars, massive protection) 1 Executor Class Star Dreadnaught (Medium, heavy armament, large hangars, massive protection) Ground units: 2,500 Stormtroopers 100 Marines 150 Engineers 50 Dark Troopers (Extremely tough cyborg soldiers) 10 R.A.Z.O.R.S. (heavily trained and armored marines) 500 Sabre-Class Repulsor Tanks 500 AT-STs Buildings: 2-bay Space Station 60-Mile Radius Base Barracks Vehicle Factory Basic Landing Zone Advanced Landing Zone Imperial Landing Zone Basic Mines Advanced Mines Maximum Mines Defensive Anti Personnel Minefields Base Shield Generators Finished Research: Shielding Technology (Allows deflector shields to be developed) Nuclear Fission (Allows research of Fission weapons) Basic settlement procedures Advanced Settlement Procedures Total settlement procedures Advanced Mining Anti Personnel Mine Blueprints (Allows productions and deployment of AP mines.) Anti Vehicle Mine Blueprints (Allows productions and deployment of AT mines.) Anti Spacecraft Blueprints (Allows productions and deployment of ASC mines.) Turbolasers (Fires a high power particle beam, doing massive damage to Armor) Ion Cannons (Fires a burst of high energy Ions, doing heavy damage to shields) Walker Gyroscopes (Allows construction of Walkers) Repulsorlifts (Allows construction of Repulsorlift Vehicles) Research: Redundant Systems- 6 turns (Provides resistance to EMP) FTL Sensors-6 turns CGT Sensors-6 turns Gravitational Field Generators-6 turns Construction: (On Standby until Base is established.) 6-bay Space Station- 5 turns Defensive Turbolaser Turrets-2 turns Orbital Turbolaser Platforms- 6 turns Defensive Anti Vehicle Minefields, 8 turns Orbital Anti Spacecraft Minefields, 12 turns Nuclear Materials Mine- 6 turns Sith Temple- 6 turns 1500 Stormtroopers per turn 500 AT-STs per turn 500 Sabre-Class Repulsor Tanks per turn 8 Victory Class Star Destroyers, 1 turn Ground Movement: Troops in concealed defensive positions around base Space movement: Fleets forms defensive position over base. Allies: Alliance of Superpowers Colonials Vasari Necrons Enemies: None Message to all: Colonials: Very well, please alert us when the research is complete. ATTACKABLE

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  • [b][u]Rebel Aliens:[/b][/u] [u]Planet:[/u] [b]Planet 2[/b] [u]Ships:[/u] 1 [url=]Heavy Attack Galley[/url] 10 [url=]PlanetaryAssault Fighters[/url] 2 [url=]RefractorShield Generators[/url] 4 [url=]Reconstruction Drone Ships[/url] 1 [url=]Planetary Defense Carrier[/url] [u]Ground Units:[/u] 85 [url=]Brown Goblins[/url] 17 [url=]Valkalry Spiders[/url] [u]Ground Movement:[/u] Reconstruction Drone Ships Build a center operations base on planet 2 [b]4[/b] [u]Space Movement:[/u] None [u]Buildings:[/u] [url=]Valkalry Spider[/url] Flesh Vats turn out 1 Valkalry Spider [url=]Brown Goblin[/url] Flesh Vats Turn out 5 [url=]Brown Goblins[/url] DiTriDiamond Mine harvests 5 DiTriDiamond Crystals [u]Resources[/u] DiTriDiamond crystals: [b]55[/b] [u]Research[/u] Nuclear Fission [b]Done[/b] [u]Finished Research:[/u] Nuclear Fusion DiTriDiamond Cloning EMP Nuclear Fission [u]Allies:[/u] None [u]Nemeses:[/u] None [u]Message to all:[/u] We mean no harm, but we seek refuge from the Empire Aliens. We will viciously fight to protect any species from annihilation. [b][u]Can be attacked[/b][/u]

