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7/19/2008 1:26:55 AM

Bungie Weekly Update: 7/18/08

It's Friday yet again! Hooray? [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=14814] click for full story [/url]

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  • Kinda a pointless update, but whatever. I wanna see more about the big changes coming to Halo 3. Because right now, Halo 3 isn't much worth playing anymore. Halo 2 still beats it by a longshot.

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  • Haha, wow..I can't beleive even Marty was in on this thread. He's like the Bungie Godfather. He'll score you a game you can't refuse.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Icon 1067B My guess at the details of the update: [...] Hippo in bottom of Poster = Reunion with Wideload. I hope.[/quote] ummm... Have you played Wideload's games? They're funny as hell, but the gameplay doesn't deliver. Go download the demo for 'Hail to the Chimp'... you'll have nightmares. But the WL symbol is there, so... hmmm... what could it mean?

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  • [quote]In response to [b][i]The Waffle King[/b][/i]:[/quote] Damn straight man, tell it like it is. [Edited on 07.18.2008 11:06 PM PDT]

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  • I heart bungie as well.

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  • [b][u]What Could Have Been.[/u][/b] [u]An open letter to those disappointed/frustrated with the update[/u] Dear aggravated reader, I hope you are able to swim through your ocean of arrogance and read this letter. I will get right down to the point. Stop blaming Bungie for everything. You have been -blam!-ing and whining for hours now, about how brief of a Weekly Update there was. It is not Bungie's fault in any way whatsoever. Microsoft was the publisher who pulled the plug on the announcement, not to mention the follow-up conference that Bungie would have had, if you don't know that by know. Microsoft. Not Bungie. Bungie had all of the preparations made. They were completely ready. Unfathomably excited, too. They were obviously caught off-guard with this whole thing, and it must have felt pretty damn bad to be used by Microshaft the way that they were. Envision a mile-high tower of glinting diamonds and gold constructed, then swiftly blown up from the base. Where am I going with this? It should be apparent by now. Imagine if everything went perfectly. If Microsoft [i]wasn't[/i] the king of all money-grubbing attention whores that it is. Let's say the announcement goes on, Sony and Nintendo are blown out of the water. The Bungie follow-up conference follows, showing the masterpiece that they have only just revealed to the world. Then comes Friday, and with it one of [i]the[/i] best damn Weekly Updates ever on So much text, that they need to add an entirely new page for the article. All of us are extremely auspicious after reading it, and can't ask for more. My point is, it is NOT Bungie's fault that this update is so concise. They didn't cancel the announcement which lead to this. Stop giving the employees of Bungie Studios crap. They do not deserve it. Let me re-phrase that, we don't deserve them. They have sweat, bled, and possibly even urinated a little bit to prepare all of this. We the fans have waited months for this, how hard would it be to wait another month at minimum? Any fan would go that far. Any [i]true[/i] fan at least. —The Waffle King Bungie, you guys are amazing and immensely talented. Keep up the good work, and I can't wait to see what you have in store for us over the next few months. I less than three you guys. Srsly. [Edited on 07.18.2008 11:10 PM PDT]

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  • Bungie. I love you. Edit: Whilst disappointed, we here should support Bungie and stop ranting; as said before, they are as upset as we are about pulling the plug on the announcement. How can we feel better about this? Simple: 1) Show our continued support. 2) Play some Halo while you wait. 3) Keep pestering Luke for those steaks he owes us. And that's just a few of the many things we can do. Here's a fun game. Dump your girlfriend, then try to see if you can go out with her best friend [i]before[/i] the announcement. Then when the announcement comes, dump her too so you can talk and gossip about the announcement and sulk in the what I'm sure will be absolute bliss. [Edited on 07.18.2008 11:02 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Blizzcut Like i said, Theres no way that they will release it to other consoles, not to shatter your hopes but thats a legitimate contract that they have with Bungie.[/quote] Who said anything about Halo? For all we know the jar could have shattered and they're finally gonna put out "Owt Gnop". [i]-edited out redundancy[/i] [Edited on 07.18.2008 10:56 PM PDT]

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  • All right, everyone complaining needs to chill the glomp out. They just said its so close you can feel its warmth on your cheek as you sleep, or something like that. E3 is big, but its not the only big gaming convention. I wouldn't even be surprised if the announcement comes before the end of this month. And besides, once you people know what it is, you're gonna be in more of a sorry state as you try to whittle info out of Bungie week after week, while patient members find a nice game in matchmaking with their friends. You're better off right now, before they release any information. You just don't know it yet. You'll see. You'll all see... I thought weekly was pretty cool update. Eh shows big picture, and doesn't afraid of anything.

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  • Like i said, Theres no way that they will release it to other consoles, not to shatter your hopes but thats a legitimate contract that they have with Bungie.

