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Edited by Manslice7: 1/5/2015 4:26:26 PM

New Legendary Upgrade System

Had an idea floating around in my head that I thought would be worth sharing. Legendaries from unique sources (raids, Iron Banner, Trials of Osiris, etc) should be upgradable. I know the usual arguments against this...hear me out. Let's use a proposed upgrade system for Vault of Glass gear as an example of the system. 1. VoG will continue to drop 30 Light armor and 300 Attack weapons as long as it maxes at level 30. 2. Because it is unique legendary gear, it has an additional upgrade tier on it's perk tree that can be unlocked to raise it to 36 Light/331 Attack, respectively. 3. HOWEVER, in order to open up that upgrade tier, you need upgrade materials that can only be obtained from Crota's End. 4. The upgrade material could only be obtained by breaking down a raid item of the same type: i.e. you receive a "331 Raid Weapon Core" for breaking down a Crota's End weapon or a "36 Raid Armor Core" from a Crota's End armor piece (yes I know the names are dumb, call them what you want). Likely you will want to have tighter control over how upgrades happen, so it could be a "331 Primary Raid Weapon Core" or even a "331 Raid Scout Rifle Core". This will prevent situations where a VoG primary weapon could be upgraded to 331 without having to do Crota hard mode, etc. 5. This upgrade system can grow with each DLC to allow legendaries to always be at the top of the power curve, but of course only by conquering the new content to complete the upgrade. Now for a specific example: You currently own a Fatebringer. You are running Crota's End hard mode once it comes out in January and you loot Word of Crota, the new raid hand cannon. You are now presented with a choice: keep your 331 Word of Crota and level it up, or break it down and obtain a weapon core to upgrade Fatebringer to 331. Of course once you unlocked the new damage tree you need all the usual xp and materials to get Fatebringer to 331. You could also eventually end up with both hand cannons at 331 if you loot Word of Crota multiple times. The benefits: 1. All raids (or PvP events) from all parts of the game are always viable. The gear and weapon have unique perks and always have the potential to be upgraded to the top of the power curve. 2. Gear and weapons that players become attached to never become obsolete. 3. The newest raid must be conquered to get old gear up to the top. The work required to get a 331 Fatebringer is EXACTLY the same as that required for a 331 Word of Crota. 4. As the game grows, rather than erasing weapon and gear options, they are multiplied as more upgradable weapons become available. 5. Player progress is NEVER erased. I actually prefer this to the idea of releasing a higher level Vault of Glass and making us re-loot all the same weapons and gear all over again. The drawbacks: None, IMHO Bump if you like it. To all those who want to respond with "blah blah blah WoW worked like it does currently, just accept it"...why can't we come up with a better advancement system than WoW? EDIT: Wow thanks to everyone for all the feedback and responses! Very encouraged by all the support! Keep those replies coming so this stays at the top and hopefully a good seed is planted with Bungie!

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