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  • [b] Faction: [/b] Necrons (of Warhammer 40K) [b] Ships: [/b] 1 Necron Star Dreadnought 10 Cairn-class Tombships (Battleships) 30 Scythe-class Harvest Ships (Heavy Cruisers) 45 Shroud-Class Cruisers (Anti-Fighter Cruiser) 100 Jackal-Class Raiders (Aggressive Heavy Fighter) 250 Dirge-Class Raiders (really fast Interceptor/Fighter) [b] Ground Units: [/b] 1 Necron Lord 1500 Warriors 750 Immortals 200 Pariahs 200 Flayed Ones 100 Wraiths 100 Tomb Spyders 100 Destroyers 50 Heavy Destroyers 22000 Scarabs in swarm 50 Obelisks 25 Pylons 25 Monoliths 5 Abattoirs [b] Buildings: [/b] Underground Catacomb Labyrinth Base under Planet 6 Crust Tomb Factory (basic Infantry production) Necron Shipyard Necron Scarab Hive (2000 Scarabs per turn) Mortuary Heavy Factory (vehicle production) Repair Sepulchre (building for mass-repairs) Necron Tomb of the Titans Basic Gauss Defenses Necron Anti-Ground Mines Necron Planetary Shielding Necron Planet-side Anti-Ship Cannons Necron Orbital Defense Platforms Necron Orbital Naval Mines [b] Technology: [/b] Advanced Necrodermis Metallurgy (Armor) Advanced Gauss Weaponry Advanced Necron Shielding Advanced Necron Inertia-less Drive Engines Naval Sepulchre (psychological warfare and precision targetting) Naval Scarab Complement Anti-Matter Naval Torpedoes Naval Scarab Special Ordinance Necron Lord Special Wargear Equipment [b] Research: [/b] Necron Enhanced Regeneration (8 turns) All-Unit EMP Shielding (1 turns) Nuclear Fission (1 turns) [b] Construction: [/b] 500 Warriors (5 turns) 250 Immortals (5 turns) 100 Pariahs (5 turns) 100 Flayed Ones (5 turns) 50 Wraiths (5 turns) 50 Tomb Spyders (5 turns) 50 Destroyers (5 turns) 25 Heavy Destroyers (5 turns) 50 Obelisks (4 turns) 25 Pylons (4 turns) 25 Monoliths Obelisks (4 turns) 5 Abattoirs (4 turns) 1 Necron Star Dreadnought (2 turns) 10 Cairn-Class Tombships (2 turns) 25 Scythe-Class Harvest ships (2 turns) 40 Shroud-Class Cruisers (2 turns) 100 Jackal-Class Raiders (2 turns) 250 Dirge-Class Raiders (2 turns) Scarab Swarm of 5 million for Defense (3 turns) [b] Ground Movement: [/b] Construction of Catacomb Base under surface of Planet 6 [b] Space Movement: [/b] None [b] Allies: [/b] Alliance of Superpowers (Colonials, Visari, Empire) [b] Enemies: [/b] None [b] Message to All: [/b] The Necron Faction is extremely powerful and can only be defeated with overwhelming numbers or WMDs. As a result, the Necrons have decided to not directly attack anybody until later into the game, so that people will have had the time to develop numbers enough to combat the Necrons. We will only play a supporting role in our alliance until people have sufficiently developed

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  • Your faction:Galactic Empire(Star Wars) Ships: 100 TIE Fighters 25 TIE Interceptors 50 TIE Bombers 12 Tartar Class Light Frigates (Fast, light armament, No hangars, little protection) 5 Acclamator-Class Assault Ships (Slow, heavy armament, medium hangars, medium protection) 5 Nebulon B Class Frigates (Fast, medium armament, medium hangars, little protection) 5 Victory Class Star Destroyers (Medium, medium armament, medium hangars, medium protection) 2 Imperator Class Star Destroyers (Slow, heavy armament, large hangars, massive protection) 1 Executor Class Star Dreadnaught (Medium, heavy armament, large hangars, massive protection) Ground units: 1,000 Stormtroopers 100 Marines 150 Engineers 50 Dark Troopers (Extremely tough cyborg soldiers) 10 R.A.Z.O.R.S. (heavily trained and armored marines) Buildings: 2-bay Space Station 60-Mile Radius Base Barracks Vehicle Factory Basic Landing Zone Advanced Landing Zone Imperial Landing Zone Basic Mines Advanced Mines Maximum Mines Finished Research: Shielding Technology (Allows deflector shields to be developed) Nuclear Fission (Allows research of Fission weapons) Basic settlement procedures Advanced Settlement Procedures Total settlement procedures Advanced Mining Anti Personnel Mine Blueprints (Allows productions and deployment of AP mines.) Anti Vehicle Mine Blueprints (Allows productions and deployment of AT mines.) Anti Spacecraft Blueprints (Allows productions and deployment of ASC mines.) Turbolasers (Fires a high power particle beam, doing massive damage to Armor) Ion Cannons (Fires a burst of high energy Ions, doing heavy damage to shields) Walker Gyroscopes (Allows construction of Walkers) Repulsorlifts (Allows construction of Repulsorlift Vehicles) Research: Redundant Systems- 7 turns (Provides resistance to EMP) FTL Sensors-7 turns CGT Sensors-7 turns Gravitational Field Generators-7 turns Construction: (On Standby until Base is established.) 6-bay Space Station- 6 turns Shielded base- 1 turns Defensive Turbolaser Turrets-3 turns Orbital Turbolaser Platforms- 7 turns Defensive Anti Personnel Minefields-1 turns Nuclear Materials Mine- 7 turns Sith Temple- 7 turns 1500 Stormtroopers per turn 500 AT-STs per turn 500 Sabre-Class Repulsor Tanks 4 Imperator Class Star Destroyers, 1 turn Ground Movement: Troops in concealed defensive positions around base Space movement: Fleets forms defensive position over base. Allies: Alliance of Superpowers Colonials Vasari Necrons Enemies: None Message to all: [b]Tau[/b]: an alliance would not be in our interests at this time. [b]Colonials[/b]: Very well, please alert us when the research is complete. ATTACKABLE

