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11/16/2014 5:46:54 AM

CoD Question

I picked CoD: AW up after not playing it for quite a few days. I'm a decent player, most game I go over a 1.0, but recently I have been having trouble. I don't camp, don't dropshot, don't crouch around corners, don't spawn camp, or do anything that I would consider cheap. I mostly rely on my reflexes. I usually win the first shot when coming around corners, but still somehow die more often then I should. I've noticed in the kill cam sometimes that it will not register shots on them, but I will get hit markers in-game, or that an enemy is way farther away from where I was actually shooting at them from. I don't have crappy Internet, and this game is the only game that I have experienced these problems in. Is this just server lag? One of my questions is about aim-bots in CoD. It seems that I always get into a game where I see someone who I think might have an aim-bot or a modded controller. Am I just being paranoid or is this extremely common. I often have someone aiming the complete opposite direction, only to have them suddenly turn around to where I am coming from, wait until I pop around the corner, and by that time they are already shooting and I don't know what the heck just happened. Or my last game where a guy went 14-3 before anyone else had 5 kills. He would just run through the halls and right before someone popped around a corner, he was shooting at their heads. And don't say UAV. I'm using the Low Profile perk that makes me invisible to UAV.

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