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  • I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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  • it's a mad world... mad world.... mad world..... lol

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  • Yes that is correct there is no way in hell or highwater that Microsoft will allow Bungie to release a Halo game to any other ports out there, its an exclusive Xbox 360 Title.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Icon 1067B My guess at the details of the update: Blue-Ray comment = Next title will be on PS3. More than likely multiple consoles. Possibly PC, and if so then definatly Mac. Hippo in bottom of Poster = Reunion with Wideload. I hope, I hope. "There is [i]still[/i] another" = Do they have 3 eyes and cybernetic pets? If they do I may have an idea where you're going with this one. Sorry to hear about what happened at E3. I know you guys were limited in what you could do when you split from Microsoft, and signing on with a diffrent publisher was more than likely not possible. I've never liked Microshaft myself and was nearly in tears the day the announcement was made with a blue bar in Myth 2. I've stuck with you though an you haven't disappointed. Your real fans love you dearly for all the work you do for us. It looks like things are going to be a little bit rocky for a while, but I'm sure you'll weather the storm. We should all just keep in mind, "The path to retribution does make for strange bedfellows."[/quote] Microsoft has the publishing rights to Halo. That means that the next "Halo game" will probably only be for the 360, and possibly the PC. They only mentioned Blu Ray because it is now the dominant HD format and looks really good. Thinking that is signaling what consoles Bungie will release their next game on is absurd. [Edited on 07.18.2008 10:44 PM PDT]

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  • Hello Bungie. First I like to say that it must be a H U G E bummer going to E3 knowing you have awesome news to announce to the world and then just like that, it's all ruined. My heart goes out to you. And second, to me, this only means that this was going to be an annoucement of epic proportions! I mean think about it for a second. Whoever the publisher is did not want this news out just yet. I'm sure with very good reasons. And third!! Bungie you sneaky devils. I can't believe there is three, yes three projects in the works!! Oh I almost know one of them has to be a RTS of something. Atleast I can only hope so. Rest assured, there are multiple machinations afoot at Bungie, one is so close you can feel its familiar warmth on your cheek while you sleep; another so far off and foreign that like a faint star in deep space, you can only look to the heavens as its light speeds ever closer. Lo, there is still another.

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  • I for one was not impressed by the update as well, I mean i can understand they can only tell us so much, but for them to bring up the massive amount of hypes and then bring it down like a hammer quite enraged a lot of us loyal Halo fans, But now the only thing we can do is wait and see if they give us any more interesting information. I love Bungie!

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  • This update was pretty empty. The only significant knowledge gained, is my personal discovery of the "Brown Note"

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  • My guess at the details of the update: Blue-Ray comment = Next title will be on PS3. More than likely multiple consoles. Possibly PC, and if so then definatly Mac. Hippo in bottom of Poster = Reunion with Wideload. I hope, I hope. "There is [i]still[/i] another" = Do they have 3 eyes and cybernetic pets? If they do I may have an idea where you're going with this one. Sorry to hear about what happened at E3. I know you guys were limited in what you could do when you split from Microsoft, and signing on with a diffrent publisher was more than likely not possible. I've never liked Microshaft myself and was nearly in tears the day the announcement was made with a blue bar in Myth 2. I've stuck with you though an you haven't disappointed. Your real fans love you dearly for all the work you do for us. It looks like things are going to be a little bit rocky for a while, but I'm sure you'll weather the storm. We should all just keep in mind, "The path to retribution does make for strange bedfellows."

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  • interesting, 3 halo games in the oven, 1 almost done, another half done, and another far far away from being done. GO BUNGIE!

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  • Three projects, eh? Nice work guys!! Luke, I don't know if you'll read this or not, but I had to throw you some props. No one else seemed to catch it. "[i]We feel pretty confident that this piece of history would’ve been an awesome fit in an E3 Lineup; [b]but we read on the Internet that sometimes there just isn't time to fit everything in.[/b][/i]" I laughed so hard I peed a little. Well done. :-)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] flyhippy Who determines what you can anouce and when you can do it?[/quote]Judging by Monday's shenanigans, I'd have to say the publishers do.

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  • Who determines what you can anouce and when you can do it?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Marty the Elder Well, good night everyone. I gotta get back to cutting up some new dialog. Oops, did I just say that?[/quote] You just made my day and it has only been 13 minutes since it started. Central time.

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  • thanks to all the bungie employees that have created this weekly update and thanks for the tease :) Hang in their bungie, you guys worked so hard to make this announcement for your fellow fans and yet some dont appreciate all this trouble u guys have done for us. -best regards

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Marty the Elder Well, good night everyone. I gotta get back to cutting up some new dialog. Oops, did I just say that?[/quote] If your wife doesn't confirm it, it isn't true. Godspeed, ubermensch of the audio ... [Edited on 07.18.2008 9:57 PM PDT]

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  • Lo, there is still another. What is this "other" that they are speaking of? Another game, map pack, announcement? Anyone else catch this?

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