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  • Your faction: Protoss Planet: Aiur (planet 8) Ships: 1 Mothership 20 Carriers 5 Arbiters 10 Observers 50 Scouts Ground units: 320 Zealots 110 Dragoons 48 Templars 50 Dark Templars 10 Archons 10 Dark Archons (mind control unit) 1 Twilight Archon 5 Immortals 5 Stalkers Stargate: 2 Corsairs (1 turns) 5 Phoenix (2 turns) 2 Warp Rays (2 turns) Gateway: 10 Zealots (3 turns) 5 Dragoons (3 turns) 5 Immortal (3 turns) 5 Stalkers (3 turns) Buildings: Stargate 9 Pylons Nexus Gateway (barracks) Forge Cybernetic Core 5 Shield Batteries 20 Photon Cannons Finished Research: Enhanced Armor lvl 1 Enhanced Weapons lvl 1 Enhanced Shielding lvl 1 Research: Enhanced Armor lvl 2 (6 turns) Ehanced Sheilding lvl 2 (12 turns) Ehanced Weapons lvl 2 (7 turns) Black Hole Ripper (16 turns) Advanced Waroing Tech (4 turns) ~decrease construction and research times~ Construction: 3 Pylon (1 turns) 20 Photon Cannons (5 turns) Citadel of Undun (2 turns) Robotics Facility (3 turns) Ground Movement: Space movement: Allies: Enemies: Message to all:

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  • Colonials offline- I have a humpday to attend.

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  • [b][u]Rebel Aliens:[/b][/u] [u]Planet:[/u] [b]Planet 2[/b] [u]Ships:[/u] 1 [url=]Heavy Attack Galley[/url] 10 [url=]PlanetaryAssault Fighters[/url] 2 [url=]RefractorShield Generators[/url] 4 [url=]Reconstruction Drone Ships[/url] 1 [url=]Planetary Defense Carrier[/url] [u]Ground Units:[/u] 80 [url=]Brown Goblins[/url] 16 [url=]Valkalry Spiders[/url] [u]Ground Movement:[/u] Reconstruction Drone Ships Build a center operations base on planet 2 [b]5[/b] [u]Space Movement:[/u] Reconstruction Drone Ships work on building Reconstruction Drone Ships. One done every 4 turns. [b]Done[/b] [u]Buildings:[/u] [url=]Valkalry Spider[/url] Flesh Vats turn out 1 Valkalry Spider [url=]Brown Goblin[/url] Flesh Vats Turn out 5 [url=]Brown Goblins[/url] DiTriDiamond Mine harvests 5 DiTriDiamond Crystals [u]Resources[/u] DiTriDiamond crystals: [b]50[/b] [u]Research[/u] Nuclear Fission [b]1[/b] [u]Finished Research:[/u] Nuclear Fusion DiTriDiamond Cloning EMP [u]Allies:[/u] None [u]Nemeses:[/u] None [u]Message to all:[/u] We mean no harm, but we seek refuge from the Empire Aliens. We will viciously fight to protect any species from annihilation. [b][u]Can be attacked[/b][/u]

