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Edited by A Tiny Hedgehog: 10/26/2014 9:19:13 PM

Special Weapons, mainly Fusion Rifles and Shotguns.

[b]Note:[/b] This is not complaining that so-and-so needs a nerf cause I die from them too much. This is more of a this shit is too unbalanced. Could be the same thing in your books, but different in mine. [b]Note 2:[/b] This is a long read. Best read when on toilet. [b]Disclaimer:[/b] I am in no way responsible if you drop your phone/laptop in the toilet somehow while reading this. Alright. I've had enough of this. Crucible is crawling with people running around with special weapons as primary weapons. People complained about the shotguns having too much range, when over half of them had absolute garbage range in the first place. They get nerfed and now about 85% of the players I see in the Crucible are using their fusion rifles as a primary. I'm aware of the exotic fusion rifle that can be equipped as a primary, but like 70% of the kills I see are from fusion rifles (rest being like 5% derpsmash/nuke/bladescrub, 5% primary guns and then 20% melee/grenades (these aren't real statistics mind you, just from what I see in my games)), this is just goddamn ridiculous now. I'm not complaining about fusion rifles. I use them and I love them. Shotguns weren't that great in the first place in PvE. If they were close enough to shotgun, I just smashed their face in with my fist instead. I use a fusion rifle for my special weapon because they were good shield killers and almost one-shot everything that wasn't a boss for a good distance (two if shield + ultra). Only place I used a shotgun was in PvP. The only problem to this is that fusions have the same effect in PvP, but stronger - takes down shield and also pretty much one shots you depending on how good the user is. In most cases, it's a one shot, if not a grenade/melee kill to finish. This is from up close and personal to almost normal AR range. And since shotguns got nerfed, I find my shotguns getting outgunned by fusion rifles when I'm literally right. in. their. face. nose. to. nose. Granted, both my shotguns (Invective and Comedian) aren't full upgraded yet so their damage output isn't maxed, but that shouldn't matter too much when we're supposed to be in the shotgun combat range. Even at father ranges, if I'm not sniping at them with a scout or sniper, AR users can get wrecked by a fusion rifle person as well. I'm all down with however people want to play. They can camp, bumrush, pretend this is CoD/Halo, they can use whatever guns they want. But the PvP in this game is too unbalanced. Most of you know that. That's probably why you're using the Fusion Rifle when it's a good time to. Keeps you alive and kills the target quickly. But this is also why we need a better balance for these guns. When your special weapon is out-performing your primary gun, what's the point of having them in the PvP area to begin with? Special weapons feels like they're the weapons you go to when you're in a tight spot where your primary gun wouldn't do the trick. Up close and personal - Shotgun Right in the middle - Assault Rifles Far away but not too far - Scout Rifles Way to flipping far away/across the map - Sniper But where's fusion rifles in that list? If you've used the fusion rifle yourself, you will know fusion rifles work in CQC to almost, if not a bit father than, AR range (I can't say for sure since I can't hit a moving, unpredictable player with a full burst for the life of me). In PvE fusion rifles are mostly used for ripping shields away or for ultras (from what I see in strikes and missions). By that logic, fusion rifles would be best used for when anyone gets an extra shield or some sort of buff to their health(ie. reviving in Skirmish, Defender Titans, Bladedancer, whatever the Warlocks have that gives them shield, etc). They probably are useful in those situations, but they are also just straight up used as long as the person isn't too far away for the burst to miss. At this point, you're probably asking how long I'm going to go on for. I can probably throw facts at your face for a couple more paragraphs but I'll get to the point. We need some sort of balancing for these guns. Snipers seem fine where they are. If you're aware of your surroundings, you will notice when someone is aiming at you (red dot that's bloody hard to miss). Shotguns seem like their range good dropped way to much. I don't know how much they changed it but when a person is in shotgun range, I get killed by a guy living by 1mm of HP. Or I only knock their shield down to half (most of the time). Fusion Rifles are the problem here since most of the community uses them, PvE/PvP, including myself. If not done right, shit will hit the fan. Imo, the change to it should be something along the lines of a bigger spread, or lowering the range down to right in-between shotgun and AR range. The charge speed could change, but it seems like they're at a good time for it so best not. The thing they shouldn't change is the fact that fusion rifles can rip through shields like butter. I could see them having the option to have fusion rifles always take down the shield of a guardian - be it a double layer or not. I don't know, I'm not a game developer/designer. [b]TL;DR/Overall Question:[/b] Do you think Fusion Rifles are too OP? Do you think they're perfectly balanced? Are you satisfied by the balance of the guns? What would you change? Do you want Bungie to change anything? Do you think that I'm just being a noobscrub and I should just throw my copy of Destiny and my console out the window? Discuss Guardians.

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