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  • Your faction:Galactic Empire(Star Wars) Ships: 100 TIE Fighters 25 TIE Interceptors 50 TIE Bombers 12 Tartar Class Light Frigates (Fast, light armament, No hangars, little protection) 5 Acclamator-Class Assault Ships (Slow, heavy armament, medium hangars, medium protection) 5 Nebulon B Class Frigates (Fast, medium armament, medium hangars, little protection) 5 Victory Class Star Destroyers (Medium, medium armament, medium hangars, medium protection) 2 Imperator Class Star Destroyers (Slow, heavy armament, large hangars, massive protection) 1 Executor Class Star Dreadnaught (Medium, heavy armament, large hangars, massive protection) Ground units: 1,000 Stormtroopers 100 Marines 150 Engineers 50 Dark Troopers (Extremely tough cyborg soldiers) 10 R.A.Z.O.R.S. (heavily trained and armored marines) Buildings: 2-bay Space Station 60-Mile Radius Base Barracks Basic Landing Zone Advanced Landing Zone Imperial Landing Zone Basic Mines Advanced Mines Maximum Mines Finished Research: Shielding Technology (Allows deflector shields to be developed) Nuclear Fission (Allows research of Fission weapons) Basic settlement procedures Advanced Settlement Procedures Total settlement procedures Advanced Mining Anti Personnel Mine Blueprints (Allows productions and deployment of AP mines.) Anti Vehicle Mine Blueprints (Allows productions and deployment of AT mines.) Turbolasers (Fires a high power particle beam, doing massive damage to Armor) Ion Cannons (Fires a burst of high energy Ions, doing heavy damage to shields) Walker Gyroscopes (Allows construction of Walkers) Repulsorlifts (Allows construction of Repulsorlift Vehicles) Research: Anti Spacecraft Mines-1 turns Redundant Systems- 8 turns (Provides resistance to EMP) FTL Sensors-8 turns CGT Sensors-8 turns Gravitational Field Generators-8 turns Construction: (On Standby until Base is established.) 4-bay Space Station- 1 turns Shielded base- 2 turns Vehicle Factory-1 turns Defensive Turbolaser Turrets-4 turns Orbital Turbolaser Platforms- 8 turns Defensive Anti Personnel Minefields-2 turns Nuclear Materials Mine- 8 turns Sith Temple- 8 turns Ground Movement: 5000 Stormtroopers given to Colonials Troops in concealed defensive positions around base Space movement: Fleets forms defensive position over base. Allies: [u][b]Alliance of Superpowers[/b][/u] Colonials Vasari Necrons Enemies: None Message to all: Tau, an alliance would not be in our interests at this time. Colonials, I accept your proposal, the troops are en route ATTACKABLE [Edited on 07.21.2008 4:01 PM PDT]

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  • [b] Faction: [/b] Necrons (of Warhammer 40K) [b] Ships: [/b] 1 Necron Star Dreadnought 10 Cairn-class Tombships (Battleships) 30 Scythe-class Harvest Ships (Heavy Cruisers) 45 Shroud-Class Cruisers (Anti-Fighter Cruiser) 100 Jackal-Class Raiders (Aggressive Heavy Fighter) 250 Dirge-Class Raiders (really fast Interceptor/Fighter) [b] Ground Units: [/b] 1 Necron Lord 1000 Warriors 500 Immortals 100 Pariahs 100 Flayed Ones 50 Wraiths 50 Tomb Spyders 50 Destroyers 25 Heavy Destroyers 18000 Scarabs in swarm 50 Obelisks 25 Pylons 25 Monoliths 5 Abattoirs [b] Buildings: [/b] Underground Catacomb Labyrinth Base under Planet 6 Crust Tomb Factory (basic Infantry production) Necron Shipyard Necron Scarab Hive (2000 Scarabs per turn) Mortuary Heavy Factory (vehicle production) Repair Sepulchre (building for mass-repairs) Basic Gauss Defenses Necron Anti-Ground Mines Necron Planetary Shielding Necron Planet-side Anti-Ship Cannons Necron Orbital Defense Platforms Necron Orbital Naval Mines [b] Technology: [/b] Advanced Necrodermis Metallurgy (Armor) Advanced Gauss Weaponry Advanced Necron Shielding Advanced Necron Inertia-less Drive Engines Naval Sepulchre (psychological warfare and precision targetting) Naval Scarab Complement Anti-Matter Naval Torpedoes Naval Scarab Special Ordinance Necron Lord Special Wargear Equipment [b] Research: [/b] Necron Enhanced Regeneration (9 turns) All-Unit EMP Shielding (2 turns) Nuclear Fission (2 turns) [b] Construction: [/b] Necron Tomb of the Titans (1 turns) 500 Warriors (1 turns) 250 Immortals (1 turns) 100 Pariahs (1 turns) 100 Flayed Ones (1 turns) 50 Wraiths (1 turns) 50 Tomb Spyders (1 turns) 50 Destroyers (1 turns) 25 Heavy Destroyers (1 turns) 50 Obelisks (5 turns) 25 Pylons (5 turns) 25 Monoliths Obelisks (5 turns) 5 Abattoirs (5 turns) 1 Necron Star Dreadnought (3 turns) 10 Cairn-Class Tombships (3 turns) 25 Scythe-Class Harvest ships (3 turns) 40 Shroud-Class Cruisers (3 turns) 100 Jackal-Class Raiders (3 turns) 250 Dirge-Class Raiders (3 turns) Scarab Swarm of 5 million for Defense (4 turns) [b] Ground Movement: [/b] Construction of Catacomb Base under surface of Planet 6 [b] Space Movement: [/b] None [b] Allies: [/b] Alliance of Superpowers (Colonials, Visari, Empire) [b] Enemies: [/b] None [b] Message to All: [/b] The Necron Faction is extremely powerful and can only be defeated with overwhelming numbers or WMDs. As a result, the Necrons have decided to not directly attack anybody until later into the game, so that people will have had the time to develop numbers enough to combat the Necrons. We will only play a supporting role in our alliance until people have sufficiently developed

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  • Chuck Norris is my reinforcement, he wil be here before the next person posts. I win [/game]

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  • tl;dr

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  • [b]Your faction[/b]:Colonials (Battlestar Galactica) [b]Ships[/b]: 100 Viper Mk Vs 100 Viper Mk VIIs 50 Combat Raptors 10 Cygnus-Class Firestars (Fast, light armament, small hangars, little protection) 5 Defender-Class Battlestars (Slow, heavy armament, medium hangars, medium protection) 5 Strikestar-Class Battlestars (Fast, medium armament, medium hangars, little protection) 5 Tiger-Class Battlestars (Medium, medium armament, medium hangars, medium protection) 5 Columbia-Class Battlestars (Slow, heavy armament, large hangars, massive protection) 2 Mercury-Class Battlestars (Medium, heavy armament, medium hangars, massive protection) [b]Ground units[/b]: 1,000 Marines 150 Pilots 50 R.A.Z.O.R.S. (heavily trained and armored marines) [b]Buildings[/b]: 5-bay Space Station Shielded Base Basic Mines Cygnus-Class Landing Zone Barracks Nuclear Materials Mine Armory [b]Finished Research[/b]: Ship Shielding City-Grade Shielding "Jump" Tech [b]*Instantaneous Travel-by-Ship to Anywhere*[/b] Nuclear Fission Planet-Grade Shielding [b]Research[/b]: Nuclear Fusion- 3 turns Jump Drives for Vipers- 5 turns Hack-proof Computer Networks- 2 turns In-system Ionic Engines- 5 turns Project: VICTORY- 9 turns [b]Construction[/b]: Orbital Super-Shipyard- 9 turns 10,000 Ground-To-Air launchers to protect from space assault- 17 turns Arming Marines and R.A.Z.O.R.S. with high-quality guns and gear- 4 turns Star Dreadnaught-Class modified Jump Drive- 5 turns [b]Ground Movement[/b]: Colonials begin to form an advanced society. [b]Space movement[/b]: JUMP COMPLETE. Fleet orbiting Beta Halo. Vipers sent down to analyze and *POSSIBLY* retrieve anomaly. 1 turn until Vipers return from scanning and retrival. [b]Allies[/b]: Vasari Galactic Empire Necrons [Faction of Superpowers] [b]Enemies[/b]: None [b]Message to all[/b]: [i]GALACTIC EMPIRE[/i]: Very well. It will take us time to construct the modified drive, as well. Expect it in 8 turns. You will have to backwards-engineer any that are not for the Star Dreadnaught class, however. [i]VASARI[/i]: Vasari, we will offer you a modified Jump Drive that will fit one of your ships (you will have to backwards-engineer versions for new ships) if you can provide us with the Access Codes to your Jump Gate Network and one technology that we desire. [i]TAU[/i]: We do not seek an alliance at this time. Perhapsa short time from now we may accept, but for now we must kindly refuse. [i]SCRIN[/i]: Our response to you is the same as our response to the Tau. [Edited on 07.21.2008 3:57 PM PDT]

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  • [b][u]Rebel Aliens:[/b][/u] [u]Planet:[/u] [b]Planet 2[/b] [u]Ships:[/u] 1 [url=]Heavy Attack Galley[/url] 10 [url=]PlanetaryAssault Fighters[/url] 2 [url=]RefractorShield Generators[/url] 3 [url=]Reconstruction Drone Ships[/url] 1 [url=]Planetary Defense Carrier[/url] [u]Ground Units:[/u] 75 [url=]Brown Goblins[/url] 15 [url=]Valkalry Spiders[/url] [u]Ground Movement:[/u] None [u]Space Movement:[/u] Reconstruction Drone Ships work on building Reconstruction Drone Ships. One done every 4 turns. [b]1[/b] [u]Buildings:[/u] [url=]Valkalry Spider[/url] Flesh Vats turn out 1 Valkalry Spider [url=]Brown Goblin[/url] Flesh Vats Turn out 5 [url=]Brown Goblins[/url] DiTriDiamond Mine harvests 5 DiTriDiamond Crystals [u]Resources[/u] DiTriDiamond crystals: [b]45[/b] [u]Research[/u] Nuclear Fission [b]2[/b] [u]Finished Research:[/u] Nuclear Fusion DiTriDiamond Cloning EMP [u]Allies:[/u] None [u]Nemeses:[/u] None [u]Message to all:[/u] We mean no harm, but we seek refuge from the Empire Aliens. We will viciously fight to protect any species from annihilation. [b][u]Can be attacked[/b][/u] [Edited on 07.21.2008 3:54 PM PDT]

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  • Your faction:Galactic Empire(Star Wars) Ships: 100 TIE Fighters 25 TIE Interceptors 50 TIE Bombers 10 Tartar Class Light Frigates (Fast, light armament, No hangars, little protection) 5 Acclamator-Class Assault Ships (Slow, heavy armament, medium hangars, medium protection) 5 Nebulon B Class Frigates (Fast, medium armament, medium hangars, little protection) 5 Victory Class Star Destroyers (Medium, medium armament, medium hangars, medium protection) 2 Imperator Class Star Destroyers (Slow, heavy armament, large hangars, massive protection) 1 Executor Class Star Dreadnaught (Medium, heavy armament, large hangars, massive protection) Ground units: 1,000 Stormtroopers 100 Marines 150 Engineers 50 Dark Troopers (Extremely tough cyborg soldiers) 10 R.A.Z.O.R.S. (heavily trained and armored marines) Buildings: 2-bay Space Station 60-Mile Radius Base Barracks Basic Landing Zone Advanced Landing Zone Imperial Landing Zone Basic Mines Advanced Mines Maximum Mines Finished Research: Shielding Technology (Allows deflector shields to be developed) Nuclear Fission (Allows research of Fission weapons) Basic settlement procedures Advanced Settlement Procedures Total settlement procedures Advanced Mining Anti Personnel Mine Blueprints (Allows productions and deployment of AP mines.) Anti Vehicle Mine Blueprints (Allows productions and deployment of AT mines.) Turbolasers Walker Gyroscopes (Allows construction of Walkers) Research: Ion Cannons- 1 turns Anti Spacecraft Mines-2 turns Repulsorlifts-1 turns Redundant Systems- 9 turns (Provides resistance to EMP) FTL Sensors-9 turns CGT Sensors-9 turns Gravitational Field Generators-9 turns Construction: (On Standby until Base is established.) 4-bay Space Station- 2 turns Shielded base- 3 turns Vehicle Factory-2 turns Defensive Turbolaser Turrets-5 turns Orbital Turbolaser Platforms- 9 turns Defensive Anti Personnel Minefields-3 turns 2 Tartar Class Light Frigates- 1 turns Nuclear Materials Mine- 9 turns Sith Temple- 9 turns 5000 Stormtroopers- 1 turn Ground Movement: Troops secure the base position. Space movement: Fleets forms defensive position over base. Allies: Colonials Vasari Necrons Enemies: None Message to all: Tau, an alliance would not be in our interests at this time. Colonials, I accept your proposal, though it will take a short time to train the troops you requested. Turns until I can be attacked: 1

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  • Your faction: Vasari (Sins of a Solar Empire) Ships: 1 Kortul Devastator (Heavy battleships) 1 Jarrasul Evacuator (Worldships) 50 Skarovas Enforcers (Medium battleships) 10 Stilakus Subverters (Shield-weakening, ultra-precise ftl) 5 Jarun Migrators (Cityships) 25 Junsurak Sentinels (Anti-Fighter Escort) 10 Kanrak Assailants (Long-range combat) 10 Karrastra Destructors (Orbital-bombardment) 30 Jakara Navigators (Stealthed strike-team transport) 100 Ravasta Skirmishers (Light battleships)) All ships carry a compliment of fighters and bombers equivalent to their size. Ground units: NOTE: The Vasari are entirely space-based, and have no ground forces. That is why our starting navy is larger than most. Buildings: Metal and Crystal mines in belt 1 Metal and Crystal Refineries and storage in orbit of Planet 3 Capital Shipyards Phase Jump Docks Ten Fighter/Bomber orbital hangers F/B Shipyards Finished Research: Shielding Shield Modulation (Allows shields to protect more as they're more heavily damaged) Phase Space Manipulation (Allows for further ftl research) Phase Weaponization (Allows all weapons to bypass shields of any ship) Phase Jump Technology (Allows two turn travel to any planet in the system, belts unaffected) Research: Phase Gates (1) Jump drive inhibitors (1) Nanotech building (3) Energy missile tech (2) Construction: Building Network of Orbital Phase Missile Emplacements (8) Building Five hundred fighters and bombers per hanger capacity onto F/BShip (9) Building One hundred Ravasta Skirmishers per five turns capacity onto CShip (4) Building fifty Skarovas Enforcers per five turns Capacity onto CShip (9) Ground Movement: Space movement: Transport drones starting to transport resources. Trade route established. Sending fleet to Planet 3 fin Allies: Alliance of Superpowers [Colonials (Lord Snakie), Necrons (rst7503)] Enemies: Base: In orbit of planet 3 Message to all: ATTACKABLE

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  • [b] Faction: [/b] Necrons (of Warhammer 40K) [b] Ships: [/b] 1 Necron Star Dreadnought 10 Cairn-class Tombships (Battleships) 30 Scythe-class Harvest Ships (Heavy Cruisers) 45 Shroud-Class Cruisers (Anti-Fighter Cruiser) 100 Jackal-Class Raiders (Aggressive Heavy Fighter) 250 Dirge-Class Raiders (really fast Interceptor/Fighter) [b] Ground Units: [/b] 1 Necron Lord 1000 Warriors 500 Immortals 100 Pariahs 100 Flayed Ones 50 Wraiths 50 Tomb Spyders 50 Destroyers 25 Heavy Destroyers 18000 Scarabs in swarm 50 Obelisks 25 Pylons 25 Monoliths 5 Abattoirs [b] Buildings: [/b] Underground Catacomb Labyrinth Base under Planet 6 Crust Tomb Factory (basic Infantry production) Necron Shipyard Necron Scarab Hive (2000 Scarabs per turn) Mortuary Heavy Factory (vehicle production) Repair Sepulchre (building for mass-repairs) Basic Gauss Defenses Necron Anti-Ground Mines Necron Planetary Shielding Necron Planet-side Anti-Ship Cannons Necron Orbital Defense Platforms Necron Orbital Naval Mines [b] Technology: [/b] Advanced Necrodermis Metallurgy (Armor) Advanced Gauss Weaponry Advanced Necron Shielding Advanced Necron Inertia-less Drive Engines [b] Research: [/b] Naval Sepulchre (psychological warfare and precision targetting) (1 turns) Naval Scarab Complement (1 turns) Anti-Matter Naval Torpedoes (1 turns) Naval Scarab Special Ordinance (1 turns) Necron Lord Special Wargear Equipment (1 turns) All-Unit EMP Shielding (3 turns) Nuclear Fission (3 turns) [b] Construction: [/b] Necron Tomb of the Titans (2 turns) 500 Warriors (2 turns) 250 Immortals (2 turns) 100 Pariahs (2 turns) 100 Flayed Ones (2 turns) 50 Wraiths (2 turns) 50 Tomb Spyders (2 turns) 50 Destroyers (2 turns) 25 Heavy Destroyers (2 turns) 50 Obelisks (6 turns) 25 Pylons (6 turns) 25 Monoliths Obelisks (6 turns) 5 Abattoirs (6 turns) 1 Necron Star Dreadnought (4 turns) 10 Cairn-Class Tombships (4 turns) 25 Scythe-Class Harvest ships (4 turns) 40 Shroud-Class Cruisers (4 turns) 100 Jackal-Class Raiders (4 turns) 250 Dirge-Class Raiders (4 turns) Scarab Swarm of 5 million for Defense (5 turns) [b] Ground Movement: [/b] Construction of Catacomb Base under surface of Planet 6 [b] Space Movement: [/b] None [b] Allies: [/b] Colonials, Visari, Empire [b] Enemies: [/b] None [b] Message to All: [/b] The Necron Faction is extremely powerful and can only be defeated with overwhelming numbers or WMDs. As a result, the Necrons have decided to not directly attack anybody until later into the game, so that people will have had the time to develop numbers enough to combat the Necrons. We will only play a supporting role in our alliance until people have sufficiently developed

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  • [b]Your faction[/b]:Colonials (Battlestar Galactica) [b]Ships[/b]: 100 Viper Mk Vs 100 Viper Mk VIIs 50 Combat Raptors 10 Cygnus-Class Firestars (Fast, light armament, small hangars, little protection) 5 Defender-Class Battlestars (Slow, heavy armament, medium hangars, medium protection) 5 Strikestar-Class Battlestars (Fast, medium armament, medium hangars, little protection) 5 Tiger-Class Battlestars (Medium, medium armament, medium hangars, medium protection) 5 Columbia-Class Battlestars (Slow, heavy armament, large hangars, massive protection) 2 Mercury-Class Battlestars (Medium, heavy armament, medium hangars, massive protection) [b]Ground units[/b]: 1,000 Marines 150 Pilots 50 R.A.Z.O.R.S. (heavily trained and armored marines) [b]Buildings[/b]: 5-bay Space Station Shielded Base Basic Mines Cygnus-Class Landing Zone Barracks Nuclear Materials Mine Armory [b]Finished Research[/b]: Ship Shielding City-Grade Shielding "Jump" Tech [b]*Instantaneous Travel-by-Ship to Anywhere*[/b] Nuclear Fission Planet-Grade Shielding [b]Research[/b]: Nuclear Fusion- 4 turns Jump Drives for Vipers- 6 turns Hack-proof Computer Networks- 3 turns In-system Ionic Engines- 6 turns Project: VICTORY- 10 turns [b]Construction[/b]: Orbital Super-Shipyard- 10 turns 10,000 Ground-To-Air launchers to protect from space assault- 18 turns Arming Marines and R.A.Z.O.R.S. with high-quality guns and gear- 5 turns [b]Ground Movement[/b]: Colonials begin to form an advanced society. [b]Space movement[/b]: JUMP COMPLETE. Fleet orbiting Beta Halo. Vipers sent down to analyze and *POSSIBLY* retrieve anomaly. 2 turns until Vipers return from scanning and retrival. [b]Allies[/b]: Vasari Galactic Empire Necrons [b]Enemies[/b]: None [b]Message to all[/b]: [i]GALACTIC EMPIRE[/i]: We are willing to provide you with a modified version of our Jump Drives that will fit one of your Executor-Class Dreadnaughts. It allows for instantaneous travel, but it can't be used more than once every five turns on any ship. You can use this drive to backwards-engineer similar drives for all of your ships so you can travel anywhere instantly, without being able to be tracked. For this, we request 5,000 Stormtroopers to help us man defense on our ships. [i]TAU[/i]: We do not seek an alliance at this time. Perhapsa short time from now we may accept, but for now we must kindly refuse. [i]SCRIN[/i]: Our response to you is the same as our response to the Tau. [i]NECRONS[/i]: Since you do not pose a hazard to our enemies with your non-agression pact, we will have you with our alliance. Welcome to the fold.

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  • [b] Faction: [/b] Necrons (of Warhammer 40K) [b] Ships: [/b] 1 Necron Star Dreadnought 10 Cairn-class Tombships (Battleships) 30 Scythe-class Harvest Ships (Heavy Cruisers) 45 Shroud-Class Cruisers (Anti-Fighter Cruiser) 100 Jackal-Class Raiders (Aggressive Heavy Fighter) 250 Dirge-Class Raiders (really fast Interceptor/Fighter) [b] Ground Units: [/b] 1 Necron Lord 1000 Warriors 500 Immortals 100 Pariahs 100 Flayed Ones 50 Wraiths 50 Tomb Spyders 50 Destroyers 25 Heavy Destroyers 16000 Scarabs in swarm [b] Buildings: [/b] Underground Catacomb Labyrinth Base under Planet 6 Crust Tomb Factory (basic Infantry production) Necron Shipyard Necron Scarab Hive (2000 Scarabs per turn) Mortuary Heavy Factory (vehicle production) Repair Sepulchre (building for mass-repairs) Basic Gauss Defenses Necron Anti-Ground Mines Necron Planetary Shielding Necron Planet-side Anti-Ship Cannons Necron Orbital Defense Platforms Necron Orbital Naval Mines [b] Technology: [/b] Upgraded Necrodermis Metallurgy (armor) Upgraded Gauss Weaponry Upgraded Necron Shielding Upgraded Necron Inertia-less Drive Engines [b] Research: [/b] Advanced Necrodermis Metallurgy (1 turns) Advanced Gauss Weaponry (1 turns) Advanced Necron Shielding (1 turns) Advanced Necron Inertia-less Drive Engines (1 turns) Naval Sepulchre (psychological warfare and precision targetting) (2 turns) Naval Scarab Complement (2 turns) Anti-Matter Naval Torpedoes (2 turns) Naval Scarab Special Ordinance (2 turns) Necron Lord Special Wargear Equipment (2 turns) All-Unit EMP Shielding (4 turns) Nuclear Fission (4 turns) [b] Construction: [/b] Necron Tomb of the Titans (2 turns) 500 Warriors (3 turns) 250 Immortals (3 turns) 100 Pariahs (3 turns) 100 Flayed Ones (3 turns) 50 Wraiths (3 turns) 50 Tomb Spyders (3 turns) 50 Destroyers (3 turns) 25 Heavy Destroyers (3 turns) 50 Obelisks (1 turns) 25 Pylons (1 turns) 25 Monoliths Obelisks (1 turns) 5 Abattoirs (1 turns) 1 Necron Star Dreadnought (5 turns) 10 Cairn-Class Tombships (5 turns) 25 Scythe-Class Harvest ships (5 turns) 40 Shroud-Class Cruisers (5 turns) 100 Jackal-Class Raiders (5 turns) 250 Dirge-Class Raiders (5 turns) Scarab Swarm of 5 million for Defense (6 turns) [b] Ground Movement: [/b] Construction of Catacomb Base under surface of Planet 6 [b] Space Movement: [/b] None [b] Allies: [/b] Colonials, Visari, Empire [b] Enemies: [/b] None [b] Message to All: [/b] The Necron Faction is extremely powerful and can only be defeated with overwhelming numbers or WMDs. As a result, the Necrons have decided to not directly attack anybody until later into the game, so that people will have had the time to develop numbers enough to combat the Necrons. We will only play a supporting role in our alliance until people have sufficiently developed [Edited on 07.21.2008 3:27 PM PDT]

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